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Avoid these Five Toxic People

It's an honor to be surrounded by some of the most extraordinary people in the world

By Bill PlummerPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

It's an honor to be surrounded by some of the most extraordinary people in the world. My family, friends, mentors, and mentors have been incredibly important in my health, sanity and work. These wonderful people have been a blessing to me, but I've also encountered some undesirable characters.

It is very harmful to judge others harshly. It is important to be able to discern the behavior patterns they have displayed in the past. As I age, I see that certain traits are inherent and cannot be changed, particularly if the person believes they are right all the time. Some of these traits can be dangerous and even toxic.

Although I have had my fair share of toxic people, these five are the most recent. They weren't caught on bad days, but it was a situation. While no one is perfect, we have to be able to identify those in our social network. I did this when red flags were raised. Because I don't have the time or patience to deal with such nonsense, many of my former friends are now not on my social media radar.

These are the 5 Types of People You Should Avoid

The Flake

This is why the Flake takes first place on our list. They make you feel like your best friend when dealing with flakes. They earn your trust and make you feel comfortable inviting them to important events or other functions only to not show up. They might insist on doing something for you, such as giving you a ride at the hospital. Then they stop calling you and you're gone forever. You're initially puzzled by the person's aspartamely sweet behavior, but you quickly realize that it was all a facade and that they were just trying to get you to ride with them to the hospital.

You shouldn't give this much space to people in your life. It will only lead to disappointment and you'll believe you have someone to rely on when in reality you don't.

The Egomaniac

The type you know. You know the type that does and says things beyond comprehension. The bridesmaid who forgets that your wedding ceremony is one week away because she was so consumed in her demands that the Universe make her ex-boyfriend miserable. She wants to inflict suffering on those who don't follow her wishes and feels that the entire world owes it all. She is the one who defines friendship and relationships. It has to be her way or the highway. If you don't tell your friend what she wants, it is her fault she's having an awful day.

This is a hot potato. This will result in you spending more time working on the frustrations within the relationship. You will start complaining to your friends and pets about the incomprehensible megalomania that this person brings to the relationship. You can stop second-guessing your worth and your sanity by removing the egomaniac.

Your Secret Hater

These can take many years to identify. Closeted haters are often friends or family members. You can see her cheerleader costume, with pom-poms and pigtails. But, once you leave the room you will notice the dog excrement sticking to the bottom of the shoe. You can sense a layer of malice simmering underneath her friendly and confident demeanour. It's evident in her eyes, or in the way she pronounces certain words. Although the friendship you have with her is superficially satisfying, it leaves you feeling uncertain. The turning point is usually when a mutual friend approaches you and say, "Hey did you know that So-and-So was telling us...not...good...things about you?" You gasp in shock and horror but deep down you knew it was happening. She makes snarky comments because of this. Mm-Hmmmm.

Toxic, Toxic, Toxic. This person is like having a hot dog with heroin dipped in it. It won't taste good, and you'll feel the same aftertaste that this person left you with. Your time is your currency. Don't give away your time to someone who makes you feel bad about yourself or uncertain of yourself just because you have known them all your life. Set your boundaries. You must keep your distance from those who are attempting to hurt you.

The Saboteur

This friend is my favorite. After you tell him you are trying to quit smoking and stay sober, he will order a large pizza and a few drinks. After you tell him you're eating better, he orders three large pizzas. You remember that hottie that you didn't want to ask the numbers from last night? Tonight, he's going on a date. He's initially irritating but you start to wonder if bro fam wants to ruin your chances of ever reaching your goals in life.

These people are a source of self-hate, according to what I have seen. They will compete with you without your permission. They set you up for failure, whether they are aware of it or not. If you don't want to lose a friendship or the life you desire for the rest of your relationship, leave them alone. Do you really want to spend time with someone who would like you to hate your own life as much as theirs?

Finally, we have

The Leech

She is the friend with the worst case Gimme Gimme. She is a taker, takes, takes and never offers anything to make your life better. It doesn't have to be material. There are many leeches who will come over and drink all you drink, eat all of your food and then raid your closet. You're likely still wondering about the value she adds to your friendship.

The friendship with the Leech is a good thing at first because it fulfills your altruistic desire. It won't be long before you start to feel silly whenever the leech is around. You will eventually hate spending time with this person. So, don't. Let them go. Let someone else take joy and blood.

As humans, I am aware that we all have a trace of at least one of these tendencies. It's important to recognize when someone doesn't feel right. It is also very beneficial to pay attention to the cues that people give you. We are all not the best people at everything, but that is to be expected. It is about knowing when you should cut the cord with someone who drains you. You must love yourself enough to forgive those who don't mean well.

Set boundaries. It's okay to acknowledge that you need to make some changes.


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    BPWritten by Bill Plummer

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