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13 Different Types of Intimate Kisses

Perhaps you are one of the fortunate few whose toes have previously been licked, kissed, or touched.

By The Secret of 60'sPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Have you ever heard someone drool over a kiss, stating, "he kissed my feet, and I erupted with pleasure"? Perhaps you are one of the fortunate few whose toes have previously been licked, kissed, or touched. It's not as if you or the person informing you had a foot fetish; it's only the kisses that accomplished the trick.

Kissing is a powerful way to communicate, especially amongst loved ones. A mother's kiss on the forehead to her kid demonstrates her love for the youngster. Similarly, a boyfriend's Eskimo kisses to his lover represent fun moments. A first French kiss on a date indicates the urge to take the romance to the next level.

There are kisses and then there are kisses, each with its own message and leaving a different impact on the subject. Kissing is an act of intimacy for a relationship, and the style, location, and intensity of the kisses express different tales to each partner. Kissing may be passionate, erotic, needy, or sensitive, but it can also have swoon-inducing consequences, such as when someone is "kissed on the feet."

I'm going to show you several types of intimate kisses and the significance of each one. However, before we go any further, let us discuss some of the reasons why you should kiss more frequently.

The Advantages of Kissing

Kissing brings out the best in you.

It certainly does! Kissing has been shown in studies to produce the hormone "endorphin," sometimes known as the "happy hormone." Who doesn't want to feel good? With endorphins strewn about from kissing, you'll find yourself engulfed in the ecstasy of a bright, sunny day, with lingering desires for more kisses.

Kissing has stress-relieving benefits.

Have you ever heard someone say that after a kiss, they feel less stressed? Kissing, while releasing endorphins, also lowers the secretion of cortisol hormones, popularly known as the "stress hormone." Though the stress hormone drop is just transitory, you may lessen your tension for as long as you like by kissing for infinite and lengthy hours.

Kissing improves your romance.

Every relationship can attest to how passionate kissing is, even if it does not result in intercourse. Kissing provides couples with comfort, relaxation, desire, and the freedom to express their emotions. A couple's first intimate kiss generally reinforces their feelings and establishes their romance. Furthermore, kissing increases the link between lovers, creates sexual tension, and allows for the free interchange of sentiments. Kissing is proven to provide significant comfort to nervous spouses. It is also an excellent approach to promote romanticism during sexual stimulation.

Kissing exercises the face muscles.

When lips are clasped in a passionate kiss, there are many motions of the face muscles. When face muscles, particularly those around the jaw and chin, are appropriately toned, the frequency of ageing is reduced. When you offer or receive rounds of passionate kisses, your face muscles tone, giving you a younger appearance.

Kissing heightens your desire.

When two people kiss passionately, the chemicals oxytocin and dopamine are released in appropriate amounts. This increase produces greater pleasant feelings via the nerve endings on the lips that are slapped together. The more fulfilling your sensations are, the more aroused you become, and the greater the closeness exchanged during kissing.

13 various types of passionate kisses and what they represent

Intimate kissing extends beyond intense, burning lips kisses. It is more about kissing the sexually sensitive places of your partner's body with a variety of methods, intensity, and approach. Do you only have experience with one form of intimate kiss? Continue reading to learn about the many types of passionate kisses.

Kiss on the hands

Kisses on the hand indicate that your spouse respects you. It's also a sign that he or she like to take things gently sexually.

Kiss with One Leg Up

When a lady is kissing or being kissed, she may kick up one leg. This means her lover makes her feel feminine.

Embrace the Face Kiss

When one spouse holds the other partner's face while kissing, it represents the urge to connect on more than simply a physical level. He or she is expressing their undying love for you and how much you mean to them.

Kiss on the lips quickly

This form of kiss is common in couples where one or both parties are busy but yet want to connect. They may also do so as a result of habit.

On the mid-forehead, kiss (3rd eye)

This indicates that your spouse has a spiritual connection to you and wishes to protect and care for you.

Sweet Little Body Kisses Trail

This style of kiss might signify tease during a heated sexual activity, especially when performed from the north.

Kissing Partner's Tongue Gently

When this kiss is initiated, the person initiating it sends a delicate message to the partner receiving it. The partner initiating the kiss wishes to be the submissive partner in the sexual act and assures the other partner that he or she is at ease with it.

Kiss with the tongue down the throat

This kiss has the opposite connotation as the "Sucking Partner's Tongue Gently Kiss." It implies that the initiating party wishes to dominate the other partner and control the rhythm of the sexual act.

Kisses/licks/sucks on the feet

Foot kisses represent similar instances in intimate relationships. Kisses on the feet from your lover might indicate that he or she has a foot obsession or desires to be daring.

Fantastic Kiss

This kiss entails kissing your spouse while holding candy, fruit, or something else delicious in your mouth and passing the other half to your partner. It conveys a nice message of wanting to share everything.

Kisses from a Butterfly

This entails both couples leaning in and blinking frequently while brushing their eyelashes together. It suggests you wish to share your dreams with each other.

Kiss Your Partner

This includes one partner dipping the other and kissing the other. It denotes that the spouse is lively and confident when interacting with the other partner.

Suck on a Single Lip Kiss

This indicates that your spouse wishes to please you orally, and not simply on your lips.

Don't be astonished the next time you hear someone say, "he kissed my feet," since you can relate to and have experienced similar things. Try any of the above intimate kisses and use them to skillfully convey your love and sentiments to your spouse.

fact or fictionsexual wellnesssex toysroleplayrelationshipsfeminismadvice

About the Creator

The Secret of 60's

I am an ordinary writer who write about emotional writing as well as sharing though related to relationship matter and advice the younger generation to have a better understanding when handling emotion toward relationship.

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