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5 Easy Ways to Move on

After A breakup

By Ayana .Published 4 years ago 3 min read

Okay, so you and your other half have called it quits after some years and you're having a hard time moving on. You thought you had something special with this person. However it ended drastically and now all you want to do is get back to being you.

We all had our heart crushed at one point in our lives, life is going to move on so you should too. Just think of it like this; when life hands you lemons make lemonade. You should use this time wisely to figure out what you want to learn about yourself. This is a time of discovery, self-love and building relationships with people. So, I will be giving you five easy ways to cope with how you may feel at this time.


The only way you won't think about your ex is if you start focusing on ways you want to improve yourself. This could also generate positive thoughts of yourself than negative. You could find a new activity, learn a new language, get a new hairstyle. Anything you haven't been able to do while you were with this person, should make you feel like you're interested in doing now because there isn't anything holding you back.


One good way to really start moving on is to go have a night out with some of your closest friends. This is usually the start of oneself acknowledging that you're single and that it's okay because you still have people who love you. It doesn't have to be all depressing. This is a time for building bonds between friends, families and animals. Yes animals. An animal is also a friend. It wouldn't be a bad idea to buy one to make you feel that void.


By NordWood Themes on Unsplash

When you're done with a person, the last thing you should be doing is stalking their Facebook page. It's only opening old wounds and it isn't going to help you move on faster. It definitely won't do you well if the person that starts to talk down on your name and you see it. So the best thing would be is to block them from you all your accounts and have no contact with them until you feel that that your heart no longer desires their love.


By Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Sometimes you might feel this pain in your chest where you might end up having sadness take over. But don't fear it, just let out that hurt and move on. You know that this person isn't for you, so just continue to find yourself. If you keep that sad feeling in it'll only hurt you. It's also normal to feel this pain that you may be feeling.


By Alejandra Quiroz on Unsplash

If you're ready to move on from what broke you. It's okay to start back dating again, if you feel that you're ready to make a commit to someone else. That's only when your mind is ready. Moving on too fast could lead to poor decisions of loving anyone to try and feel a hole. But you'll know once it feels right. Learning to love could open up new doors to giving your heart a second chance to feel special. So when that decision comes make sure you're really healed.


About the Creator

Ayana .

I'm a creator of many works. I live life & try to enjoy what I have. I'm a dreamer and I love to be heard.

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