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Various Healthy Foods to Eat While Losing Weight

By eating the right foods, you can lose weight.

By Dr. VenekampPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Bowl of healthy foods.

“You are what you eat” has been a saying that we’ve all grown up with. This is entirely true!

The food that we intake will either provide us with the nutrients we need for the day, or won’t. Our diets are based on the types of food we eat and the number of calories we acquire from those foods. Many people think shortening your calorie intake means you lose weight, that isn’t the case.

Just because you cut out a few hundred calories from your diet doesn’t mean you are helping your body to lose weight. In fact, you could put on a few pounds depending on what you eat.

For those of us who are looking for a natural weight loss program that actually works, take these following tips into consideration.

Set realistic goals for yourself that you can actually achieve. Saying you’ll lose 50 pounds in 2 weeks isn’t realistic.

Create a fitness schedule that works with your day-to-day activities. Choose fun workouts that make you want to come into the gym or go for that run.

Think about using natural weight loss supplements that can promote a healthy gut and lose weight at the same time! Never go for a fad supplement that can’t prove that it works.

Watch what you eat!

Foods to Eat While Trying to Lose Weight

Egg Whites

While whole eggs are very healthy, the high cholesterol risk isn’t something you want to always add to your diet. For a daily food to eat, consume egg whites. Egg whites contain no cholesterol, have a low-calorie count, and contain a high source of protein. Protein is the building block for keeping muscle on or building new muscle. This is an essential amino acid to consume on a daily basis.


Avocados are a superfood filled with “healthy” fats. This means that the fats contained within the avocado fruit are beneficial for your gut flora and diet. Your body uses fats as a resource for energy. When you consume ½ or 1 full avocado per day, you are providing your body with monounsaturated fats. They are also a great source of natural vitamins.


Salmon is a type of fish that contains a lot of healthy fats and is dense in protein. It’s also very satisfying and super filling! Salmon also contains omega-3 fatty acids which reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Cruciferous Vegetables

These types of vegetables are the cream of the crop. Brussel sprouts, green cabbage, bok choy, kale, and broccoli are all vegetables that are low in starches and high in complex carbs and vitamins. Consuming these vegetables is not only very filling but also very dense, so you’ll eat less and feel more full.

Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the most popular liquids within the health community, apple cider vinegar has shown to reduce inflammation and blood sugar. When taken with a meal, you can feel fuller with a reduction in the amount of caloric intake. It can subside your cravings and fight off harmful bacteria within your gut flora.


Bananas are more important for our bodies than you might think. With an average of 105 calories per banana, they are filled with fiber and magnesium. While bananas don’t necessarily lead to weight loss, they can subside bloating and curb your craving for sugar.

Include each of these six foods in your daily diet and notice the results you get when you combine them with regular exercise. Don’t limit your diet to only these foods if you are planning a weight loss journey! These are only a few of the many nutrient-rich and low-calorie foods that can help lead to a more successful weight loss journey. If you need an additional push to weight loss, consider adding some natural weight loss supplements or a more intense workout regimen into your daily routine.


About the Creator

Dr. Venekamp

Dr. Kenna Venekamp graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic, in 1988 with a degree as a chiropractitioner. Dr. V’s interests are in the natural methods of helping the body heal without the judicious use of medications or surgery.

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