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A true beauty

A true beauty vs cosmetics beauty

By Max Published 11 months ago 3 min read
A true beauty
Photo by Sonia Roselli on Unsplash

As she looked in the mirror, Sarah couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. The wrinkles around her eyes seemed to have deepened overnight, and her once-plump cheeks now looked hollow and tired. She knew she was getting older, but she didn't want to accept it. She wanted to stay young and beautiful forever. Sarah had always been self-conscious about her skin. She had tried every skincare product on the market, but nothing seemed to work. She longed for the kind of glowing complexion that she saw on models and actresses in magazines.

One day, Sarah decided to try using cosmetics to achieve the look she desired. She spent hours researching the best products and techniques, and finally settled on a routine that she hoped would work. At first, Sarah was thrilled with the results of the cosmetics she found. Her skin looked radiant and flawless, and she received compliments from everyone she knew, But the more she tried to hide her flaws, the more they seemed to consume her. She became obsessed with her appearance, spending hours in front of the mirror and constantly comparing herself to others.

After a while, she began to feel like she was hiding behind a mask. She couldn't leave the house without her makeup, and she felt like she was constantly putting on a show for the world. Sarah started to realize that her desire for a perfect appearance was rooted in deeper insecurities. She had always felt like she wasn't good enough, and she thought that if she could just look perfect, she would finally be happy.

She tried countless skincare products, The more she tried to hide her age, the more she felt like she was losing herself. She didn’t recognize the person staring back at her in the mirror. She had become obsessed with her appearance, and it was taking a toll on her mental health. One day, Sarah had a realization, and decided to take a break from all the makeup. She didn't want to spend her life chasing an impossible standard of beauty. She wanted to be happy with who she was, flaws and all.

So she made a decision. She would stop using cosmetics to hide her imperfections, and instead embrace them as a part of who she was. It wasn't easy at first, but over time. She went for a walk in the park, feeling the sun on her face and the wind in her hair. As she walked, she saw an older woman sitting on a bench, smiling at the world. The woman’s face was lined with wrinkles, but she looked happy and content.
Sarah realized that beauty wasn’t just about looking young and flawless. It was about embracing who you were, she also realized that she had been so focused on her looks that she had forgotten to enjoy life. She had been chasing an impossible ideal, and it had left her feeling empty. Sarah learned to love herself for who she was, and not just for how she looked.
From that day on, Sarah stopped trying to hide her age. She started wearing less makeup, and she smiled more. She realized that true beauty came from within, and that she didn’t need cosmetics to feel good about herself. She was beautiful just the way she was, and that was enough. In the end, Sarah realized that true beauty comes from within. It's not about having perfect skin or flawless features, but about being confident in who you are, and embracing your unique qualities. And that, she knew, was something that no amount of cosmetics could ever achieve.


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