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7 Unobserved Habits That Dramatically Reduce Our Productivity

Are you productive?

By Angelica TraynorPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
7 Unobserved Habits That Dramatically Reduce Our Productivity
Photo by Matt Ragland on Unsplash

How often during the day are we faced with the choice: momentary pleasure or long-term benefits? Read social media timeline or a useful article for work? Going for a walk or finishing a project? Eating a cake or going to the gym?

Only you can answer what you choose most often, if you will be honest with yourself, of course. If you have started reading this article and want to improve your work efficiency, then it seems that you still have a lot to do in this regard. All of the following are trivia, but taken together will determine what your day will be like.

So, if you want to get more efficient from what you do, then try as little as possible to:

1. Dealing with multitasking trifles

Performs tasks consecutively, but not all at once. Even if you are convinced that you are the king of multitasking — study the research in the field, which has shown that people who excel in this field are much more productive when performing their tasks one by one.

It is more difficult for those who do it all at once to concentrate, to remember something, than for the employees, who do it all at once. At the same time, the quality of two things done simultaneously is also significantly reduced.

2. Be a perfectionist

Some people put their hands down in the face of big ideas and bold plans. They have the impression that they are not ready to implement them yet, in the theoretical part they are missing something, here they have to chisel the plan, and here they have to add something more… And again we remember the notion of “procrastination”.

Answer the question: how can you get a result or do something if you don’t take the first step? What if you don’t start translating your ideas into reality? Errors and inaccuracies can be corrected in a poorly painted picture. But it is impossible to correct them on a clean cloth.

3. Live online

The logic is simple. You start an occupation that robs you of all your attention. Deepening this occupation takes up to 15 minutes. But then, all of a sudden, someone sent you a link, you got distracted, you responded to a letter, you watched a video with cats… and now be good and add another 15 minutes to get into the essence. And so after every distraction.

4. Postpone it until later

We have limited mental energy for the whole day. Elections and decision-making take up a considerable amount of your energy. Therefore, it is no wonder that complicated problems and long-term situations drain you of strength.

Even choosing a hotel in Egypt can leave you without energy. Therefore, if you are going to make a decision right now, don’t postpone it. Otherwise, you’ll think about it again and again, and you won’t sleep until you close this chapter. Do this immediately.

5. Sit idle after you wake up

The last phase of sleep anticipates the energetic awakening so that we can get out of bed rest. That’s why many wake up a few minutes before the alarm clock rings if they follow a strict regime. But if you want to stay in bed for a while… this desire will do you a disservice — you will get out of bed tired and very difficult.

Therefore, do not let yourself fall asleep again. Don’t let the alarm clock ring indefinitely — it’s very harmful. Get out of bed as soon as the alarm clock rings. After you go to the bathroom and have a coffee, you will feel more energetic and you will be ready to work!

6. Use bedside gadgets before and after sleep (… and during)

I sense the skeptical smile on your face when you read “in time.” And I’m just as skeptical of you — you never woke up in the middle of the night, and when you can’t sleep, do you get your hands on the phone? About half of the people have done so at least once in their lives. In vain.

I also wrote an article about digital detox, in which I described in detail the negative psychic consequences of gadgets. But let us remind you that the blue light on your phone affects your energy level. The penetration of light into the retina of the eye stops the secretion of melatonin, which makes the person feel more active, more energetic, and does not want to sleep.

The same effect occurs in the morning and until noon in daylight, so we are more energetic. But in the afternoon it decreases with the activity, which gradually decreases towards night until the state of drowsiness appears.

7. Track notifications and email

Doesn’t allow notifications to permanently distract you from… life Chatting with a friend in a cafe? Disconnect your phone! Do you work on the computer? Disconnect your phone and all applications with notifications on your computer!

Have you decided to relax and sit quietly reading a book with your cat on your knees? DISABLE PHONE NOTIFICATIONS! Learn to check your email twice a day at set times.

For example, in the morning, when you come to work and half an hour before departure. If necessary, set the robot to e-mail and write that you will reply as soon as you read the letter.

Remember the saying that little by little it grows big. Every day it forms a year. And the years make up your life. If we waste our time on trinkets, then you will not be too happy when you make the totals of the year. You’ve already started to take stock of the past year and make plans for the future, haven’t you?


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