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The Heart in the Nest of the Phoenix

The Heart within a parallel Civilization

By Carrie JohnsonPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
The Heart in the Nest of the Phoenix
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

In a torn city name Miethe deep of the seas of Europe, which is one of the hidden places across the abyss adhere the grounds which paved full of vibrate feet running back and forth for safety, while in the city of Miethe the ten story, Goliath buildings which held the two crossing bridges together began to slowly fall apart. In the dark, Smokey sky, fire blazed from left to right perishing those that crossed its paths. The children within small hut homes screaming for their parents unknowing were they maybe. The horses galloping through the fire running and ratting away from the smoke into safety themselves.

Within the blazing sky, lies a huge, large titanic bird flying swiftly and screeching as though echoing in electronic vibe, and out of its mouth flurr hellish fire and when in full speed of the sky, the bird change into a winged fiery beast of the air in a war path...”What is going on.”

On a mountain, two seas away from Miethe, in a place unknown to man, name Velicia, bares the nesting place of the Titanic bird, which in legend is called the Phoenix. The Phoenix is said to be the guardian of a heart locket which was brazed to protect each contintent of its surroundings as well as the great kingdom of Jori, which is the capital of Miethe. So happen the heart locket was out of the view of the Phoenix, which stirred rage within the beast in search of the locket to keep its promise to its loyal King name Rhaheji. Amongst the rage and fear of the people lies a Croatian boy name Jinn who with his big black, stallion name Yay was sent from the king to search for the heart locket and for it to be properly place within the mountain view of the Phoenix.

Immediately Jinn and it’s stead Yay rode to three cities, pass the sea shores of Miethe towards a small colony name Cora and and large rocky colony name teasya and search high and low. Remind you Yay is a large, tall thoroughbred from Mecca which golden mane was blessed to protect and granted the gift of speed for the chosen who rides him, but takes care of him as well. After two day search, Jinn came across an unknown cave castle, which was lying in the middle of nowhere, were no one knows existed in man’s eye. As Jinn viewed the unknown Castle, it was aired leveled from the rocky ground under a foggy like cloud. Jinn was out of thought how to get inside the castle, but looked at Yay, his stallion to see what all Yay can do, as well as Yay looked at Jinn to see what’s lying in Jinn’s mind. After a thorough thought, Jinn began to see the foggy cloud shifted an opening of a passage way into the castle. Quickly Jinn and Yay prepare themselves and out of nowhere not only Yay‘s mane flew with strength of speed, but immediate unknown wings flung from Yay’s side, like a sprung flying squarrel for extra speed and guidance to catch the opening of the cloud before it closed, and successfully made it within its breach. As soon as Yay and Jinn entered the opening, the clouds passage immediately closed quickly.

As Jinn and Yay made it inside the floated Castle, in the mist of it was a bubble surrounded the abyss of oceans over oceans, like a underwater compass, and on the side was a concrete, stone stairs leading towards what it look like a round door that‘s carved as an eye. So as Jinn and Yay went up the stairs through the round door, a hideously, but feminen voice echoed through the spaciousness of the inner Castle‘s halls, like the voice knew their presents, but yet guided them towards were the voice lies.

As Jinn and Yay finally found were the voice was, a petite, slindered woman in a vibrate grey garment and long black straight hair sat on a stoned gothic seating and next to her were two elderly men, one dressed in red garment and the other in ocean turquoise accent, but speak no English, but only the young female. As Jinn began to approach, Yay stayed were the door entrance was allowing Jinn to walk towards the presence of the three beings seated.

The young female immediately spoke and replied, “ I see the beast had arisen in anger of the missing keepsake granted from the king itself in promise of securing the colonies within its inhabitants.” Jinn’s eyes open and spoke in response of the female.

Jinn replied, “before I continue, may I ask who you are my lady”

The young female stood up and was amaze how proper Jinn had addressed her and then she replied, “ I am Queen Orheah of the Neitherworlds, and these are my advisors and elders of the continents you dwell in and whom are you?

Jinn replied, “ Jinn of Croatia and son of Abar of Miethe and Princess Titina of the unknown continents, I’m in search of that which lies in the presence of the view of the Phoenix, it is the promise of a king and beast for the beast to protect that bond and maintain protection and order within the continents in reach, but if that Locket is out of view of the Phoenix sight, a rage from the Phoenix is a sign of broken the peace within the king and the beast of its duty and promise itself Queen Orpheah.”

The Queen and the elders looked at each other as they got their answer about the heart locket.

The Queen replied to Jinn, “ I have what you ask” , but before any further release to your possession, we have viewed the bond between the Phoenix as you call it and the king, may I ask what kept the king and the beast strong with each other for this locket to be the main importance?

Jinn immediately responded without hesitation to the Queen. “ Queen Orpheah, the king and the Phoenix have history with each other that to them themselves never allow anyone to know, but them, but what I can say before the king was were he is now, one of them was a hero and saved one’s life, not sure which one it is, but how it started to how it is now, grows a strong promise and respect in which this world needs to feel towards one another and the locket Queen Orpheah is a promise from a king to a beast of peace, in which the beast is guided as well knowledgeable and what was laid forth which the beast decided to take the locket to its own nest away from man for good reasons.

The Elders stood beside the Queen and each looked at each other in agreement with the Elder in red garment reached behind his seat and gave a graved gold box to the Elder in ocean turquoise garment, which gave to the Queen to give to Jinn.

The Queen smiled at Jinn and replied to him, “ Such a young strong boy who came with just a stallion and hope as well as courage to seek that peace for his world and The keeper of his King’s promise to an untamed creature, which by some way has a understanding with a beautiful promise, and Jinn,” the Queen continues, “ The Now king save the Phoenix from being extinct since birth and from thence forth a crafter was sent to create a heart locket as the Phoenix grew to carry it to were ever it nests and it reminds the Phoenix of the king and his love and loyalty to it.” Jinn was in awe and shock and wonder how the Queen knew, so the Queen smiled and said, ” a message to the king, From the Neitherworlds and Elders of The three Continents which each man live and breathe, we come to you also in understanding and sought what you provided and got the answer and a gift from us to your king, a box with a single seed which will also grow to continue to unite each ocean and continent into one, in which the Phoenix shall fly freely, un feared to man and its king.”

Jinn accepted the gift and the return of the locket and thanked the Queen and the Elders and and made known of their observation to the king himself.

After three days toward the mountain in Velicia were the Phoenix lies Jinn left Yay outside the mountain to find the Phoenix nest and place the gold box with the heart locket in its view. As Jinn found the nest of the Phoenix, a female voice came from within the darkness of the mountain cave and said, “ Thank you, you was expected my promise will remain with the king and man, “ Jinn was in shock and the Phoenix slowly came forward from the darkness as a large, huge long tail bird with eyes as clear as crystal clouds. Jinn replied to the beast, “ I Jinn of Croatia come to you also with the promise of the king of continuing peace as well as a gift from the Queen of the Neitherworlds to grow in peace and for your freedom to fly unfeared to man. The Phoenix front leg stepped forward and bowed to Jinn and replied, “ as the message given to me, so be it toward king Rhaheji from his descendent.” Jinn’s eyes grew in surprise of his journey and the secrets each presence had hold, but felt happy to know it was in love and peace which travel high and low. So as Jinn left the nest of the Phoenix he and Yay immediately rode straight to the king who presides in Jori. As Jinn and Yay safely made it to Jori and met the king, Jinn replied to the king, My King, The Queen of the Neitherworlds had grazed a gift to you and the Phoenix of continued peace and growth and the Phoenix had continued its promise to maintain peace and protection, but also granted a gift to grow within the colonies for hence the Phoenix shall freely fly unfeared to man.“ As the king listened, the king was so over joyed he stood and gave Jinn and Yay a place within his quarters and grant Jinn and Yay their ability to travel anywhere when needed and to gather themselves no longer an outsider but a citizen of the people, and whenever the Phoenix rises to fly amongst man to be of presence so the Phoenix will know that words that came you and the Queen are fulfilled.” Jinn and Yay stood and said to the king, “ my king I had a gift I was unaware of in my stallion and my stallion had brought to my attention that when accepting instructions never judge a book by its cover but open it and read and there your adventure will be how you make it peaceful or rocky, I and Yay chose safe and sufficient.“ The king laughed, but understood and the colonies were rebuilt and were in prosperate peace.

The End

Short Story

About the Creator

Carrie Johnson

The Ups and Down of being Single

by Carrie R Johnson

It happens, no one ask to be alone as a person gets older. No one knows how or who they will end up with being single.

being single is hard and lonely and takes a emotional jab.

we living it

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