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25 Proven Tips to Help You Get Over a Breakup

Get Over a Breakup

By Alain SaamegoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The end of a relationship is undoubtedly one of the most difficult times in a person’s life. The emotional pain can be agonizing and it can be hard to think about anything else. However, there are ways to get over a breakup and move on with your life. Here are 25 tips for getting over a breakup:

  • Don’t dwell on the past.

The first step in getting over a breakup is to focus on the present and the future. Don’t spend your time dwelling on the things that went wrong in the relationship.

  • Don’t isolate yourself.

When you’re feeling down, it can be tempting to stay in your room and to avoid seeing or talking to anyone. However, it’s important to have social support during this time.

  • Lean on your friends and family.

Your friends and family are a great source of support and they want to help you get through this tough time. Talk to them about your feelings and about what you’re going through.

  • Get exercise.

Exercise is a great way to release the negative emotions that you’re feeling. It also releases endorphins, which can make you feel better.

  • Eat healthy.

Eating healthy allows your body to heal and to function properly. Make sure to avoid foods that are unhealthy and that will only make you feel worse.

  • Get enough sleep.

Not getting enough sleep can make it difficult to cope with stress and it can also make you feel grumpy and negative. Make sure to get a good night’s sleep.

  • Avoid alcohol and drugs.

Using alcohol or drugs to cope with a breakup is only going to make things worse.

  • Spend time by yourself.

This might seem contradictory, but spending time by yourself can also be helpful. It allows you to reflect on the relationship and on what went wrong.

  • Don’t contact your ex.

Contacting your ex is only going to prolong the healing process.

  • Accept that the relationship is over.

One of the most important things in getting over a breakup is to accept that the relationship is over. Don’t try to convince yourself that things will change or that the relationship can be salvaged.

  • Don’t blame yourself.

Don’t blame yourself for the breakup. It takes two people to make a relationship work and it’s not always the person’s fault when it ends.

  • Don’t seek revenge.

Don’t try to get revenge on your ex. It will only cause more negative feelings and it will make it difficult for you to move on.

  • Don’t stalk your ex online.

Stalking your ex online will only make you feel worse. It’s venting in a negative way and it won’t help you to get over the breakup.

  • Give yourself time.

It takes time to get over a breakup. Don’t expect to feel better overnight.

  • Seek professional help.

If you’re having a hard time getting over the breakup, you might want to seek professional help. A therapist can help you to work through your emotions and to move on.

  • Write down your thoughts.

Writing down your thoughts can be helpful in getting over a breakup. It allows you to express your feelings in a safe and healthy way.

  • Cry if you need to.

Crying is a natural way of expressing your emotions. Don’t be afraid to cry if you need to.

  • Talk to someone who has been through a breakup.

Talking to someone who has been through a breakup can be helpful. They will understand what you’re going through and they can offer advice and support.

  • Don’t jump into a new relationship.

Jumping into a new relationship is not the answer. It will only distract you from the pain of the breakup and it will prolong the healing process.

  • Don’t compare your new relationship to your old one.

Don’t compare your new relationship to your old one. Every relationship is different and it’s unfair to compare them.

  • Allow yourself to feel the emotions.

Don’t try to bottle up your emotions. Allow yourself to feel the pain and the sadness.

  • Take time for yourself.

Take time for yourself to relax and to do the things that you enjoy. This will help you to feel better.

  • Spend time with positive people.

Spend time with positive people to help boost your mood.

  • Move on.

The most important thing is to move on. Don’t dwell on the past and don’t try to salvage the relationship. Move on and focus on the future.

  • Don't give up on love.

It's natural to be upset and to feel like you'll never love again, but don't give up on love. There's still a chance for you to find happiness in a new relationship.

There's no single formula for getting over a breakup - it varies from person to person. However, there are some general tips that can help speed up the process and make it a little bit easier.


About the Creator

Alain Saamego

Software engineer , Writer and Content Strategist at

I'm a technology enthusiast, and I love learning about upcoming technologies. I also enjoy teaching and answering questions about new technologies.

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    Alain SaamegoWritten by Alain Saamego

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