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A Capricorn Heart.

a serious but soft heart of gold.

By M FPublished 3 months ago 4 min read
Credit: @lyss

The conundrum of a Capricorn heart in any friendship or relationship is that while yes we have high standards and expectations we are also the most patient and understanding signs.

When we really care, we really do but that is few and far between. We never ask for what we won’t give, never expect things we won’t deliver. When we choose to open up to you, you have our whole heart without conditions. When we choose to trust you, it isn’t an easy thing for us honestly quite terrifying.

We are consistent, dependable, considerate, and one of the most intentional signs in everything we do. And with those levels of seriousness, loyalty, and thoughtfulness those parts of us are a gift, a key, the ability to hurt us but saying we believe you’re worthy it to the ones we choose to let in because those are the ones where we invest all care and effort to align towards those we love to make them feel seen, loved, and feel cared about.

Our serious nature means we care and we don’t fuck around with showing those we care what they mean to us. it means we would go to any lengths to show up for those we care about.

It means handling those relationships with maturity, respect, and awareness putting our egos aside. It means being there for the good and the bad, the easy and the hard moments. It means showing up for those you care about no matter what it takes without excuses and justifications.

Our serious nature often comes off as standoffish or not caring to those who don’t know us but that is in protection of ourselves because we know how hard we care once we do and that not everyone deserves that kind of dedication.

They’re serious because you’re not just “another friend” to them.

It means that we don’t take lightly the responsibility of what being a “friend” or even calling someone “our friend” means. It means that we do not just let anyone in and do our best to articulate our circle carefully.

It means in ways we are terrified of letting people in because we inevitably think we will get hurt because we will always care more, we will always show up more. It means we do not see people as dispensable. It means we aren't users. It means we want the good and the bad, the ups and the downs of it all.

It means that maybe all the seriousness stems from the place of never feeling like anyone has taken them serious enough to stay when all they’ve ever done is stay for others. It means in all seriousness they are so used to caring more than being cared about and giving loyalty while getting let down from the people they have let in and are tired but the humanity in them still beckons them to keep their heart open.

It means maybe the seriousness is simply about just wanting to feel safe and seen by the people we hope will care about us in the same way we do for them for once.

It means that we take it very seriously letting people in but we do with fear because that is one humanity in us. It is the part that just wants to love and be loved, it is the heart in us, it is the wholesome care we embody.

It means that if we aren't serious about you, we don't care. It means you always know where you stand to us.

The seriousness means that you are one of the few that they want to let in, that they want to trust. It means that is a very meaningful and hard thing for them and it should be considered a privilege.

They are serious because they care, if they didn’t you’d be on the other end of the spectrum. If they weren’t serious, they wouldn’t care and wouldn’t be the version of themselves that they’ve let you see and know them as. If they weren’t, you’d never get the extraordinary ways they choose to treat their friends and show up in.

They are serious because they have let so many people into their lives who never appreciated how much care and effort they gave. They’ve been disappointed time and time again by people they let in and trusted and while it hasn’t changed or jaded them, it has hurt them. It has made them a lot more selective about who they let in and choose to care about, love.

They are serious because they have learned all too well that not everyone has the same definition of loyalty and love.

The seriousness means that they believe that you matter to them and that isn't something that they believe about everybody.

They are serious because they want real, not superficial. Because they are interested in wanting you in their life for long terms, not just for the moment.

They are serious because they think life is too short for meaningless connections and people who don’t care about more than the moment. They are serious because they aren't shallow.

The seriousness we encompass is a rare quality to find because few will ever truly care enough to take your position in their life as seriously as you take theirs in yours.

Truly, what realness can a friend truly be without taking you seriously.

What value can they actually see in you, what longevity other than the moment and now.

They are serious because they have learned that they can't trust that everyone takes things as seriously as they do.

Our seriousness means that if we are serious you’re not a joke to us.


About the Creator


Your Feelings Are Valid Author. Chainsmokers and Fletcher fanatic. Quote lover. More emotional than your typical Capricorn. TPA. ISTJ. Lesbian. Asian.

Insta: @garnishdaddy. Owner of Native Cocktail Events

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