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7 Methods To Prepare Your School Child for Exams

Is your child prepared?

By Axel CameronPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
7 Methods To Prepare Your School Child for Exams
Photo by Gabriel Tovar on Unsplash

Today we will address the issue from the perspective of how the parent can help their child to manage their emotions during school assessments. Even if these methods do not eliminate stress, they can significantly reduce it, so that children can gain more confidence that they can cope with the daily or special demands related to school.

1. Be with the child

Your presence acts as a sedative on the baby. Listen to him and guide him kindly, creating a sense of security. Speak slowly, gently, avoid harsh, harsh voices, as well as sudden movements, so as not to scare him too much. Insist that they prepare their homework every day. Every day, as many as possible to repeat the possible questions from the exams.

2. Help him to recognize the emotions he is experiencing and to release the accumulated energy outside

In previous articles, we have described how to teach a child to describe their emotions - practice drawing, role-playing, storytelling, and so on. When the child recognizes the emotion experienced - it will be easier for him to overcome the stress.

3. Provide unconditional support to your child

Sometimes, school results can be influenced by some situations that require the direct involvement of the adult - situations of physical abuse, bullying, because only the adult can stop these traumatic actions for a child. Remember the child needs acceptance, not criticism. More often, embrace him, kiss him, praise him, and so on. The child needs to know: the parent will always be ready to help and support him.

4. Teach him simple relaxation techniques

4-stroke breathing technique.

Inhale the air for 4 seconds, hold it in your chest for as many seconds, then exhale the air while it counts to 4. Even if at first it will seem quite difficult, after a little practice, everything will be well and the baby will feel more relaxed.

"Inhale - Exhale" technique.

The baby will breathe slowly, quietly, and deeply. Tell her to close her eyes, her back against the back of the chair, and count to 5 on inspiration, up to 7 - on expiration. He will feel calm with the rhythm of his breathing in a few minutes and will be able to start answering and writing.

The "Submarine" game.

Starting position - standing. Deep inspiration. He held his breath, squeezing his nose with his fingers. It sits as if submerged in water. Count to 5 and, getting up, open your nose and exhale. Repeat the cycle 4 times.

The game "Fire and Ice".

The exercise alternately includes straining and relaxing the whole body. At the command "Fire" the child begins to move intensely with the whole body, the movements can be any. At the command "Ice" the child stops, stiffens in the position where the ad stopped him, straining his whole body. Repeat several times.

Self-massage techniques.

Teach your child self-massage techniques - for 10 sec. to massage his body in the place where he feels tense. Then tell her to place both hands on her shoulders and neck. Show them how to press their shoulders and neck with their fingers and palms.

He must then place one hand on the other's forearm. He will squeeze and knead the muscles with all the fingers of his hand, in this way he will massage the whole area from top to bottom and vice versa, from elbow to palm. Repeat with the other arm.

5. Teach him to control his thoughts

Negative, distorted, irrational thoughts will not allow the child to get over the stress of the exam. It is recommended to learn optimism, to perceive stressors as a challenge, but not as a catastrophe.

Methods of controlling thoughts:

  • Try to distract the student; ask them to count to 10, identify the colors in a drawing or the trees, or on the window, do puzzles, read and watch TV shows, look at the photo album, read lyrics, etc.
  • Teach him how to formulate his self-suggestion - "I am calm. I trust myself. My brain works well. My thoughts are clear and concrete. My memory works well. I remember everything! I feel refreshed and confident. My speech is calm, confident, and not in a hurry! My hands are soft and warm (when they are shaking), etc. "
  • "Cognitive training" (Mental repetition). Ask the child to visualize the most positive evolution of things - how he answers, what he says first, secondly, thirdly, then - the teacher who congratulates him for the good result in the evaluation.
  • The technique of "stopping negative thoughts". The technique involves three extremely simple steps.
  • The first is a clear awareness of the negative thoughts that induce stress.
  • The next step is to project an imaginary red indicator with the meaning of STOP and to say the word STOP to negative thoughts with the utmost firmness.
  • The third step is to replace the negative thought with a positive one, the negative mental image with a positive, pleasant one.
  • Laughter, smile, humor. Learning and using humor is essential for a child's health.

6. Teach him to plan his time.

  • Make a list of activities and decide which are the priority activities for a day.
  • Determine the time allotted for each activity to be performed. He then examines whether there was enough time to prepare for the exam.
  • Analyze the consequences if you postpone certain activities that need to be done.
  • It starts with light subjects or subjects, continues with the heavy ones, and leaves something pleasant at the end;
  • Marathon study periods are avoided;
  • Choose a place that is conducive to learning;
  • We learn to say NO to temptation - friends, TV, computer, etc .;
  • Do not switch to another activity until you have completed the previous one.
  • Take breaks between activities. Don't rush to move from one activity to another.
  • We establish a study program and inform family members about it - we display it.

7. Help him adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Physical health is closely linked to emotional state, so before claiming your child's results, make sure you have enough strength to learn:

Proper nutrition: 4–5 meals a day.

Preferably plant foods, rich in fiber, calcium, iodine, magnesium, vitamin B, white meat; limitation on animal fats, sweets, preservatives; food must be fresh or cooked, not fried or frozen. Don't forget to drink 2 liters of water throughout the day. Details about the school's nutrition can be found here.

Sleep hygiene.

Sleep is very important for a person's mental health. Each child is individual, with different needs for rest, but the WHO recommends 9–12 hours of sleep a day for young students, and 8–10 hours of sleep for teenagers.

Find time for sports.

Dancing, sports, swimming, martial arts, fitness, walking outdoors are some of the ways to relieve the tension in your body. Don't miss them even during exams.

Help him find a hobby.

Pursuing a hobby is necessary to increase self-esteem, to develop a skill in a field, for internal satisfaction, and finally - to achieve well-being.

We cannot control stress, but we can prepare the child for management at the time of onset. If you apply these methods systematically, you will ensure the inner balance and harmony needed for success. We remind you that all this works only in a quiet and pleasant family atmosphere.


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