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Bottled In Love

By Amos WaterburyPublished 3 years ago 23 min read
“Where Merlot Began love grew”

A Love Story: Part 1

The Encounter

After the dawn Kyle knew he had blown it. His morning personal time was announced by the sound of energy and no time for relaxing.

“Beep” “Beep” “Beep!”

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the coffee pot summoned as Kyle Edward’s hurried to his feet and complained,

“Where are my dang slippers?”

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Morning had come to early for him. It felt more like a weekend than a Monday, but nevertheless Kyle had to grind away at the office, however He much enjoyed his work and nothing could change that. Today he would be meeting with a prized client about investment holdings for J&J Stock Brokers. Stepping out back amongst the garnished porches lined with various plants, Kyle made his way to the front of his abode.

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“Good Morning Mrs. Schmitty, I can’t talk long ‘cause the office calls, but how are you?” Kyle said as he welcomed the beautiful day to his neighbor, while grabbing the morning paper.

Mrs. Schmitty had moved to New York back in ‘89 and had retired in ‘09, but she never lost her joy and every neighbor including Kyle knew they could count on her for any wisdom. She heard Kyle echo her name across the street.

“Well now, who is that handsome man who looks a little under dressed for the office and how are you? As for me I’m just as chipper as a bird in spring” Mrs. Schmitty acknowledged chuckling.”

Kyle then beside himself at her comment, replied laughing, knowing she knew exactly who it was.

“Well he’s doing fine and haven’t you ever gone to the office and never left? I figure this just saves me some time.”

Mrs. Schmitty couldn’t believe it, Kyle had been just as corny back in High School as he was now. She, though not by choice, was Kyle’s math teacher in kindergarten and through some strange turn of events, became his teacher in high school as well. They had a strong bond and Kyle chose this specific stock firm to be in the same neighborhood as her. Mrs. Schmitty was a great teacher, however to Kyle she was more of a second grandma.

“Well Mrs. Schmitty tell Mr. Schmitty I said hello and remember, if you ever need anything I’m right here and you have my number,” said Kyle closing as he continued on his way for work.

Smiling Mrs. Schmitty returned inside and Kyle made his way to the coffee which awaited him in the kitchen.

Kyle poured himself some fresh brew for the road as any time for a leisure cup of coffee had expired. He thought he had set that morning’s alarm to 07:00 am but, after investigating, Kyle assumed somehow it had malfunctioned and am now became pm. Kyle was convinced every morning had it in for him then he remembered some have it worse. Shifting his focus as his Dad, encouraged him many times, Kyle changed out of his pajamas like a cheetah in the races and dressed in his business fancies. This included a tie because Kyle unlike most men could tie it in less than 10 seconds without looking. Perhaps this is why Lauren, his sweetheart became his girlfriend. He then pulled his blue and grey plaid shirt from the closet and made his way to the car.

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Kyle had not been late a single time since he started at J&J and as for today he wasn’t about to start. Quickly making his way to his Mercedes Benz convertible, he threw his briefcase and computer in the back seat then fired up the forest green hot rod with an interior fit for a king.

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The morning of this week for Kyle was eventful thus far, however nature’s beauty and sound amidst a New York City landscape hadn’t changed his bright disposition. Fifteen minutes from the interstate and some turns later Kyle would be at his destination doing what he loved. J&J deemed this route the stock exchange as a fun pun for the businesses they were in. Until then, Kyle had to battle the stoplight monster which every morning tested his patient meter.

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“Come on how long do we have to wait for one freaking car, REALLY?

In reality there was more than one car and there had to be, because something would be wrong with New York if this were the case. Kyle wanted to arrive to work on time so stoplights were a huge inconvenience for him, this also undoubtedly caused his reasoning to be slightly off kilter.

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He sure had an exchange of looks from the others cars waiting, but by now it had become another revolving occurrence so what was new he thought. Of course Kyle never realized when he purchased a convertible it would be an issue. He really didn’t have any trouble knowing people could hear him, especially today. He saw it as a way to shed light on the others poor existence. It really turned Kyle’s eye when he noticed the amount of people homeless or less fortunate.

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Even he knew of comforts some were estranged to but, even a glass of Merlot couldn’t be had when his dad first began his preaching. Kyle then began to silently pray that somehow these people would come to know a better life.

Coming to the next stoplight among the busy streets of NYC, Kyle noted something looked a little strange about his middle compartment. A carton of eye lash extensions and make up were arranged haphazardly along with his VUSE vape mod and custom wood pens.

“I never have used makeup my whole life or had many girls in this car,” Kyle mused to himself. Attracting strange looks from the passerby’s he decided continuing his thoughts silently would be best. Nevertheless he, perplexed by the whole issue sent his mind down a slippery road, one that he had once tred before.

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Had he been victimized of letting Laura his girl use his newly refurbished Mercedes? He had let her borrow it the night before because He had thrown a party at J&J’s party room used for employees birthdays and business meetings. Last night however, no business meeting or birthday party were the occasion. Kyle had thrown a party to celebrate being promoted in the company just after two weeks of joining. Since a promotion hardly ever occurs at most firms or business alike hastfully, He felt a party would be perfect.

Recalling a conversation with Lauren about 8 pm after the party started, Kyle tried putting all the pieces together like the Sherlock Holmes he was.

It had only been the night before, but through the crazy music and flashing lights of glamor it all came back to him in a flash. Lots of people surrounded the room where the diamond crystal ball hung above the crowd and one of the coworkers who was a Latino, put on a dance show with her drinking glass in hand. Somewhere from the crowd, he could hear a voice which he only presumed, but usureed himself it was the voice of his girlfriend.

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“Hey hun looks like you may have missed the amount of drinks for this party, because from the looks of it we’ll be here awhile,” Lauren commented as she sat gazing at her love boat, her blonde hair blowing in her face. He hadn’t been wrong, Lauren’s voice to him was never mistaken especially when she wanted him to hear her opinion. She wasn’t spoiled, but might as well been. Kyle often wondered if she could possibly be a princess, but no one of royalty would go for a messed up guy like himself. Anyways her opinion didn’t harm his good looks which she admitted gave her much pleasure. For him her beauty could not be bought either. How did he become blessed with beauty beyond compare, he thought as he looked on her eyes glistening like an Angel, hair blowing in her face.

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“Did I tell you, I am a lucky man darling?” Kyle could see her smiling, but also noticed that look she gave when the subject at hand was more pressing than her natural beauty.

“So what I’m hearing is the night calls for more bubbles and...?” Kyle paused to wait for what else was up his gals sleeve.

“Well dearest if it were me throwing a party I’m sure I’d never overlook how much spirits I needed, but.”

Lauren stopped, giving Kyle the look as if to say, come on my prince get a clue party boy.

“But, you and I both know we’re slightly different when it comes to these matters. For instance you ordered Blue Horse dark wine and no Merlot or Carmen.”

Kyle interrupted her,

“Ok honey-cakes we know about your intelligence in sommelier work, but this is just a party, I can’t wait to hear about the great wines of the Greek lands, the San Fernando Special and who knows what else,” Kyle laughed with sarcasm. His friend standing by with a grin on his face grinning in agreement with Kyle.

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“Hey skippy!” Lauren snapped at Kyle’s friend standing by. She couldn’t believe what Kyle blabbered out of his mouth, who did he think organized this whole deal. She continued in frustration,

“Zip it hot stuff, Ok then just ignore what I said baby. Obviously I am not important nor my opinion. All you care about is your stupid party and I’m not even sure why I even bothered coming or helping you organize the guest list,” Lauren had not been amused by Kyle’s response as her anger fueled the fire.

“I never wanted to invite you or the girls but you made such a big deal I felt like I lost control over the situation. Honey you know I love you, but somethings can’t you just leave alone? Another thing,” Kyle finished.

“Yes are you done?,” asked Lauren in tears.

“No I am not and you are wrong when you say I don’t care about your opinion. I am sorry you feel that way, but it’s really difficult to compete with you and so I just shut down sometimes. Also, I am glad you are here tonight and all the other girls.”

Kyle hoped that kindled the fire and had felt bad for how he came across, of course he cared about her very much. This feeling never changed ever since he met her before graduation. The last thing he wanted to happen is for a relationship to end when it just started, especially over a stupid fight. Meanwhile Lauren was in a fight between her tears, wanting to bash Kyle’s head with a hammer and between the joy she felt for such an understanding partner.

“Awe babe, how did I get so lucky to find you and so sorry for being upset, but you also sometimes have a narrow mindset of things sometimes and although we haven’t known each other that long, I know you can change how you think on certain things,”

Lauren responded also apologizing as her hair dropped between her eyes, but now tamed as she brushed it into order during the conversation.

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“I agree and I shouldn’t have been sarcastic on your comment about the drinks. You are so right I didn’t get near enough drinks for tonight.”

Kyle knew he had signed himself away for hearing about more drink selections. Really all he wanted was beer, but he remembered the women knew best and sequentially his girl hit the nail on the head.”

“So Kyle now that we have our differences out of the way let’s get this spirit deficiency taken care of. I need you to pick up 12 bottles of two different wines, some vodka and your choice of beer, like 3 more cases will be perfect. I think we should have some Jack and Wild Turkey too and where are your cigars for the guys? She layed 2 of his expensive cigars on the newspaper then embraced Kyle in a hug.

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Lauren knew how to throw a party and she knew this one had to be special for her man. She also knew a hug said more than any words she echoed. Sitting down, Kyle thought. Amazed at her ability to do math he looked on in astonishment in his plaid suit and black t-shirt.

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After being reminded of the night before, Kyle was sure Lauren had cheated on him, all the ear marks were there and no amount of excusing the issue could calm Kyle’s conscience. Only a few minutes till Kyle had to go into work. Undoubtedly, he would have to confront her about the situation about the night before. Lots of questions swirled around in Kyle’s head like a raging tornado out of control. Had he really been so dissatisfing for Lauren after everything he sacrificed for her? Why did she want to borrow the car last night. These questions would have to reveal themselves as time continued further. Meanwhile Kyle pulled up to his parking spot with his name freshly painted on the car stop welcoming his arrival to J&J among the other host of automobiles surrounding him.

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He had only a few minutes before he needed to clock in, but was determined to find out if his suspicions had any merit to them.

Reaching for his phone from the leather padded dash, Kyle scrolled through his contacts on the touchscreen which glowed brightly in the morning light.

“Hello Honeycakes,” answered Lauren as she awoke from her peaceful sleep. Trying to stay composed Kyle replied.

“Oh hey dear how are you after last nights crazy party?”

“Ok if I had to be honest, which I will I wish I spent more time with us together. You were spending so much time with your friends, I asked you one simple favor and I got nothing. I decided then to give up and,” Lauren stopped herself.

The suspense left Kyle in a panic, plus he only had a few minutes before work. These two reasons combined finally struck his last string and he snapped. He wasn’t about ready to fully believe her until she explained herself. Kyle stormed,

“I knew it!”

Kyle had released so much anger in that burst he could only imagine, no, dare say he saw himself turn into a villain from one of those black and white super hero classics. With his, memory clouded he could only make out half of his face. Who had he become in those few moments? He feared himself now and the picture of himself in that vibid image left him in anguish. Perhaps Lauren would understand, he thought as the horrible image of his devil complexion began to fade.

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Certainly confused at the scene Lauren couldn’t grasp such madness, but nevertheless gained her composure with no alarming sense of fright. “Ok ok cool it, what has gotten into you?” She hadn’t seen Kyle this disturbed since the night he forgot to order her a side of onion rings for the burger special she always enjoyed at Maltz Custard. Lauren then asked again. “Knew what if I may ask? I mean I know comprehending work has been stressed for you lately, but why all the sudden have you flown off the handle?”

Lauren still confused became more worried for her man. She would not let him know what she thought about the whole situation but, only because Kyle predisposed with Lauren’s suspicious affair made her paranoid which wasn’t the Lauren he was used to. She dismissed her thoughts though, for there couldn’t be any time for a fight. Soon, Lauren thought, folks would catch on something was off the rails. That moment even though Kyle could feel his subconscious “Doubting Joe” motioning him, Kyle focused his attention on Lauren’s body for it was a beautiful creation. To no avail though. Now Kyle could actually see his subconscious giving him a look of unwavering disapproval, more along the lines of insanity.

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Kyle shaking it off, exploded again, he simply couldn’t keep it in any longer.

“You cheated on me last night didn’t you? I know you did because I found a package of lipstick and eye shadow in my car and they definitely weren’t mine or even a color of yours I recognized. I just want to know why, why would you stoop this low to get revenge?”

Lauren at this point couldn’t believe her ears. She would probably rip off his head for making such off the wall accusations. However, there was no time for her to be “angry mama” or what she called her alter ego. She then approached the false statement with a calm understanding.

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She sat up turned her face in disgust and positioned herself on the bed then she flicked her hair and motioned over the speaker phone . “Hey I may have done some bad things in my life, but I’d NEVER EVER cheat on you baby. I know that may be hard for you to understand, but maybe if you would truly love me as you say you do, you would know I have nothing to be jealous of. I didn’t decide to be your girlfriend so I could be your enemy. I want to support you, defend you and help your dreams come true, but if you can’t trust me I don’t know how we can make this work. I want to though and if you could get over yourself perhaps you might have asked me instead of assuming.” She continued, “I mean seriously how much of a child are you, no wonder you’ve been acting so distant. I thought after knowing me, though a short while you really grasped what kind of a woman I am. If you think I am a pansy play doll Kyle perhaps it’s time you re-evaluate exactly what you are looking for in a woman. Do you think it’s easy for me anymore than you that both our parents don’t support us more. I am simply not that kind of a girl who cheats on simply the best thing she ever found.” Kyle could tell he struck a nerve and for good reason. I mean how could it be that he had been so shallowed minded that, Lauren be victimized to his troubled mind. He replied feeling very humble, much like he had been put in his place. This reminded Kyle of his mother’s strong authority and his Dad’s undying resolve to have his son become an associate pastor at their church. Perhaps it was time he recognized Lauren had been right all along. He didn’t really know exactly what he put himself into when he agreed to court her. Regardless it was time to face facts, he totally misread the situation and an apology had to be given.

“Look I am sorry sweetie, but I only wanted to do the right thing. Truth is last night I didn’t really understand. I wanted things to work out between us, but I agree maybe we should talk more with each other instead of assuming. You were also right about not knowing who you were completely. Besides the best thing that happened in my life and a great sex partner with those firm ass cheeks, you are my rock. I’ll never question you again except this time.” Kyle laughed he couldn’t help as he came back to reality realizing he’d been a complete jerk.

“Yes besides my fine ass baby what do you have to question me of?” Lauren couldn’t keep from laughing,

“Why was there cosmetics in my car next to the vape pin? I mean for myself I like to cleanup, but never do I recall shining my lips or under my eyes, like that must tickle for you ladies. I never understood how y’all could do that?” Lauren smiled then replied.

“That’s why you thought I was cheating on you,” she rolled her eyes then continued.

“Well I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but to answer your question, my friend had to be picked up from work last night so I invited her to the party. Anyways, long story short I dropped her back off at her apartment and your friend dropped me off because we were to drunk afterwards.” Kyle enjoyed her telling the story, but he really felt so much better clearing the misunderstanding. He replied with a glowing smile.

“Baby I sure love you and because I put you through this trouble of not asking I owe you big time. For now though I have to go to work and you look forward to the date.”

“Alright baby I’m gonna take a few more winks, have a good day at work,” Lauren replied softly as she hung up the phone and left it sitting on her nightstand.

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Satisfied and ready to take the day on Kyle put his cell in his pocket and opened the door locking his ride behind him and approaching the busy portal of J&J stock world. The sun shined deep in the sky, as if to say life can’t get any better than love when both are understood. He then realized a thousand words can’t solve a problem, but like a good wine if shared together, brightens the situation.

A Love Story: Part 2

The Date

“Hey Lauren I’m here,” Kyle motioned as he walked in the door of Lauren’s two bedroom condo, door decorated with flowers and purple sheen of newly applied paint.

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“I was going to pick you up earlier, but had to square away a few things at the office.”

Kyle knew he would get an ear full from Lauren for not coming when he promised, but hopefully she would be understanding.”

“Oh spare me the platitudes to your bad planning. I knew you would probably be late so I had my friend over for tea, she actually just left.” Kyle now understood what the car out front was backing out for.

“Just give me a few minutes and I will be ready to show you something, oh and can you finish off those cookies? My friend had them delivered, but I can’t be eating all that sugar, you know my figure.” Lauren continued preparation for her date, stretching in her satin dress.

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There on the counter in a decorative bowl sat over a half a dozen macaroon cookies. Kyle couldn’t believe it, he had the privilege of tasting over 6 cookies all by himself and no one would bother him. For he swore that if he heard the voice of his mother telling him to watch his weight, even that couldn’t keep him from enjoying his sweet treat which awaited him with enticing colors of fruity confection.

By Holly Stratton on Unsplash

He took one bite of the delicious chocolate macaroon savoring the sweetness much like the experience with Lauren and he couldn’t wait to see what her surprise was.

“I can definitely eat the cookies and I’ll be waiting on the couch.”

Kyle sat patiently waiting for Lauren to prepare. He was definitely in for a treat for as long as he’d known her, a surprise would always be something extroidinary.

Coming out of the bedroom from the back of the condo laced with flowers as far as the eye could see. Lauren’s dress fluttered in the breeze produced by the fan mounted above. It was shining like the noontime day sun. The dress designed from pink silk and white flowers drew Kyle to utter contentment. All this beauty before his eyes he knew Lauren would be his wife. Maybe not right away but, eventually. He loved her in that special way and no one could break what they had together.

“Wow darling you are so gorgeous.”

“Yes honeycakes I know, why do you think I chose this dress?” Lauren laughed and then motioned to her love.

“Now it’s your move, what exactly do we have on the menu tonight, I mean besides dessert?”

Lauren finished her statement, her curiosity looming with an expectancy.

Kyle being a very cunning, but very sweet spirit looked at Lauren saying.

“What we have tonight is non of your business, but remember anything I do for you is special and I hope nothing changes that even after tonight.

Lauren feeling so in touch with her inner child walked out the door of her condo for the first time with someone besides her roommate or mother. A upstanding young man who actually appreciated who she was and saw beyond her faults. She felt true love in the sense of the word. Kyle assured her of herself more than ever before. Tonight she knew something would happen, but even if it didn’t the night would be rememberable as the first date where the magic happened.

“Hello Mr. Edward’s it has been awhile,” the patron greeted the lovely couple as they entered the finest Italian restaurant on the block, complete with the world’s finest wine.

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The tables shined like a Diamond on the worlds finest ring. There was never a better setting of satin napkins and silverware which called love into the room or in this case the hallowed walls of a restaurant.

“Hello Marco I’m doing well it’s actually our first official date together. Do you have any tables to spare,” he asked smiling.

“No problem right this way, you will be on the left side of the restaurant where the sunset will shine through,” Marco replied.

As Lauren walked through the aisles she couldn’t believe how everything was arranged. How much would the restaurant bill be worth? How was Kyle affording it. She decided to lay these questions aside and enjoy her night. Approaching the table Kyle and Lauren were in their zone. The evening was young as the sunset prepared to exhibit the colors of the wind.

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“Thank you so much Kyle this night has already been a real treat and to think, we’ve only begun.” Lauren smiled with a look of approval as the song by the Carpenters “We’ve Only Just Begun,” echoed in the distance on the jukebox along the brick wall.

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“You are so welcome my princess, for you anything even if it cost me something.”

Now I’d like to tell you a story baby if that’s alright.

“Babycakes you better believe it, a story told by you always gives me an orgasm and not only cause you are sexy looking, but your voice could calm me any day.”

“Alright now, darling let’s save the dessert for later but one is quite flattered. Have I ever told you sometimes I dream of us living together, doing things together, building a life? I know we only have known each other for a short while however, there’s nothing better than having a confidence in each other that despite the storms we face our ship will stay on course,” Kyle finished as he took a bite of salad and fresh Italian herb crusty breadstick then headed to the kitchen for another basket.

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Returning to the table, Kyle sat down with a fresh glass of water. He prepared to progress the evening.

“Hey baby it’s time for a story are you gonna tell it or not?”

She gave Kyle the look and he knew when the look came, it was best just to answer and not debate the issue. Of course Lauren was so sweet, but had that way with men.

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Lauren had been a very impatient soul when it came to story telling. Perhaps it came from her time as a child during story telling with her brothers. They would promise a story then go do something else more interesting than read a silly cartoon. This always didn’t set right with her and as they say, somethings you never grow out of, but she wasn’t about to let that ruin her romantic night. She had so many thoughts, in her mind of what the night intelled, however these would have to settle down. Lauren wanted the evening to be just right so any outburst from her princess self would have to be suppressed. Right then she could see a dove, perched in a tree just out the window, her eyes focusing in on it. This sign affirmed her that tonight she was at peace.

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Kyle interrupted her concentration, but she knew what he would say seeing as she questioned him about the story he mentioned.

“Oh yes honey that’s right I did promise a story. I swear though you certainly don’t have any problems begging lol. Anyways I won’t make a big deal of it, after all this is our night,” Kyle smiled answering Lauren’s plea for the story.

This girl never stops thought Kyle, right after his girl said, “Well?” Lauren couldn’t wait. “Well what is the story about babe? A romantic getaway, a survival story? I absolutely love a good drama, although I’m sure we have our own stories with plenty of it.” Lauren laughed as Kyle tore the gold wrapping off the top of the wine bottle.

Lauren loved her wine and Kyle knew exactly how to get the evening started. The perfect time to tell of a story about a man named Romeo who moved just to marry the love of his life. This name was common in many stories even one of Kyle’s favorites, “William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.” This name fit perfect for the romantic story he was about to tell. He loved the fact the evening had gone as planned and he couldn’t wait for the day he lived the story.

“Are you ready darling for a story s about, love sacrifice and the pursuit of happiness? Kyle asked Lauren as he poured each of them a glass of wine.”

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“Yes I sooo can’t wait for the ending and romantic stories are my favorite dear.”

Taking a sip of her wine Lauren leaned forward in anticipation as she glowed with excitement in her pink dress and white flowers on her shoulder like a little bird on a tree branch. A piece of paper of an I love you note with purple flowers, sat beside her as Kyle signed his name.

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The sunset began to set as Kyle Edward’s and his date sat at a table in Granaldies Fine Italian Restaurant. Love is in the air and everyone knew a good story was at hand, but especially Lauren Anderson. Lauren Anderson who Kyle Edward’s met just before graduation. This would be the day both their worlds would turn upside down, but for the better of both their lives. Only the two could make such a relationship work.

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Kyle who left home to pursue his dreams, but in rebellion and wanting his own freedoms running from his calling and Lauren, an atheist till she wanted more for her life then pursued church. Either way you sliced it fate would have to step in if this relationship would work.

Nevertheless Kyle and Lauren were meant for each other. The date tonight marked a defining line in the course of each of their lives. Unlike most, they could fix problems which arise, but tonight would be all about getting to know each other strengthening the bond of truth, confidence and courage. Tonight another chapter would be written. Pouring himself another glass of wine Kyle kissed Lauren affirming his undying love for Lauren and her the same. Kyle then drew his chair to the table and began Lauren listening.

“It wasn’t that long ago when they met, Romeo send Aleah. Many people could tell their love for each other was anything, but dead. Romeo just graduated from San Juan University, Aleah across the way from Cal State. Either way they both understood why they meant. As Romeo’s mother used to say, “Love is as strong as those pulling for it.” Romeo knew he had to be more than just Aleah’s man, so to make the night special Romeo served the two crystal wine glasses of a pure glass then began telling a story that his Grandpa told his grandma, they called it, “Love Unconditional.”

Kyle continued as the night began to fade looking into Lauren’s eyes with hope and overflowing gratitude for the gift he had in a woman. He then read in affirmation that soon he would propose to Lauren. Kyle turned the page in his mind and recited the greatest quote from Romeo’s story, the genesis to love stories combined.

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“Where Merlot began love grew.”


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    AWWritten by Amos Waterbury

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