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Top 7 Misconceptions About Veganism

Hello reader, so today I am going to be taking you through the subject of veganism as a lifestyle that is based on diet and other non-food principles.

By Andrej FedekPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Source: foodnetwork.com

According to 2020 statistics, there were some 78 million individuals in the world who lead this lifestyle. That's like 10% of the world's population. As a growing lifestyle, veganism has attracted a lot of misconceptions since its birth--misleading notions some of which I thought I would clear up. Ready for that? If so, let's get started:

Top 7 Misconceptions About Veganism

Here are the most common false notions attached to veganism;

1.Veganism Applies Only to Food and Consumption

What comes to your mind when you think of veganism? Many people will think of the consumption of foods that strictly consist of anything else except for animal products. While that may be one aspect of it, veganism also applies to promoting animal welfare and conserving mother nature. It's a way of life for some people.

A true vegan avoids any practice that would lead to animal cruelty or environmental damage such as confining pets behind electric fences, walking pets on hot pavements, leaving pets in hot cars, etc. Deforestation, air pollution, and plastic pollution are some good examples of environmentally damaging practices that true vegans will never participate in.

Next time someone brags to you about being a vegan, ask them to explain to you how true of a vegan they are. If they only talk about food consumption without talking about animal and environmental protection, you know that you are looking at a fake vegan.

2. Vegans Don't Get Enough Of Some Essential Nutrients

This is an outdated false notion that has been debunked time and again. Vegans get as sufficient essential nutrients as other eaters. One particular nutrient that many less informed individuals assume vegans don't get enough of is protein. They assume that real protein only comes from animal products such as meat, eggs, and milk. The truth is that plants are the original source of this bodybuilding nutrient. After all, where do you think animals derive their protein from? Plants, of course!

Black beans, lentils, hemp seeds, nuts, chickpeas, tofu, and quinoa, are some perfect examples of the best plant-based protein sources. Oh, and as a side note, Sun Basket offers a range of delicious vegan meal kits you can quickly make at home. These include;

i. Black bean and cauliflower tostadas diablo with tangy cabbage slaw.

ii. Eggplant and potato moussaka with lentil-walnut kima.

iii. Warm fusilli salad with roasted winter squash and mushrooms.

iv. Red bean and pumpkin chili with cashew crema.

You can check out the website for more mouthwatering vegan meal kit options. For starters, Sun Basket is one of the top brands globally that delivers meal kits to subscribers. Read this enlightening review post to learn more about it. The author perfectly explains, among other things, how the company works, the menu and meal options available, the pricing, as well as what they liked and what they didn't. The best alternatives to Sun Basket are Hello Fresh and Home Chef.

3. Veganism Leads to Malnutrition

The same individuals with the false notion that vegan diets lack certain essential nutrients assume that veganism leads to malnutrition. Yet the reality is quite the opposite. Actually, vegan diets are some of the best balanced diets a person can have. They consist of sufficient amounts of various essential nutrients for proper nutrition and good health.

4. It's Challenging to Be a Vegan Because Animal Products Are In Nearly Everything

While a broader variety of foodstuffs sold in our grocery stores and supermarkets consist of animal products, that doesn't make being a vegan a tricky lifestyle as one may think. That's because there's equally a wider range of foods out there that are created with veganism in mind. These are readily available in supermarkets and many grocery stores out there, making sustaining veganism simple. Some of these facilities even have dedicated sections for vegans where every item is suitable for the leaders of this lifestyle.

5. Veganism Is Boring

This is one of the most far-fetched stereotypical misconceptions attached to veganism. Actually, veganism is just as exciting as other dietary lifestyles. After all, plant-based foods offer the true flavors of nature you'll greatly appreciate. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that veganism is the most exciting dietary lifestyle. The point is that this lifestyle isn't as boring as some individuals obliviously believe it to be.

6. Vegans Only Care about Animals As Opposed to Anything Else

Debunked: The vegan principles positively impact animal life, human life, and the environment in general. Those who follow these principles not only make the world a better place for animals to live in, but they also contribute to humanity, promoting a greater coexistence between humans, animals, and mother nature.

7. Veganism and Vegetarianism All Mean the Same Thing!

Veganism and vegetarianism do not mean the same thing! Veganism applies to vegans while vegetarianism relates to vegetarians. A vegan does not consume any animal-based food like eggs, meat, milk, etc. On the other hand, a vegetarian doesn't eat only certain foods derived from animals e.g meat but they take dairy products and other foods derived from animal sources. In other words, veganism is the greatest extreme of vegetarianism.

Final Thoughts

Veganism is a broader subject that entails a lot more than just a dietary lifestyle that avoids foods coming from animal sources. It's a philosophy that seeks to promote harmonious coexistence between human beings, wildlife, and nature. There are many misleading notions, including the above, that make people think otherwise about it. I hope this article helped you understand veganism deeper by debunking some of the most common myths about it. What's your take on it? You can comment below and let us know your thoughts.


About the Creator

Andrej Fedek

Andrej Fedek is a digital marketer and owner of InterCoolStudio, a blog about digital marketing. His passion is to help startups grow and thrive in a competitive environment.

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