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Dating Tips For Older People On A Type Budget

Older people who want to date may face a problem

By CEAPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

If you are older now, yet you still want to date, you may want to do so every day. However, you may be faced with a problem regarding the amount of money that you have available to take someone out on a proper date. This is a common concern that many people have. They often think they have to take someone out to a very fancy place in order to have a good time. However, that is not something that needs to be done, at least not initially, as you are looking for that special someone. The following information will help you understand how you can date, if you are older, and on a tight budget.

Where Can You Take People On A Budget?

If you think about how most dates start, it is typically with a meeting at a restaurant. However, you don't have to go to a special location that is fancy. You could meet at a local coffee shop, get to know this person, and it's only going to cost you a few dollars. Subsequent to that, if you like this individual, you can go out to dinner. You can pick a restaurant that is middle-of-the-road, which simply means it serves great food at a fair price, and they will be very happy with that type of situation.

Go On A Road Trip

One of the best ways that you can get to know somebody is to take them on a road trip. It doesn't have to go very far. For example, if you are a couple hours from the ocean, and both of you like to go out on the beach, this would be a great way to break the proverbial ice. Another possibility is that you could drive up into the woods. You are likely near one of the national forests, or perhaps a national Park where you could spend a day together getting to know each other. The drive there, and the drive back, will also provide you with the time that you need to understand a little more about each other.

Go On A Walk

Finally, if you are on a very tight budget, going on a walk will work at least initially. There are only so many places that you can go, unless of course both of you drive to different destinations. Going on a walk is a very safe thing to do. It is typically in a public area. Both of you will feel comfortable in the midst of people that you don't know that won't have any way to judge you.

These are just a few ideas for older people that would like to go on a date with individuals if they are on a budget. Whether you decide to go to a restaurant, go hiking, fishing, run on the beach, or just go on a walk, it should work just fine. These are very inexpensive ideas that you can use to get to know several different people until you find the person that you want to be with. It really is that easy to find individuals that you can date without having to spend a lot of money.

We've all seen it - an older man walking around hand in hand with a much younger woman (and vice versa).

Most people usually have one of three reactions to this sight.

Admiration. They think, "Man, that guy is cool to do that."

Disgust. They think, "Shame on them. People should be dating people their age."

Ambivalence. They don't think about anything at all.

If you're in the first group, or if you just think age shouldn't affect who you date, then I have some advice for you.

1. don't pretend to win someone over.

Okay, so you've decided that you want to date someone older or much younger. What to do?

The key is to find someone willing to do the same thing. If that's the case, then there's no point in tricking them into liking you.

So don't worry about pretending to like Taylor Swift or John F. Kennedy to try to impress someone.

2. Don't be discouraged by haters.

Some people think it's wrong to date people who are very different in age. Beautiful. Let them date people in the same grade.

As for you, feel free to play by your own rules.

"Do what makes you happy, even if

It means confronting others."

You can always find people who like the same things.

No matter how strange, different or outrageous your preferences are, I promise you, there is always someone who likes the same things.

This is also true for large age differences. It's up to you to find that person.

4. be inspired by your favorite celebrity.

Jerry Seinfeld is 21 years older than his wife. Andy Griffith is 30 years older than he is. Fred Astaire? Forty-four years old.

I know I know. You worry that the only reason these celebrities can do this is that they're rich and famous. That helps, but it's not necessary.

There are plenty of ordinary people who have done the same thing.

5. do what makes you happy.

So you're just considering not being with someone very different in age because of what other people think? You're shameless.

Do what makes you happy, even if it means going against the advice of your friends, therapist, or mom.

Would you stay with someone who wasn't right for you just to please someone else? Come on! I hope not.

Have you ever dated someone significantly older or younger? How did it work out? What advice can you offer to men in similar situations?


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A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

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