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I Think We're in a Simulation

I've come to the conclusion that we are in a simulation. These are my thoughts on it.

By XelPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Okay so while I was laying down earlier, suddenly my mind became flooded with thoughts of us being in a simulation. Everything that came to my mind began to make sooooo much sense.

I think in or around the 70s, the government decided to put a group of people together who would handle creating, maintaining and testing out experiments on a simulation. The simulation would be based off of the exact world that they live in. EVERYTHING would be the exact same starting off, but they would speed the simulation forward two years before actually doing anything. The point of this simulation is to get a good idea of how the world responds to things. By this I mean that I think they input situations, experiences and events into the simulation in hopes to get a clear idea of how the world and everyone in it will handle it. This way if they ever go through the situation in their world, they have solutions before the problem presents itself.

After a while, I think they went from experimenting with more than just problems. For example, this is where I think manifestations come from. I think that they choose certain people for certain experiements for different reasons. Some people seem to be more lucky, some people have spiritual gifts, some people go through extremely hard lives while others look as though everything was handed to them. I do not think this is by coincidence. I truly believe people have been hand picked for their situations based on life experiences, dna, race, gender, age or whatever.

If I am right, that means we are at least two years ahead of them. Once this idea popped into my head, I immediately thought of that old tv show the Jetsons. This is where I got the idea of being ahead of them in time.

Have you ever heard the phrase, the truth is always in plain sight?

I think the Jetsons was just that. I think the simulation is FULL of easter eggs. And I think that everytime someone finds one, there is either some sort of glitch or shift in the simulation.

Also, I do not think that there is just one simulation. I think there are multiple simulations going at the same time on the same computer. Why not put them on different computers? My guess would be because when they first started, for whatever reason they didn't, and now we are so deepinto the simulation, they would hate to have to transfer it and somehow fuck it up or erase it all together.

On tiktok one day, someone said that they think we are all in our own simulation. I don't believe this. I think we are all in the same one. We are all in multiple simulations.

The question that remains is... what happens when the simulation ends? My guess would be possibly nothing at all. You just cease to exist. Thats a scary thing to think about but I do believe we are based off of real people int he real world. I also think that those people are sent like monthly updates or something on how their simulation characters are doing. I think they are even allowed to send in situation request. Like lets say their parents are going through a divorce, then they can request that their simulation character goes through that so that they can get a better idea of how to handle the situation or get a preview of how it will affect their lie overall.

What confuses me is the aspect of the elite, the illuminati and different things like that. I guess my question would be, are the elites the ones who started the group that watches over the simulation. Are they paying the group extra to test out certain things for them? Such as do artists drop songs int he simulation before they dropthem in real life to see how much attention it would get? I guess the same thing would go for movies, books and tv shows.

One thing I know for sure is that nobody is controlling us, they are simply controlling inputs. They don't even control EACH input. I think they try to create domino affects. Such as if in their times, hurricanes began to get worst so in result they put New Orleans through Katrina to see how bad that would affect the city, the people and so on. Once they got their results, they realized okay cool, we can't let that happen. Now we need a solution or if that happens, we have to handle it better than the people did in the simulation. Whatever.

THEN they probably test out the same situations multiple different ways across the many simulations running at the same time. In ours, they simply send a category 5 hurricane. In the next one, they build some sort of device in the simulation that helps fight against hurricanes. That fails? Okay lets try another solution in the next simulation.

It's like not being able to control the future but being able to prepare for all situations.

Yeah I have thought a lot about this.



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About the Creator


A writer with a lot to say. Below you’ll find advice, late night thoughts and diary entries! Don’t forget to check out my podcast, tik tik and instagram!🌸❤️

All The Feelings.

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