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Moonlight and Madness

by: Jessica Taylor

By Jessica TaylorPublished 4 years ago 12 min read

Moonlight and madness

By jessica Taylor

She sat there; watching as the sun set behind the mountain horizon; the hues rose and fell with the sun; purple and orange sunrise to blood red sunset followed by a blue moon. The night sky was filled with stars that slowly brought out the constellations.

Out here there was no light confuse them; the Milky Way glistened across what seemed like miles. They rose with pride and stayed without hesitation.

To her amazement she smiled; so long it had been since she truly felt happy. Her heart was glowing; her mind alive with vast creations of hope and new worlds to be discovered. Behind her she could feel the breadth of life that had been So long in the waiting. How she yearned for his every touch, and now she was his, his claim on her heart began long ago.

She remembered it all so clearly; how she pined for the redheaded man; how she was broken over something so simple as his heart been given to another. How she envied her and despised herself for loving him when there was no reason to hold on to the red headed man so tightly.

Slowly she allowed her heart to rebuild the wall that he had so easily broken; being wary of people who commented on her outer beauty and extra cautious of those who found beauty in her soul. She knew she had to keep the wall strong this time, to make her heart stronger; she could not allow herself to fall as she had.

She began to understand that she was alone for now and it was the way the gods had intended it to be. So she allowed herself to let go of the redheaded man. It was painful to watch him grow in his happiness while she fought to hide her unhappiness behind a wall of internal hell.

She watched as he grew, she watched the world pass her by like it always did, she watched new people try to puncture her wall and she left them wondering as she gained her soul of lasting light. It was hard however to find that light. He, the redheaded man had given her her start, but it didn't seem enough.

She tried many things to help her along the way, but somehow there as never enough to help her truly get a grasp on it all, until one day, when her hope was near the brink of breaking to the point of no return he was there to offer a helping hand.

He seemed kind, but she was wary, knowing of her past. She had asked him once but it was the opposite of where she was heading and when all else failed he took her to where she needed to be for a small price. But the price she was willing to pay just to get home.

On their way they spoke of many things, ages, eye colors, what they loved to do. He still seemed kind, but she worried that he was just feeling sorry for her and was trying to make her feel better. At the moment she was just to tired to care so she answered politely and asked questions in return. She kept her eyes away from his and avoided answering about her past.

As they approached her hometown his look was in awe and his response was a bit funny. He seemed so sweet and she started to wonder if his heart could be what it seemed.

As the days passed she watched closely to see what his actions would become, and more as those days passed she seem his actions come to light. She watched as he would help his fellow associates with much more than the normal job he was placed for, how he would open doors for other ladies, how he would stop and help other departments with smaller issues even though he was busy with his own issues. He handled himself well and he always made her smile.

He went out of his way to make her smile day in and day out and finally one day when he was off she found herself thinking about him more than usual and she thought about how hard he had worked to keep her smile throughout the weeks. By then he had taken her home countless times and each time she felt the bond grow between them.

Yet she was still wary, though he inspired her and he had grown on her, she kept the wall tall and strong. He was chivalrous, brave, kinds and true like the Knights of olden days.

One day so suddenly upon seeing him she smiled so big when looking into his eyes at long last, he embraced her so tightly her worries were no more, she melted in that embrace, though she would keep it hidden. Hidden until one day the kiss upon the forehead had made inspiration flow out of her heart and onto a little piece of paper.

When it was finished, she decided it needed to go into her book, so she started the scribbles in her little black book. Before she could get the inspiration completed in the book he asked what it was. She felt herself blush and he laughed asking to read it. She had always loved the audience for her writing so she granted him his request without thinking clearly.

After he finished he folded the almost copy and tried to take it with him. When she told him she needed to finish putting the inspiration in her book he frowned with a big puppy dog look. She would never forget that look, for it had melted her. Almost completely. But she stood her ground with the promise that he could keep the copy once it was complete in her book. His smile then appeared once again with a stress melting hug and a kiss on the cheek to follow.

It was then she found herself in constant thought and her daydreams began to be wild and uncontrollable, but she was smiling again. He made her laugh when she felt the tears calling, he was a beacon of light within the beacon of happiness. He had helped her to create so much. He just didn't know how she had slowly become a part of her. It was time for him to finally know just how he had changed her heart.

The day came where she took a moment to speak to him of how much she had cared for him, he listened closely and in his awe she seen it, the spark of insanity she had feared. She waited patiently for that moment placed in time, but there came no answer. She began to fear that she had once again made the wrong choice. Days passed and it seemed an eternity. She could not bring herself to look him in the eye, but dared not avoid him, for she often needed to have him hold her.

Then one night when she could not find a ride home and her hopes were shattered by an unforgettable tide he spoke ever so softly yet ever so clear. He told her of love, of hope, of dreams. The tides of his heart had changed, he had realized when she had spoken to him of her love for him, he too was shaken by her.

Her nerves were quaking and her heart was pounding, but she listened with careful intent. He spoke of so much emotion in an endless sea of hope. She was overjoyed to finally have her answer, no matter just how unexpected the result was.

And now she was here, feeling the breadth of the man she had admired for so long. He breathing like fire down her neck, leaving her soul to yearn for his touch, to yearn for his kiss and for his love.

The blue moon was beautiful in this night; it was a perfect night; she allowed herself to let go. His kiss followed the breadth of fire, slow upon her neck moving gently and feverishly down to her back and shoulders. Each kiss brought a sensation so divine that it created the desire for more.

He moved even further down in his kisses whilst wrapping his arms around her stomach to pull her closer to him. After a few moments she turned ever so slightly to look him in the eyes. As she moved so did his hands, gripping her a little more tightly, pulling her to his whole.

Her gasp made his lips meet hers in a swift and feverish kiss, she responded by wrapping her arms around his neck and returning the kiss with as much vigor or more, she felt her desire for him rage and he knew he had her within his whole.

His hands slow up her back, slowly breaking away from the kiss to gently tug her shirt over her head. Her heart was beating fast enough to feel like it was going to beat right out of her chest, and she replied in the action of peeling his shirt over his head.

Her body was throbbing as he swiftly found the opening to her pajama pants, again the kiss was vigorous and fire felt, she could hear herself whimpering as he felt for her clit, he pressed himself against her causing her to cry out in delight through the kiss. As he found her panties he again rummaged for an opening.

In return she herself moved her hands to his pants to find his shaft hardening against her body. At long last she gripped it with enough force to make him groan and forcefully place his fingers to her clit, stroking it.

Both groaning in ecstasy, they found themselves shedding clothes as they fell to the fires of madness under the moonlight. Naked and in the others embrace, skin heated kisses wild and hearts beating in time, he laid her down upon the newly placed grass reaching for heated desires he so longed to touch.

Upon reaching within her, she stroked with more vigor, pulling him closer until he thrust his hilt of life with the deepest part of her. A groan from his lips and a whimper from hers sent the fire burning deeper.

She arched upwards, and he thrust again this time pulling her closer into him. Over and over again she arched into his thrusting, both needing to be in the others grace, both freeing their desires upon the softness of the turf beneath them. She was wild beneath him as he arched and he was fierce to sate his need within her.

With a final thrust she reached her peak as he had reached his. Their ecstasy lasting as he pulled her to his eye level to kiss her. His kisses were sweetened fire upon her lips, his hilt of life pulsed within her filling her to the brim with warmth and exotic emotions. And she had known him with every ounce that she was and who she wanted to be.

Moments passed and the blue moon was slowly moving to the western horizon, even at its lesser peak she could feel the energetic spirit flowing. And as she looked back into his eyes the rhythm of his heartbeat was the same as her own.

At that moment he scooped her in his arms never letting himself stray from within her and carried her to her room all the while stirring more emotions full of erected orgasms.

Along the way he propped her up against the wall to kiss her with full vigor, and in doing so he began his thrusts again leaving her to hold to him, to groan with delight, needing his every thrust, desiring to be sated again and again. Deeper still he thrust, more and more he played upon her desires, heated passion bringing lustful kisses to the whole of her mouth only to set fire to her over and over again.

Moment after moment passed, with each thrust he deepened with his passion, the embrace that once again pulled her closer to him, only to feel herself glorified to the finest extent. With a final thrust and a heated rage of desire she felt him release and with his orgasm she released her own. She felt him bow down his head, placing it upon her chest as if to listen to her heartbeat. Their breath steadied as both felt the others heart beating to a newfound rhythm.

With their bodies pulsing, he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled once again, moving even quicker now to bring her to her bed as the desire coursed through the both of them. Once there, he lay sat upon the softness of the blankets, still moving and pulsing within the deepest part of her.

Holding to her lower back, he began to kiss her once again, this time with a single kiss on the lips, then moving to her neck and further downward. as he came to her breasts she arched back just enough for him to get to her nipples and to set his manhood afire once again. He growled as she forced him deeply back into her pussy, starting a chain reaction in his own desires. He reached his mouth over her left nipple, sucking it with vigorous need. She cried out in unbearable ecstasy for more, thrusting herself into the whole of his erection. Again he growled while taking her right nipple into his mouth causing her to cry out this time louder, this time begging for more all the while thrusting with each movement of his mouth on her nipple.

He moved back enough to lay back upon the blankets, positioning himself enough to still taste the sweetness of her torso, positioning her so that he could see her move him within her. And move she did, with every ounce of her soul, keeping perfect rhythm in time.

She reminded him of a butterfly, delicate and graceful, full of beauty and wonder. The way she moved him within her played upon his emotions with wild desire. He pulled her closer to once again savor her breasts, sending more glorified waves running through him. He heard her groan with a high ecstatic cry to follow. The movement between them continued on and on, until finally he could no longer hold back the desire to take full control of her every desire.

Then in a quick decisive action, he flipped her onto her back, kissed her so deeply he could almost feel her soul rising to allow itself to be captured, if only by him. She was taken aback by his newfound pell-mell but never faltered on giving him all of her, for it was he that she desired from the moment her eyes met his. He thrust again, more forcefully than the first time, with more vigor and more life. Over and over again he felt her release, more times than he could count, but he didn't care. He continued to pleasure her until at last he could no longer control himself. He felt himself shudder so deep within her, filling her to the brim with his liquid of life, leaving her sated and drifting into a dream filled slumber. He too was relaxed, yet he was not tired just yet. As she fell to slumber he watched her, her breathing steady, her body reddened but relaxed. By the gods she was beautiful, but he failed to see it until it was almost to late.

What the hell was he thinking to let slip the one who gave without thought of receiving for any occasion, the woman, this woman, looking at him with those eyes.

But never again would he loose sight of her, she was his, had been from the moment they first met, and would be beyond the chains of this time. At that thought he kissed her lips gently one last time, then he himself fell into the slumber, where she awaited him in dreams.


About the Creator

Jessica Taylor

My deepest desire is to be able to help people; since I am too shy to be a professional speaker I decided that writing is my next best option. However, I do love the feel of the pen upon the page and the clicking of my keys on my keyboard.

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    Jessica TaylorWritten by Jessica Taylor

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