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The Strange Death of Professor Shockley

There are both good and evil

By Francis DamiPublished about a year ago 10 min read

There is both good and evil.

That night, the wicked appeared.

We had a good one here, we got a report about the woman being submerged for a minute or two, don't close anything, her boyfriend claimed he stepped out in the woods, but when you come back, she was popped up in the hot tub and she wasn't breathing, tell me her name again. The Shuffle of Marianne

Marianne Shockley, last name Shockley, we get out here and she's got a big ole gash on her head I'm telling you the hair on the back of my necks and something ain't right with this what's your name?

Marianne's boyfriend I talked to her every morning and every night.

My name is Dr Marion Chocolate, and she was my hero since she was so bright. I'm an Outreach entomologist and the director of the insect Zoo she was on the cutting edge of the business I looked up to her as my older sister I wanted to be her genuine rope it all and move from there I want you to Now take me to May 11th, 2019. Okay, so they went bar hopping, had a couple mimosas, and then we had a couple of shots, and then they went out to the Country Club and had cocktails there. I'm Penny Dearman. This is blood town, and I made the Marianne podcast.

chocolate container

They were having a great time at this point, how many beers do you think you've had oh yeah there was some discussion about does anyone have a pool Marcus was aware that his friend Clark heindel had a pool, so can I get your name please or and they headed over there at some time they like to have a few drinks they brought some beer with them

Marcus and Marianne are enjoying themselves in the hot tub. Marcus claims that he walked into the woods to fetch some firewood, and as he dropped the wood off at the fireplace, he noticed Marianne fell down. He yelled out her name, but she did not respond.

Oh, we started CPR on her, but she was pronounced dead at the spot .

Marianne's gone, I just dropped to the ground, my mother called, and she was like she's she's drowned in some hot tub Marianne is not foolish, she would not drown in a hot tub something odd with this one buddy it ain't adding up

I instantly knew Marcus had murdered her. My name is Carson Lillard, and I'm Marcus, his son. He's angry and violent.

Marcus is in a police car right now; you're not under arrest or anything. Where is Clark? He walked into his house and shot himself to death.

The first reaction was that he had to have had something to do with this, because why would he kill himself? There's something he's hiding, and I don't believe anything he says. It was close to 3 a.m. on Mother's Day, May 12, 2019.

Deputies from the Baldwin County Sheriff's Office broke into Clark Heindel's residence and discovered him dead with a shotgun. We're going to need to get that gun out of his hands while he's still holding it.

On Mother's Day, May 12, 2019, it was about 3 a.m.

Deputies from the Baldwin County Sheriff's Office broke into Clark Heindel's residence and discovered him dead with a shotgun. We're going to need to get that gun out of his hands while he's still holding it.

Clark had just called 9-1-1 to request paramedics to his home in Milledgeville, Georgia, and the situation was filmed on police body cameras.

Clark added that after a friend of his college professor, Marianne Shockley, seemed to drown in his hot tub, we got a treat that looked like a murder scene within hours. Marianne's death was being investigated as a homicide, and authorities claim they had two suspects: her boyfriend Marcus Lillard, who was being questioned, and Clark, a longtime Millageville resident. Many people believe that because Clark Heindel committed himself, he had some sort of connection. Today, we're recording on location in Milledgeville for season two. On her podcast, Penny Dearman researched the case.

podcast I'm doing this podcast because I'm curious about what happened to Penny. As it turns out, Penny had previously met Marcus. I met Marcus when I purchased my truck at the time Marcus was working as a car and truck finance manager and what was your impression during that transaction he was very nice he was very personable making jokes making me feel very comfortable very at ease and I liked him right away pretty much everyone agrees that Marcus who had been married and divorced twice was a charmer, but as Penny later discovered, charm came with a reputation he was definitely known as a ladies man everyone regardless of what they thought of him knew that about him somehow God continued to send women my way that were way too good for me and I'd date him and I'd take them for granted one right after another it was a steady pattern he's the most charismatic person I've ever met he's just got it he's got it he's

Carson is Marcus's 23-year-old son, and wherever he went, there was a woman there he could shack up with and stay with, and eventually Marianne fell under his spell the two had met in the late 1990s when they were students at Georgia College in Millageville and working at the same local restaurant was there a spark in that moment no I was a kid man I was probably 17 and she would have been uh 20 you kn

Ayla Crippen is a model. She attended the same college as Marianne and Marcus.

dated one of my best friends and roommates at the time, but they didn't last long. She stated he gave her a strange sensation.

Marcus confesses that drugs interfered with his college education, and he dropped out. "I simply believed life was a party, and I treated it as such," he says. "I never really thought about him again until Marion started dating him two decades later, in 2017. Marcus was on the road in Athens, Georgia, and he knew Marianne resided there, so he invited her to lunch. I was on my motorbike, and we made a journey around Athens, stopping at her home away from home, the Botanical Gardens.

motorbike ride I mean, that was as romantic as you can get at lunchtime on a Wednesday some 20 years after they first met Marcus claims they clicked and we spent every possible moment together on the weekends

Marianne valued Marcus' company so much that she dragged him along as her assistant on travels to China and Ecuador, indicating that this is a highly serious relationship.

dispatch him on his way

According to the report, the relationship seemed to suit Marianne's busy lifestyle; she'd been married and divorced three times and had two children; she had a PhD and was a star professor at the University of Georgia, where she was known around campus as doc shock; her speciality was entomology, the study of insects; and she had two children. We are going to discuss bugs.

Marianne liked everything about insects, including their taste. Ants taste like citrus, and some grain-stamped bugs taste like cinnamons. She embraced entomology, the eating of insects, and she believed bugs could be used as a protein source to help solve world hunger. Marianne's student was Shakira Magic. who became a True Believer and a bit of a pest Baker and I asked her to bring some samples so we could dig in and kind of try it. You could put a few more insects on mine, but I'm not scared to marry him to Marion.

Oh, and it's so moist the brownie is perfectly cooked perfectly baked and the Crickets add a little crunch yes Shakira says she could tolerate eating bugs more than Marcus I didn't particularly care for him I couldn't really put my finger on it but I didn't like them Carson could relate no one knows a father better than their own son he had warned Marianne that Marcus had a Jekyll and Hyde personality largely due to drugs he had been on cocaine my entire life and he cautioned her to be careful he's angry and he's violent and you're going to see it if I could tell you anything it would just be to get away

Marcus and Marianne were in a celebratory mood on the afternoon of May 11 2019, the college school year had just ended and as seen in this surveillance footage the couple went pub hopping in Millageville before heading over to Clark heindel's house had a few beers smoked a little pot started a list of some music had a couple more beers

Marcus spoke to us from jail; he's been there since Marianne's death; he told us about that night and how it all started as an impromptu jam session; Clark played the accordion, and Marcus tried his hand at the conga, just as they had in the past; we had stepped down from his porch and were about to leave I Clark, I said hello. I heard you bought some acid.

and he replies no, but I'm high on ecstasy

Marcus claims that all three of them used ecstasy tablets, a chemical that induces euphoria but may also create anxiety and panic.

What happened next I was so out of it I couldn't make a sentence so I couldn't speak but Marquis did later piece together a timeline and told investigators that he thought he and Marianne got into the hot tub around 9pm Marcus said at one point he got out of the hot tub and Marianne begged him not to leave she says baby get back in this water with me right now Was she afraid? Was she concerned? She had fear in her voice, and it was unmistakably fear. Marcus says it's unclear what Marianne was terrified of, so why didn't you turn back at that moment since I'm an idiot? Rhonda, lay down and don't touch anything.

Marcus originally told deputies he went into the woods to gather firewood.

said he went into the woods to try to recreate a scene from the documentary The Last Shaman while high on drugs The League persona engages in weird rites such as being buried alive I said I'm going to the woods to dig a hole

Marcus says he went into the woods and simply lay down for how long he doesn't know I can't remember anything past her saying don't leave me what do you say to those who are hearing this story of a guy with a history of drugs who is claiming you know I blacked out convenient it sounds like the devil was at work I mean everything that he could have

When you emerge from the woods, what is the first thing you remember seeing hearing I didn't hear anything I could see Marianne slump down with her chin up to her nose underwater when Marianne was in the hot tub he says he stayed in the far end of the pool

I never saw that she wasn't vulnerable so I got up I guess when he was coming back Marcus says he pulled Marianne out of the hot tub and placed her on the pool deck in doing so Marcus admits dropping Marianne who suffered a gas to her forehead at that point he says Clark walked over and he actually says should we call 9-1-1 and what did you say I said n Marcus and Clark stated that they took turns providing.her CPR but put off dialling 9-1-1 Maybe talk to some of the people who were there. Podcaster Penny Dearman has her own theory about why Marcus did not immediately call police in 2015 Marcus was convicted of selling marijuana and possessing methamphetamine and cocaine he was still on probation for that crime I would say that if you've been in trouble with the law before and you're currently on probation you'd be afraid to call 9-1-1. It irritates my family.

and so hurt if he had a good heart if he honestly loved Marianne he would have given anything to save her It's unknown how much time had gone when Clark dialled 911, but detectives suspect Marianne had been dead for at least two hours before aid arrived. Questions from cops on the scene became increasingly pointed: "If she's unconscious, why don't you call 9-1-1?"

Deputies decided to separate the men for further questioning and placed Marcus in a squad party policy says I have to put your hand closing time not to transport you okay just place your hand back for me okay but based on the body cam footage deputies appear to be having difficulty getting Clark to cooperate I've told him three times to stay off the pool but he insists on having his lawyer present

Something's not right here bro all right wait right there it's a crime scene now wait right there sir I should have gone back there but then the constable watching Clark got a phone call and Clark wandered off we got a dead one no one noticed that Clark had slipped into his house until deputies heard that shotgun go off [Music] and found his body yeah it tainted the case 100 because

There were just one person present who could explain what happened, but detectives believe Clark did leave behind a potential clue, a scribbled suicide note, and I just said, well, he had to have done it if that pill was there.made me so foolish, maybe it made him a violent guy once in his life

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Francis Dami

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    Francis DamiWritten by Francis Dami

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