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3 Reasons You feel ATTRACTED to the WRONG person

Why You Keep Falling for the Wrong One

By Timeless Siren SecretsPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

Considering every man you've ever dated in the past...

Do you ever question your choice of some of them?

Were there any mistakes? By that, I mean guys who made you feel bad?

Have you ever acted in a way that was totally uncharacteristic of you?

Have you ever dated someone you knew wasn't right for you?

But you continued to be with him?

If so, it's probably because you secretly thought he had some redeeming qualities...

That if you could just discover the secret to turning the lock in his heart and getting him to really commit to you, this relationship would be fantastic.

We can't help why we are drawn to people.

However, we don't have to waste our time and effort dating someone who won't make us happier.

Watch out for these 3 causes of your attraction to the wrong guys (I'll share a solution at the end).

1. We are attracted to the wrong individuals because...

We believe we can change them

You have very good reason to think you can change a guy.

The central theme of almost every romance tale is that a bad lad may become a decent man through the love of a woman. The love of a woman may restore a damaged man and teach him how to love once again.

You naturally want to take part in such a lovely tale.

You want to be the one who heals him. Who shows him his possibilities. Who improves his life.

Why would you choose a man who has already recovered, believes in love, and is prepared to settle down?

Those guys don't need you. They are not a challenge.

And perhaps those guys even believe they are the kind of men who wouldn't choose you. Perhaps you believe that the only guys with whom you have a chance are the broken ones.

It won't be simple to dispel the myth that your job is to find a broken guy and help him learn to love once more.

This is one of the most difficult lessons in love:

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

- Maya Angelou

But you can pull it off.

Take note of what draws you to a man.

Is it the potential to mend his heart and demonstrate to him once more that he is capable of loving?

Or is it the beauty and strength of his loving heart?

2. We Attract the Wrong Types of People Because...

Inside, We're Still Teens.

Many of us had our first love stirrings when we entered our teen years.

Teenage years are a very formative time. We discover who is and is not popular by the opposite sex. We put our sexiness to the test. When we look in the mirror, we try to picture how others would perceive us.

Those early teachings stick with us when we become older and start dating seriously.

On the surface, we appear to be mature, capable individuals who have our lives together.

We still have the same internal insecurities that we did as teenagers.

Have you ever dated someone who appeared to be a guy on the outside but acted in ways that felt utterly childish? His teen self was running the show.

Think about the knowledge you gained about desire, attraction, and relationships as a teenager.

Do any of those life lessons still apply to you today?

Can you help your teenager self learn a healthier way to love?

3. We Attract the Wrong Types of People Because...

Addiction Is More Comforting Than Love

Nothing is more thrilling than having an obsession.

You're constantly thinking about him. You long to be with him all the time. Your boring, everyday existence is transformed by drama and intrigue.

Why on earth wouldn't you want to spend time with someone like that?

Because it is addiction, not love.

Although the exhilaration of the honeymoon period of attraction may provide the impression of love, psychologists do not see it as such. Even the term is different: limerance.

You don't realize whether this connection has promise until the initial rush wears off. You must determine a man's willingness to do acts of love.

When your connection is strained, does he make an effort to mend it? Does he talk things through? Is he considering long-term happiness as opposed to immediate gratification?

One method to receive those answers more quickly when you meet someone new, is to ask yourself a crucial question.

Don't give so much importance to this question: "Am I attracted to this man?"

Instead, focus on learning the response to this:

"Can this man love me, just as he is and just as I am?"

Because what keeps relationships together for a lifetime is love, not obsession.

Understanding the reasons why we are attracted to the wrong person is crucial for our future happiness and well-being.

But the good news is that we can change these patterns and attract the right person who will love us for who we truly are. By working on our own self-awareness and making conscious choices, we can break free from negative relationship cycles and create healthy, fulfilling connections with others.

If you want to learn more about how to attract the right guy who loves you for you, then click here to get our FREE "Attraction Triggers," blueprint that offers practical tips and strategies for building a strong, loving relationship.

Remember, the power to attract the right person is within you - all it takes is the willingness to learn and grow.


About the Creator

Timeless Siren Secrets

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Irresistible to Men and Cultivating Confidence in Relationships

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