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20+ psychological techniques for perceiving people like a book

You'll always dominate conversations if you do it!

By Durga PrasadPublished 12 months ago 8 min read

You've undoubtedly thought about how convenient it would be to be able to read people's minds. Some individuals do this by using their intuition, but if you lack that level of insight, your only option is to learn how to interpret body language. More than half of the information we receive is nonverbal, such as via body language, gestures, and facial expressions.

The game Bright Side challenges you to pay attention to the messages that other people unknowingly transmit.

You'll always dominate conversations if you do it!

#01. closing their eyes

You should be aware if someone is attempting to hide from the outside world if they are speaking to you while shutting their eyes. This does not indicate that the individual is afraid of you. They've probably subconsciously stopped listening to you, and if they close their eyes, you vanish.

#02. covering their mouth

Do you recall covering your lips when you didn't want to tell your mother what happened to that shattered vase as a child? Well, this tendency follows us into adulthood as well. A few fingers, a palm, or even a fist placed close to the lips might be used to stifle the words we don't want to say.

#3. chewing on their classes

Try talking to someone who is chewing on their earbuds in class and encouraging them. They are probably unconsciously anxious about something and are trying to feel safe, just like they did when their mother was nursing them. By the way, chewing gum, a pencil, a cigarette, or even a stub of tobacco in the mouth all convey the same message.

#04. "presenting" their face

In general, resting our chins on our hands is a way to draw attention from those of the opposite sex. Men should keep this gesture in mind if they wish to appreciate the woman at the correct time. We're sort of displaying our faces as if it says, "This is me! Enjoy as much as you want."

#5. rubbing their chin

If you observe a buddy doing this, ask them what's on their mind. This is what individuals do when they're attempting to make decisions. They may be gazing down, up to the side, or anywhere. However, they may not even be aware of what they are looking at.

#06. cross arms

Crossed arms are a definite indication that a person is not feeling it today. If you want to talk to someone making an X with their arms across their chest, forget about it. This is one of the most common gestures, and it's understandable why many people feel really comfortable in this position because it subconsciously shuts them off from others. We frequently use this gesture when we're annoyed by someone or something.

#07. fixing their posture

When a woman wants a guy to notice her, she makes an effort to show herself as attractively as possible. She may straighten her back to highlight her breasts and cross her legs. Hands hanging down are a sign of attentiveness and intense interest in a person.

#8. leaning forward

The body instinctively moves forward when someone likes them and wants to get to know them. You can really notice this body movement in a crowd of people as they all subconsciously lean in the direction of the person they like. So the next time you're at a party, sit back or forward if you have your eyes on someone and enjoy the show.

#09. leaning back

Now let's consider the alternative position. If someone reclines in their chair, they are indicating that they are tired of the conversation and don't want to continue it. This could make the other person feel uncomfortable. The next time you're in a restaurant, look for people who are not as engaged in the conversation that is currently being held.

#10. swinging from their heels to their toes

That's true; not just children do it to exhibit anxiety, but if a person bounces up and down on their toes instead of swinging back and forth, it may indicate that they are feeling confident. If they appear joyful and smiling, it is also a good bet that they are.

#11. rubbing their hands

According to popular belief, the hands reflect what the mind is thinking. When someone rubs their hands together, it usually indicates that they are hopeful and have a good feeling about things. This is a nice gesture to make the next time you're in Las Vegas.

#12. the "glove" handshake

Politicians frequently shake hands in this manner because it conveys trustworthiness, friendliness, and honesty. However, you should keep in mind that this handshake is frequently viewed as an invasion of privacy and that only people who are close to each other do it genuinely, so don't let a politician fool you.

#13. a handshake with the palm facing the floor versus facing the ceiling

This knowledge can be helpful if you want to suddenly show your boss that you respect their "dominance." It's okay to feed the ego if it means getting on their good side at the same time. If you're holding someone's hand from below, you're telling them that you're ready to help.

#14. cupping someone's hands during a handshake

One way to tell if someone is sympathizing with you is if they cup your hand between both of theirs and place their free palm on the back of your hand. However, this is only true if the person does it right away. If you've already been shaking hands when the other person puts their hand on top, it could mean they're letting you know who's in charge.

#15. a handshake with a touch

Sometimes people use their free hands to touch other people. Your forearm, elbow, or back may be touched. What is your handshaking style? An invasion of personal space indicates that someone isn't receiving enough attention or communication from others. The closer the contact is to the torso, the more company that person requires. Hit the "Like" button if it's one of those we just listed.

#16. fixing their tie

The context determines the significance of this gesture. If a guy makes this gesture towards a woman he is attracted to, it is likely a sign that he likes her. However, it is also possible that he is uncomfortable, has lied, or just wants to leave the situation.

#17. collecting imaginary lint

Additionally known as a replacement gesture," People frequently use it to convey their displeasure with something without really saying so; in other words, they do not express their opinions outright but do it covertly.

#18. putting their feet in the desk

However, psychiatrists felt that even if you feel comfortable in this posture, you shouldn't sit like this anywhere other than at home. This gesture might signify a variety of things, including poor manners, contempt, attempting to demonstrate who's boss, or even worrying for one's health.

#19. mounting a chair like a horse

If you don't want to come off as weak, stay standing while they're riding their imaginary horse. A chair is not a horse, and even though its back resembles a shield, it serves a different purpose. Many people find it offensive when others sit in this position because they can sense the aggression.

#20. playing with their shoe

Women are most attractive when their legs are crossed, and if a lady is fidgeting with her shoe, it's a sign that she's relaxed and trying to get your attention. Gentlemen, you have the go-ahead to approach her.

#21. eye contact

The eyes are the window to the soul, and they are a wonderful tool for communication since you can see everything a person is thinking and feeling there. There are various types of eye contact, and each of them can tell us a lot if we know how to decode them. For example, when someone is attracted to another, their pupils can be up to four times bigger than their normal state. By the way, if a person is angry, their pupils look beady because they get really small. Lovers look each other in the eyes, hoping to see an enlarged pupil. In reality, this is very easy to notice.

avoiding eye contact

When someone won't look you in the eye, it usually means they're lying to you, but it might also mean they're uncomfortable. Thirdly, individuals frequently try to determine if they are performing mental calculations or looking for the answer to a challenging issue.

unbroken staring

However, if someone refuses to break eye contact with you, they're probably lying to you and trying really hard to avoid it. If they're overdoing it, well, can we really blame them? Alternatively, if someone is trying to intimidate you or make you feel uncomfortable, they're likely trying to avoid breaking eye contact.

a lot of blinking

Average blink rates range from 6 to 10 per minute, but if this number is greater, there's a considerable possibility the individual is unconsciously drawn to the person with whom they are conversing. What psychological techniques do you employ when reading people? Please leave a comment below with your secret.


About the Creator

Durga Prasad

My "spare" time is spent creating for myself and writing for others.

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