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The Bag - Master of the Games/The Guard

A Story Every Day in 2024 May 28th 149/366

By Rachel DeemingPublished 26 days ago 2 min read
The Bag - Master of the Games/The Guard
Photo by Christopher Paul High on Unsplash

This microfiction is part of a series. In order:

The Bag; Jason's Dilemma; The Girl; Jason and the Girl; The Skewered Apple; Girl, Disrupted; Reward; Him;

You may want to visit those first for context.


He's like Moriarty. Crossed with Caligula. Do you know your Sherlock Holmes and your Roman Emperors? Well, look them up. You won't be disappointed.

He's clever. And he's mad. Oh, and he's cruel.

Who is he? I don't know his name. I don't call him anything. I just do what he asks. Because if I don't...

So, I am Master of the Games. Master? Don't make me laugh! I'm just a puppet, with his hand up my arse, squeezing my innards and holding my life in his hideous hand and with it, he twists and directs and I follow. I can do nothing less.

I did wonder when I worked in defence, if I was exposing myself to exploitation from nefarious powers. It went through my mind but you don't think about it that seriously, do you? It's a job. This is the realm of the paranoid, some far-fetched movie script. But when I first encountered him, after my predecessor mysteriously vanished, every hair on my body vibrated. If they had a voice, they'd have shrieked.

I didn't discover the Perceptives: Malcolm did. My predecessor. His daughter was one. I don't know where he is now. Or his daughter. But it wasn't his discovery that was his undoing; it was Malcolm's sharing of it and him finding out.

Could you imagine what it would be like to be faced with an army of individuals with extraordinary mind powers? Who can appear, disappear, maybe control outcomes, behaviour, death tolls? If you could harness that power?

He could. He wants it for himself and he's enjoying the process of finding out its extent.

Poor Malcolm was forced to create the Disruptors, to distort. He resisted this, I know.

Master of the Games. It is his macabre title for me. I am tasked with discovering the extent of these powers, of the Perceptives. Catch them. Watch them. To him, it's entertainment. Tempt them with freedom. Push them. Laugh at their failing.

He won't stop until he has absolute control. I have to play along.

Or else.

But something is different this time. This girl and now this man...

I hope I get to see how it plays out.


366 Words

Master of the Games/The Guard is not a willing participant in these "Games" but it sounds like they are more tests or trials than games as such. I wonder how he is being coerced, what "He" has over him to make The Guard/Master do stuff? And Malcolm and his daughter? Are they still around somewhere? Or victims? Do we return to Jason now? Or the girl? What are Disruptors?

Let me know your thoughts!

Thanks for stopping by! If you do read this, please leave a comment as I love to interact with my readers.


thrillerShort StoryPsychologicalMysteryMicrofiction

About the Creator

Rachel Deeming

Storyteller. Poet. Reviewer. Traveller.

I love to write. Check me out in the many places where I pop up:


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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (10)

  • Hannah Moore19 days ago

    Might account for her rapid movement between stations

  • Caroline Craven25 days ago

    Gosh Rachel. I thought this was going to be romantic story when he picked up her bag and was going to return it…. This is so much better!!!!!

  • Jay Kantor25 days ago

    Dear Rd - Ah, the BagUm~DragUm saga continues/wit references: Looks like leftover 'nuked T.V. Dinners again tonight..! JiBud

  • D.K. Shepard25 days ago

    Really enjoyed this one! This character’s voice has an endearing cheekiness to it! And I like the dynamic of the Master of the Games being just a pawn… for now?

  • Mark Gagnon25 days ago

    Could Jason and the girl be disruptors gone rouge, but Jason doesn't realize that's what he is? Jumping dimensions has wiped his memory.

  • Katarzyna Popiel26 days ago

    Could the Girl be Malcolm's daughter? I suppose the Master of the Games would have recognised her? Or maybe not if she was very young when he saw her last?

  • John Cox26 days ago

    Is the Master of the games assessment of his master accurate? Since Holmes could not defeat him he killed him. And Caligula was barking, raving mad. This is the writers equivalent of a corner. Caligula’s weakness was making life intolerable for everyone. Whatever happens, the girl and Jason and the master of the games will have to partner to defeat this fellow.

  • Being the eternal optimist… I hope Malcolm & his daughter turn up safe and sound… hopefully they were smart enough to go to ground. No idea about the disruptors.. keen to learn more though!🙃

  • I'm speechless, lol. I somehow feel I'm too dumb to understand this concept 😅😅 But I believe I'll get it the more I read hahahaha

  • Well-wrought! I often wonder how many in the higher eschalons of power find themselves in traps of such a nature as the game master. When does "I'm just doing my job" stop becoming an excuse? Perhaps if we return to Jason we may also encounter the Disruptors... because he will in his search for the girl?

Rachel DeemingWritten by Rachel Deeming

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