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5 Ways to Calm Your Pre-Date Nerves

Even date experts get the jitters. These tips will help you relax and enjoy the experience.

By Robert CordrayPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

First dates are nerve-racking. Regardless of whether you've met the person you're seeing on a dating app, at a bar on a night out, or at work, regardless of whether you're close friends or strangers, a first date will likely consist of lots of anxiety and overthinking.

However, you don't have to sit idly by and let the nervousness consume you. There are ways to help you feel zen before a first date, so that you can walk into the restaurant or park feeling confident and prepared. Here are a few ways to calm your pre-date nerves.

1. Do a Pre-Date Workout

If you're someone who doesn't really like to exercise, this might seem like more of a chore than a way to calm your nerves. But it works. Exercise is like a happiness pill; it catalyzes the release of endorphins in your body, which will boost your mood. Doing a pre-date workout will help transform your anxieties into excitement. The workout doesn't have to be difficult, either; a thirty minute walk around the neighborhood or a short bike ride can do the trick. Just make sure you give yourself enough time to freshen up beforehand. No one wants to go on a date with someone who smells like sweat.

2. Do a Skincare Routine

Going into a first date with fresh, smooth, glowing skin will give you the confidence you need to wow your date. Spend at least twenty minutes while you're getting ready giving a little extra attention to your skin. Use your favorite wash washes, moisturizers, oils, lip repair treatments, pore strips, and face masks. Your skin will look healthy and clear, and who can be nervous with skin that good?

3. Stay Busy Beforehand

Lying in your bed and thinking about all the things that could go wrong is an unproductive and unhealthy way to spend the hours leading up to your date. You'll drive yourself insane, and it'll take everything you have not to send a, "Sorry, I can't make it, something came up" text. Keeping your body and mind occupied before your date is a good way to keep your nerves in check and prevent this scenario. You can invite a friend over, call your mom, or throw yourself into your work. As long as you're staying busy, the hours will pass quickly and without crippling anxiety. Before you know it, you'll be getting ready to leave your apartment to meet your date.

4. Play Your Favorite Music

There is no mood booster like your favorite songs; they'll make you feel energized, excited, and confident. Whether you like pop, rock, country, or hip-hop, listening to your playlists before a first date is a great way to hype yourself up. Turn up the volume and scream the lyrics, and just spend a little while dancing and being yourself. You'll feel on top of the world coming into the date.

5. Put it in Perspective

The reality is that your first date is not the most important thing in the world, and you shouldn't treat it as such. The worst thing that can happen is that it's weird and uncomfortable—maybe he insults you or is rude to the wait staff at the restaurant—but it's not the end of the world. Don't set your expectations too high, and just think of the date as a conversation with a friend or a meet-and-greet. If it doesn't go well, think of how much fun it will be to call your friends afterwards and tell them all about it.

First dates aren't easy. They're the most anxiety-inducing of all the dates, and it might feel impossible to calm your nerves. But going into the date confident and free of expectations is important, and will help eliminate many of the nagging negative thoughts that live in our brain. Just remember: a bad first date will make for a good story later.


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