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Would you pay?

Fresh and tasty steaks

By Jen SPublished 4 years ago 5 min read
$750 worth of meat yo

Would you pay $750 for slices of meat? One of my family members just did that for the weekend. And it’s a consistent weekly thing for the guy and his brother. He pays $150 per slice of meat and I mean, I think that’s insane for something you eat so fast and end up, well you know....

Anyways, so these slices of meat have some origin to them. There’s a long story about the types of meat and whatever else you may feel interested or bored with when it comes to food facts. They come from a certain background and what not; did I pay attention to my cousins and their stories about these meat slices? Of course not. I don’t care about a history like that myself; maybe you might want to know. All I know is, I think it’s insane to spend that much money on food that doesn’t even fill the table and feed everyone easily.

The thing about these meats though and their stories of whatever and wherever they came from with these weird names that I probably couldn’t even pronounce or spell for the life of it; they’re just hella expensive and soft. They don’t need flavor or spices; literally, they’re full of fat. So not only are you cooking an expensive slice of meat, you’re also getting a load of fat that you don’t even touch - so isn’t that kind of wasteful? To have a meat with just a slither of actual meat and the remainder of fat? Fat that you don’t eat? Or you might, I prefer not to eat it myself but I mean, if you’re a meat lover, you probably might try at least a little bit. My family member cooked them on a heated hot skillet grill, used salt and pepper at most for the bigger chunks of meats. The smaller, skinnier looking slices were covered in a garlic butter coating which enhanced the slither of slices and not only kept them tender but made them so yummy at the same time. But other than that, there was really no need for anything else; as him and his brother were saying. They went on a whole story about it and how you don’t need flavoring or any of the meat spices you’d normally use to give them some taste. These types of meat had enough fat to cover with their juices and flavor them up just enough without being overbearing.

But honestly, $150 to eat a slice of meat? I get where they’re coming from; it’s fancy schmancy and tender that you definitely won’t want to eat steak anywhere else kind of thing. I just don’t understand why you’d want to spend that much money on something that could go to your car payment, bills, school, and other realistic things. Could you imagine what you’d spend that kind of money on? Like for real though, a slice of meat isn’t and shouldn’t be that worthy of a number, at least it doesn’t feel right to me.

$150 to me is a concert VIP ticket for a decent sized known band really. Something that at least you can have memories about a 4 hour night. You can spend $150 to get as close to a band like Backstreet Boys or Panic! At The Disco to the Jonas Brothers. You get to make a memory for that price - you get to see your favorite band/artist perform your favorite songs live. You get to touch their hands for that price. You may even get lucky to get a photo with them for that price. You could upgrade and get a whole different package deal for $750 total. A possible group photo with BSB or New Kids On The Block (NKOTB) for that price. But a $150 for a slice of meat? Is this for real!? Or is this a joke? Like why? Why is there meat out there that is SO expensive?

I mean, $750 is a rent payment for most people who live in an apartment. Let alone for food that you eat under 5 minutes. $750 is someone’s car payment for probably a fancy sports car like a Ferrari, Lamborghini, or something. $750 is groceries for like a month for a single family or someone. You can use that money in all sorts of way, but would you pay? Would you really pay for a slice of meat?

I think it’s wild that this crazy expensive tender yet so delicious meat is worth that much money. I could do so much with $750 but it definitely wouldn’t be paying for food that you eat and then go and use the bathroom for later on that night...

What would you use $750 for? Or $150?

Would you pay for a special kind of meat? Or would you do something else with it?

Would you use it to cover some of your bills? Or gas?

Would you donate it to help a certain charity or those struggling?

Would you use it to help research Cancer? Or help those find a treatment and use it for any illness?

Would you spend it on yourself? Or save it for your family? Future kids? Current kids?

$750 or $150 is still a lot of money for some of us out there that can fly in a snap of a finger. Whether you’re shopping and spoiling yourself or your loved ones to using it for the good and helping those in need I definitely couldn’t see myself spending it on a slice of meat though. There’s for sure a good meat out there that doesn’t cost as high of a price.

So what would you pay $750 for?


About the Creator

Jen S

Just a girl who enjoys concerts, reading, writing, and all things mythical & magical

Ignore the small errors please, typing on an iPhone late night without realizing the corrections will do that lol!

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