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Dancing with Myself: A Journey to Self-Love and Health

Finding joy in unexpected places: how my passion for food led me to the dance floor

By Evan BrownPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
Dancing with Myself: A Journey to Self-Love and Health
Photo by Diego Rosa on Unsplash

All my life I've been wrestling with two paradoxical traits within me: an intense love for food, and an equally fervent aversion to exercise. The result, as one can imagine, was an ongoing struggle with my weight, my self-esteem and my overall health. It was on a particularly gloomy Tuesday, as I stared at my reflection in the department store's changing room mirror, that I knew something had to give. The word "large" on the tag stared back at me like a jester smirking at my own tragicomic existence.

Suddenly, I remembered a conversation I had with my father during my teenage years. We were on our annual road trip, and I had just polished off my second bag of chips. He looked at me with affection and concern in his eyes, saying, "Remember, my son, too much of anything isn't good, even if it's something you love. Balance is key."

As I stared at myself now, those words rang in my ears. I needed balance. I needed exercise, but how does one grow to love something they have always detested?

That evening, as I sat slumped on my couch, half-heartedly flipping through TV channels, I stumbled upon a documentary. The title, "Dancing: The Ultimate Workout", intrigued me. The idea was whimsical, bordering on absurd, and yet something about it pulled me in. The screen was filled with people of all shapes and sizes, dancing their hearts out, their faces radiating joy and exhilaration.

The absurdity of it all made me chuckle, but something else was happening too. I found myself gradually bobbing my head to the rhythm, tapping my feet to the beat, and even before I knew it, I was standing up and swaying. And the most surprising part? I was having fun.

Over the next few weeks, I started to explore different dance forms, from Zumba to salsa, from jazz to hip-hop. I felt like a child again, awkward yet gleeful. I laughed at my own clumsy attempts to follow the steps, and slowly but surely, I began to fall in love with movement.

In addition to this new joy, the topic of body image began to surface more frequently in my conversations. In a world so obsessed with perfection, I had, like so many others, been caught up in the trap of seeking an unattainable ideal. But as I danced, I realized that every body is a good body if it's loved and taken care of.

But the most significant discovery I made was the link between exercise and mental health. The more I danced, the more I felt a sense of liberation and inner peace. I realized that exercise wasn't a punishment for my love of food; it was a celebration of my body's abilities.

As the months rolled by, my weight began to stabilize, my self-esteem soared, and I found myself more at peace. I had not only learnt to dance but had also discovered a more profound respect for my body and its capabilities. I had found balance, just like my father had suggested all those years ago.

Today, as I gaze into the mirror in that same department store's changing room, I see a different person. The tag on my clothes still reads "large", but it no longer defines me. My reflection beams back at me with confidence and acceptance, and I can't help but chuckle at the irony. The very thing I had always detested has become my source of joy, strength and self-love.

So here's to everyone struggling with their love for food, their weight, or anything else for that matter. Remember, the journey of self-discovery is seldom a straight road. It's filled with detours, roadblocks, and unexpectedadventures. But it’s these detours that make the journey worthwhile. We find unexpected reservoirs of strength, hidden pockets of joy, and most importantly, we learn to love ourselves a little more with each passing day.

I now understand that the scales don't measure happiness, and the size on the tag doesn't determine worth. Our bodies are remarkable, resilient, and capable of far more than we give them credit for. Love them, nurture them, and most importantly, have a dance with them every once in a while. You'll be surprised at the joy it brings.

As I check myself out in the mirror one last time, doing a little salsa move, I burst into laughter, my reflection mimicking me perfectly. It is a moment of triumph, of acceptance, and of transformation. Here's to many more dances, many more laughs, and a whole lot more love! And remember, my dear readers, a good dance is always just a beat away.

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About the Creator

Evan Brown

Adventurer at heart, writer by trade. Exploring life's complexities through humor, controversy, and raw honesty. Join me on my journey to unlock the extraordinary in the everyday.

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