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All in One Short Story: The 15 Minutes with You

I wish we're together.

By Jennifer Claudia KwanPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
All in One Short Story: The 15 Minutes with You
Photo by Ali Jouyandeh on Unsplash

I’m at bedroom right now. This dreamy girl is preparing pen and notebook on the table. I suck at writing but I don’t care. Random words come through my mind until one name and that’s yours. Reminds me to be next to you in a café at that time. My first time question was our same idol, Marvin Gaye. I realize that I never ask about “me & you” real relationship.

As always, wireless speaker surprises me. The Otto Tunes’s songs is coming up, of course without autotunes. I’m preparing for the special day. Yup, it’s tomorrow. What should I talk? I’m laying on bed, close my eyes. Just hearing crickets outside. Eyelids are closed. My soul going through another dimension.

Hi, C. Look at me now. I’m seventeen years in this world. In the darkness of my life, I still looking at you. I remember that you approached me and asked with sweet voice: “What’s your name?”. I want to be sober in love once again. Oh my, I feel like nothing but in trouble. What’s that? It’s trouble when I can’t get enough to adore you.

We can ride together to Melrose. Listen to Beautiful Corruption on the way. We go to gas station first. Make sure your car is full of it. Car lights go out. After happiest night, kiss me so I can fly in tangerine dreams in the end of day.

Thanks God. This is The D-Day. One call away from my special person. Then there’s you. He’s right here, everybody. You know what? I’m losing my mind. My sweat is rush through all over body. Here we go.

“Let’s take a ride,” you said.

I’m nodding my head and getting into your car. Surrounded by fluffy clouds while riding at 9th track. It’s stopping at traffic lights. You said, “Left, right, left.” when looking at signs.

“Choose one of them.”

“Left. What will I get?”

“A handsome man. He’s CP.”

“Oh I know him. Is he wearing black shirt?”

“Yes, 100% correct.”

We’re laughing in rhythm.

Then, we’re talking about silly stuff. This is some type of love that I’ve never been before. As you’re beside me, I’m going to prove my deepest truth about you.

“Boy, thanks to meet me in these suffer days. Without you, I can’t through it all. I know, I’m not perfect. But, you accept like the way I am accept you. I love you. Will you marry me?”

You have no words.

Then, the car turn back home. “Slow it down,” I said.

He has no response. I don’t know how long he keep this silence during this trip.

Then, the car is in front of my house again. You’re pulling the door. Standing each other in restless situation.

You’re clearing your throat. “Somebody told me that you’ve had crush to me.”

“Uh huh.”

“I knew it when we had empty cups’ game at party last night.”

“Yeah …. And then?”

”Before I tell you-“

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

”Please be patient.”

”Okay.” my breath is getting harder. “If you wanna talk, here’s your time right now.”

“I don’t wanna hurt you. But, I don’t feel nothing at you. I’m sorry. We don’t talk anymore.”

You reply, ”I don’t wanna hurt you. I’m sorry.”

“Please say what you thought.”

“Anyway, we’re best friend. Is that right?”

”Yeah, we were. But, we’ve been together for 3 years. You told me that you promise to keep me forever. Remember?”

”So what? Listen, dear. If you still think about propose or whatever it is, you need to find lil bit fun stuff.”

”Why you’re in denial?”

”Oh my gosh! You’ve stressed me out. Why you made something silly up? Actually, I don’t choose you as my GF. Stay away from me.”

I’m in freeze mode. But, I have to stay calm. “If you leave me now, go ahead.”

”Don’t be hard on yourself. You will meet an exact man. And he’s not me. I don’t wanna know you from this second. We don’t talk anymore. Period.”

After you’re disappearing, I’m getting into home.

“Mother, I’m here.”

“Hello. Where did you come from?”

“From an interesting place. Never mind. I want to get rest.”


Times passes by. I’m watching TV at home. It’s gossip show. There’s one man that I’ve known before. He’s dancing with girls in LA.

“Hello, guys. I’m at mansion right now. His owner is the guy beside me. Hey man, how are you doing?”

“I’m very good. Especially, I’m in mood with my new lover. You wanna know? Look at my phone. That’s my girl. I like her unlimited times. She’s so gorgeous. I always look up at shooting stars all night, wish that we’ll be the one forever. I believe that she used to love me.”

“What a great one. Let’s discuss about your album. How about Voicenotes 2?”

“Uh what? Hahaha. You’ll see it soon. Just listen to my current gospels, okay? Okay.”

“You didn’t answer my question, man. Hahaha. Something holding you back, huh? Why you found so hard when reply to this question?”

“I don’t know. I’m sick af. This interview…I’m done for me.”

“Okay then. Get well soon.”

“Thanks, buddy.”

I think, he has changed so much.

It’s over. Let’s turn off. I’m going to terrace and chilling.

I will do something necessary, the plan that I dumped when I was with you. I have dream. I know, it can’t get the gift in a second. But, a dream can make me run to my own achievement of life.

The moment that we spent together blew away just a minute ago. I still remember what your last words at that night. It’s like I'm on roller coaster. Ride up to the sky. Then, come down until crash and burn. Maybe it’s the right way. I hope you’re happy with your girlfriend. See you again on unexpected time, Charlie.

*What is All in One Short Story (AOSS)?

It’s fan fiction short stories’ series. Let me pour all albums and songs’ titles into one narrative text. For the example, The 15 Minutes with You is Charlie Puth edition. Enjoy these stories with favorite snack in the middle of hectic world. Cheers!


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