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10 ways to live a happier life

Learn to love yourself first

By K.Published 2 years ago 4 min read
10 ways to live a happier life
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

If there is anything we need in life, it is to find opportunities to feel contentment. We know life isn’t always going to go the way we want and we need to make space for the bad feelings, own them, find ways to cope and move forward. Here are some simple ways to create a space of contentment in your life and hopefully make you smile so big !

1. Practice Gratitude

When you wake up in the morning I want you to think of 3 things in your life that bring you so much joy. Write them down! They dont need to be extravagant to be important to you.

By lilartsy on Unsplash

2. Try Deep Belly Breaths or Try Meditation

Not only does this improve your oxygen intake but it can lower your stress levels and help you become more in tune with your body. 5-10 deep breaths into your nose and breathing out of your mouth can help you feel at ease. Meditation dives in even deeper and if it’s something you can practice everyday.. you will surely get tools to help with being mindful to your needs and wants & help you reflect on how to get there. What are you waiting for!

By Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

3. Spend Time In Nature

We rely so much on nature and always have. What a perfect place to spend time to get connected to yourself and the world around you. It is a truly a magical experience to witness and feel the calming affect the sound of the ocean or the smell of the rain has on our bodies and mind. Take a nature walk!

By Lukasz Szmigiel on Unsplash

4. Find a Hobby

Whether it is beach-combing, skateboarding, painting, cooking, yoga or skydiving find something that makes you feel good and that you enjoy. You could even meet people with common interests while doing something you love.. bonus!

By Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

5. Plants Plants Plants

Green thumb depending, get a plant baby or start gardening in the summer months. It is said that gardeners are happier. Maybe it’s the sun or the joy of caring for something lush and green. Maybe it’s all the fresh air...who knows. It is worth a try and there are some easy ones out there for beginners. Always check if the plant is safe for pets and children if your worried of the potential danger of course.

By Chris Abney on Unsplash

6. Exercise

There are so many well known health benefits of getting your body moving. Seriously try this for your mind and body. There is endless ways to get moving whether it is a gym membership, hiking, walking, running, lifting weights, or dancing. Make time for this & you won’t be disappointed. You could even join a local group that offers an amazing session for you to try. Talk about common interests. You could lift some weights at home while you bird watch or while you watch your favourite show. You got this!

By Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

7. Let’s Talk Resetting Your Body Clock

We know how important a good sleep is to our mental health and physical body. Did you know watching the sunrise and sunset can help you press the reset button on that body clock of yours. It is always worth a try and getting the proper amount of zZZ’s is certainly important. Camping is a popular way to hit the reset goal. A walk before an early morning start to your day and limiting exposure to artificial light at night is proven to help you get a better night sleep and raise your natural melatonin levels. Walla!

By Scott Goodwill on Unsplash

8. Spend Time With The Ones That Make You Happy

This could be children in your life, your Grandfather, Grandmother, Mom, Dad, Friends, Pet! Whatever or whoever that is....make it a priority to spend a few hours 3 times a week if not more with them. It will bring you all joy not just you and will most definitely bring a smile to that beautiful face of yours. Attentively interact with your favourite people. Making your loved ones feel well loved will also bring you joy.

By Joel Muniz on Unsplash

9. Watch What You Eat & Drink

How we eat is essential to our overall health. They say eating an abundance of healthy food is proven to reduce stress on the mind and body and keep us internally and physically healthier. Get a plan from your doctor if you can and tackle the goals of longevity! Indulging is always an option occasionally but we should really be minding what we eat in abundance & drink that water often. Nutrition has the ability to change our cells! Get to it!

By Ola Mishchenko on Unsplash

10. Help Someone

Help a friend, Donate to a Charity of your choice, do something to bring someone you know or maybe don’t know joy as long as you can safely without breaking the bank. There are countless ways to help!

You always hear there’s someone out there worse off than you are. It can be true but always remember that doesn’t deflect how you might feel in the moment and you are still able to feel your emotions fully, freely and unapologetically. If you need to talk to someone who is professional that is available to you know that is okay! There are doctors and professionals suited to everyones needs. We shouldn't feel guilty to need or want the resources offered and available to us.

By Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

With so much love...Thank you for reading my blog. I hope my hints help you have an uplifted day and a magical year ahead of you. 🌛


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    K.Written by K.

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