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5 Signs of a Broken Heart Man That You Don't Often Realize

Men can get carried away too

By Emil indwPublished 9 days ago 3 min read
5 Signs of a Broken Heart Man That You Don't Often Realize
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Falling in love and getting your heart broken can be a tug of war. In reality people are more often heartbroken at different levels. Some keep it to themselves, or are addressed to the closet person. Because basically everyone has their own uniqueness.

Although sometimes the attitude aimed at heartbroken guys is always enigmatic, still, girls are always considered 'insensitive' or even realize too late if the guys likes them.

Girls and boys have different attitudes in responding tho their feelings. Guys are famous for logic, making it difficult to guess their feelings. Does he like you or is he heartbroken about you?

Some people say, heartbreak will make a person change. Sometimes when they chat with you, there are words or attitude that contain the meaning of the state of his heart. Reporting from various source, here are 5 attitudes that indicate a guy's heartbreak in disguise.

1. Saying, "Can you not lower your self-esteem , just a little."

Some people argue, this sentence does not contain negative meaning but as a marker, how difficult it is to get you. Guys feel heartbroken because no matter how hard he tries to get your attention, you don't care about him. So, by saying it like that, he hopes you can realize not to be too expensive.

2. Tell a lie that he's engaged to another girl, so you feel the loss

There are some guys who like to do this. Usually, they also work with your friends to lie to you. Because with the reaction you give, can find out to what extend you like it.

However, when this action does not cause the desired reacti0n. It's certain that guys are heartbroken because, basically, you don't have more feelings for him.

3. Unfollow all your social media accounts suddenly

Some guys do it on purpose because they want to backtrack on getting you as a girlfriend. And usually unfollowing social media accounts is done after a guy has a deep chat with a girlfriend. The content of the conversation concerns matters of the heart, such as asking about who the girl's idol is. Well! When they already know, it turns out that they are not the one who is being admired, heartbreak is inevitable.

4. Stop treating yourself to food or other treats during the approach

Parents say, treat the girl you're chasing. Starting from buying her food, paying for movie tickets or so on. Guys, consider it for their self-esteem. It shows that they are reliable. But on the other hand, as a way to break a girl's heart. It can be found during the approach.

However, what happens when they realize more and more, that method does not work. Because the girl they are after slowly but surely makes them heartbroken. When the honesty of the feelings a girl has turns out to be for someone else. At that moment, a guy will take a firm stance to stop treating yourself. They will have a reason to save money.

5. Thinking you're invisible or as he doesn't know you

Have you ever considered yourself like a statue by a guy? Even though you and he used to be so familiar. Investigated. It's a way for a guy to hide his heartbreak. Well, even though there are some people around who are joking or chatting with you, he will not respond to you.

Try to ask nicely with the change in attitude that he did to you, if you feel objected to his treatment. However, if he avoids and doesn't feel like nothing happened, fix he is indeed organizing his heart from the heartbreak he feels. When a guy is in attitude like this, give clarity to your feelings to him. Because after all, everyone doesn't want to be given empty hopes.

Again, the heartbreak of a guy is caused by a girl who already loves another guy. Wow, it's really painful yhaaa~

Fighting is necessary after heartbreak. Even if you have to go through a long process of forgetting. New love will make you move on quickly!

Hopefully you can be wiser in making a friendship with better self-sensitivity, guys!

Note: This writing is purely made from my real life experience. If there are additions, please provide them in the comments. I really look forward to your comment. Thanks!


About the Creator

Emil indw

I always use the people around me as inspiration in my writing. They will be special people if you know how to write about them.

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  • Annalise Zera3 days ago

    thats so sad

  • Novel Allen6 days ago

    Some people can bounce back from a broken heart very quickly, others take much longer. Everyone is different, but everyone needs to be treated with respect. Hearts will always be broken, it takes time to mend, but it will.

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