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13 Love Killer Words

Even though it's crucial in a relationship, being honest can occasionally be harmful.

By GconnectPublished about a year ago 5 min read

It's a wonderful thing to fall in love with a girl and begin a relationship. Long-term relationships are typically founded on love, trust, and sincerity. Even though honesty is essential in a relationship, it can be hurtful at times. Some things should not be told to your partner because they may hurt her or cause her to change her mind about you. For instance, some heinous things you've done in the past, a truth about her that will make her feel bad if you tell her, and so on.

Even though you care deeply for her and feel like you are growing close, you should keep matters that could harm your relationship private. Sometimes, keeping your mouth shut is the best way to express your love for someone. Hence, you should consider these factors that could ruin your relationship before you start to be too direct and confident with her.

  • Never tell her she is gaining weight

Even if this is correct, you cannot tell her. It will make her feel terrible and lead her to believe that you no longer like her. Consider how she would react if you went there and said, " honey, you could stand to lose a little weight ". Allow her to decide when it is appropriate to lose weight because she will do so without your interference. When a man tells his girlfriend that she has gained weight, he is usually dumped.

  • Don't tell her how your mother would have handled situations.

I know that for men their mothers always represent a model in life, but we have to admit that all the families are different. So, we have been raised by different kinds of parents and in different ways of life. Everyone is taught to do things in their ways and that's why you can't ask your girlfriend to do things or to live like your mother. A woman can have her views and opinions, and all you can do about this is to tell her stories about how you were raised and how things have been done in your family. You should adapt at this new way of life, without comparing her with your mom.

  • Don't tell her that you like to visit your mom too often

Maybe you love your mother more than her at the time, but you don't have to show it. She may believe she is competing with your mother, or, worse, that you rely on her. It is not in your favor at all.

  • Don't berate her when she's doing her best.

This is the absolute worst thing you can do. If she notices that she is working hard to do things correctly and you begin to criticize her, she will be disappointed that you do not know how to appreciate her for her efforts. So you should get over it and offer to assist her with that task. Maybe she'll do better the next time.

  • If your family dislikes her, never tell her.

Even if your family dislikes her, it is best not to tell her because she will become angry and insecure as a result. This will cause problems and tension between her and your family in the future. All you can do is inform your family that she is the one you've chosen and that they must respect your decision. Try to persuade them to reconsider her.

  • Don't bring up your ex in a special occasion.

Never compare your dating nights or activities with your ex to those you had with them. It's possible to go places with her where you've been with the other, but don't bring it up. It is upsetting for her to see you still thinking about the other.

In bed, never compare her to your ex. She'll be hurt to learn that the other was better in bed than she was. No woman enjoys being compared to another in any way.

  • Do not recognize if you have done wrong in the past.

If she hasn't already figured it out, you should keep your mouth shut; the odds are in your favor. If you tell her that you have cheated on previous girlfriends, she will have a negative opinion of you and be disappointed. So keep these things to yourself.

  • Never tell her that you value a football game more than she does.

Even if it's an important game, don't tell her to leave you alone because you're too busy and don't have time for her. You should smile and pretend to listen to her, trying to catch the key words. To put you on the spot, she might ask you what she was saying to you.

  • Don't tell her you despise her friends.

Because she has known her friends for as long as she has known you, it is not a good idea to tell her that she dislikes her friends or to say anything negative about them. She may become enraged as a result of this, so you should pretend that you like them and that everything is fine.

  • When she is enraged, don't ask her to relax.

Asking her to relax when she is upset, scared, or angry is the worst thing you can do. This will aggravate her because she will believe you don't take her seriously. If you upset her by doing something bad, she will understand that you are denying that there is a reason for her to be upset.

  • Don't tell her you're insecure.

In a relationship or dating, a woman seeks a strong and confident man. So, if you are insecure or jealous of her, for example, because she has a higher salary than you, you must keep this aspect to yourself. If you want things to go well between you, she doesn't have to know.

  • Don't declare your love in the middle of a fight.

The words ‘‘I love you ‘‘mean a lot for a woman that's why it should be said at the right moment. But most of guys say this during they have a fight with their partner, in the worst moment ever. When you are mistaking in front of her, and let’s say that you feel guilty, you want her to forgive you, so you declare your love for her. It is a wrong choice. She doesn't believe a word in what you say because she considers that if you really loved her you wouldn't upset her. You may say you love her but only after your fight is over.

  • Do not tell her that you have feelings for her girlfriend.

Maybe one of her girlfriends is very attractive and you want to meet her first, but your actual partner should not discover this. If you tell her that her best friend looks great, she will be hurt and angry, and she will never trust you around her friends again. So keep it a secret and make it clear from your demeanor that you enjoy staring at her girlfriend on occasion.

If you want to have a long and strong relationship, don't let some of the things you say destroy it. Don't be completely honest about things that should not be revealed.


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