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Have You Ever Been Inexplicably Attracted to a Person?

Here are the secrets of interpersonal attraction

By Axel CameronPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Have You Ever Been Inexplicably Attracted to a Person?
Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

How many times have you been inexplicably drawn to a certain person? Just look her in the eye, notice her body expression, or mimic her, and say you feel like you've known her for a lifetime when it's the first time you've interacted with that person?

The answers to these ambiguities that sometimes seem to obscure your judgment are provided by interpersonal attraction. Thus, in interpersonal attraction, a greater number of factors compete, which, depending on the situation in which you will find yourself, will be more or less significant for you.

The first factor of interpersonal attraction is proximity, referring here to the physical closeness between two people. So, whether you are office colleagues, or you are used to buying food from the same store, or you go to work every morning with the same tram, bus, or subway, proximity is what defines all these actions.

Proximity can in turn be divided into several sub-factors, namely: accessibility, the anticipation of action, and simple exposure. In terms of accessibility, this is the frequency with which these so-called meetings take place.

If you are constantly interacting with a person, and not intentionally, there is inevitably a chance that a deeper relationship will develop between you, be it friendship, or even love.

According to sociologists who have studied this phenomenon, the anticipation of the action consists in the fact that when the usual intervention and thus you expect to find the same pleasant figure in the morning tram, it is much easier to look at it with sympathy and even some familiarity.

And the simple exposition, as I described the previous phenomenon, is that capturing the same thing in your visual area, in this case, the person gradually leads to his recognition and sympathy.

Another important factor of interpersonal attraction is the so-called "similarity". The similarity is a defining factor in the evolution of a relationship or not. If until now there was only the game of glances, discreet smiles thrown by chance, instant recognition, and increasing the degree of familiarity only through the physical presence, now the similarity represents a deeper level.

So, after a few weeks when the proximity starts its game, this second factor intervenes, which explains the fact that you will follow the reactions, the behavior of the other person to see if you have similar attitudes. The more you recognize your gestures in the other person's behavior, the more likely it is that the relationship will evolve.

It is exactly as the old saying goes, "He who is like is gathered together!" The opposite of similarity is the need for complementarity, which argues that interpersonal attraction is based on differences between two people, following the saying "extremes attract".

It is true that if you are an independent woman you want a man who can give you the necessary freedom, to the detriment of a possessive, jealous, and a submissive, but still, this need for complementarity blends harmoniously with similarity, because in any relationship you must to have common attitudes, passions, habits of the people involved, but it is necessary to have certain differences so that the relationship can evolve so that the partners have the opportunity to learn from each other.

Another important factor in interpersonal attraction is reciprocity. Thus, you have probably all felt this at some point in your skin, that if a certain person dislikes you, inevitably your feelings towards him will be identical and vice versa, but this reciprocity depends on the situation in which the interaction takes place, as well as the self-esteem of each of the participants in the respective interaction.

In this sense, for example, you may not feel at ease when traveling by public transport, because congestion, especially at rush hour in the morning, gives you the feeling that your privacy is being violated. which, of course, will soak up your expression, both facial and body. This expression, in turn, can induce in other passengers the feeling of inaccessibility, transmitted by you.

Last but not least, one of the secrets of interpersonal attraction is a physical attraction itself. As everyone who reads this article expects, while men appreciate a woman's physical qualities in the first place, other aspects such as social and economic status, personality, which often emerges from clothing, and how they are important. nails, hands, hair, etc. are taken care of.

What you don't know is that, however, studies in this field have shown that men, although they seem to appreciate attractive women, would not opt ​​for a woman with a much higher degree of attractiveness than their own, because they feel that they do not.

I can cover all his needs. Regarding the attractiveness of a person, it is shown that it is given by the symmetry of the face, as well as the body, and the person's average framing, in the sense that the particular features are not as representative for estimating attractiveness as believed.

You were probably not aware of all these aspects that together make up the interpersonal attraction and the way you start to relate to those around you, but you certainly found yourself in the short presentation made in this article.

From now on you will surely know how to follow your reactions and thoughts and it will be much easier for you to rationalize your behavior, which is often classified as inexplicable!


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