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7 Psi Hacks for Those Who Want To (But Can’t) Train Their Body and Brain

It's important to develop new skills

By Angelica TraynorPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
7 Psi Hacks for Those Who Want To (But Can’t) Train Their Body and Brain
Photo by Nahel Abdul Hadi on Unsplash

Did you start missing out on gym workouts? After a hard day's hard work, do you wake up with a box of ice cream in your hand? Of course, you will find a lot of reasons and arguments to justify yourself. It is not the country, the people around you, or certain circumstances that you blame, but the way you perceive the reality that is not your fault.

Only we bear the responsibility, or rather our brains, which hides fantastic possibilities, which we can find and begin to live as we wish. By the way, without paying a price beyond your powers (with happiness, health, radiance…) and receiving satisfaction from the process!

But like any transformation, it does not happen by itself, without effort on your part, while you will sit comfortably on the couch and continue to degrade with your eyes fixed on social networks. Just as muscles do not train on their own, so the brain, if not moved, ceases to function at its proper capacity.

Use these psychiatrists in the same way you included chicken breasts and settlements in your life. Then you will always have your brain in tune. And it will be ready for action. And with it the body.

# 1 Change the minus plus

Look positively at the world around you. That's what everyone says in unison. On the example of the attitude towards our body, we will demonstrate how it is possible and must (!) Change the negative attitude into a positive one.

Don't think, "Oh, how fat I am." But tell yourself, "I have work to do!" My bodyweight allows me to work with great weights and I will be able to shape the necessary shapes from this material! ". Don't think "how skinny they are, like those in concentration camps." But tell yourself, "I don't have to waste time losing weight, I can start growing muscle right away." Be content with what you have.

# 2 Repeat three magic words regularly

Do you sit with dumbbells in front that weigh 10 kg more than usual? Do you have in front of you the rope you fell from the last time you were at school? Are you trying to jump off a high crate on the floor? Listen to your inner voice! What does your brain say? "Are you in every mood ?! You will never succeed! " Try the "why me?"

The question instead. to ask yourself "why not me?" These three magic words opened the way to the heights of all those who were not afraid to take the first step. Why don't you try it too?

# 3 Say "no" to perfectionism

If you have become a hostage to failure or imperfect results (according to your criteria), then you will take the plunge. Before! No matter what your chances of success are, act! Start translating your most ambitious ideas into life, even if you have little chance of success.

In the process, the situation could change and the chances could suddenly increase. Join a sports marathon right now! Even if today you are convinced that you will not reach the finish line. Surprisingly, you could still get there.

# 4 Learn to enjoy restrictions

Don't get caught up in psychological traps. True, single chocolate will not undo all the results. But she still hides a danger. She is self-indulgent. And next time it will be much harder to give up certain pleasures. Then the "why" question will be heard.

Through positive dynamics, teach your psyche to quietly accept rejections. If you gave up something today, you will make it much easier tomorrow. And so on. This is exactly how it works, thousands of people have been shown. In the first week, it is very difficult to adapt to the new training regime. But by the end of the second month, the process will satisfy you!

# 5 Happiness is hidden in the details

Yes, it sounds like "wisdom" on social media. Make this your credo. Notice the smallest details and enjoy them! Do you just feel a little better, do you have more strength at the end of the day? Are you starting to grasp on the 5th floor, but not on the 3rd floor?

Have you never caught a cold this season, even though you caught a cold 3 times last season? Or does the scale already indicate a few hundred grams less? Rejoice! Contemplate the moment - it's your merit! May this feeling be your reward (not a cake), you deserve it.

Keep this feeling as a motivation to move forward and not go back halfway.

# 6 Set your own goals

Learn to listen to your body and try not to listen to others. Especially acquaintances and relatives. They can be very convincing, recommending the number of seats, the weight required, or suggesting how many extra pounds you have. Just rely on yourself and feel your body.

Establish this dialogue. You tend to realize this. If you train in the sight of an instructor, tell them about your feelings.

# 7 Find the right words for your desires and goals

We assure you that these are not trifles, but a lever with which we have the opportunity to influence our thinking, perception, self-confidence, and self-esteem. When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself five times, "Every action brings me closer to my goal." As you do your morning toilet, tell yourself, "I'm full of energy, whatever I can do, I'm strong, I believe in myself, and I'm wonderful!"

OK, the first 5 times you can laugh out loud, looking at yourself in the mirror, at the sight of these stupid words, in your opinion…

But the sixth time this desire will disappear, you will feel that the expression makes sense and is effective. Words will gain value. You will begin to believe what is said. That's when you'll activate the hibernating brain and psyche reserves!

You'd better fill out a journal. Write in it everything that happens to you, everything that you feel. This will be a colossal step towards personal development, life awareness, and efficiency.

Try it, don't hesitate!


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