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The 6 Main Varieties of Olive Oils You Might Not Know of

The important ones that you need to know of for a more pleasant grocery shopping experience.

By Daz LowPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The 6 Main Varieties of Olive Oils You Might Not Know of
Photo by Benyamin Bohlouli on Unsplash

When it comes to distinguishing between the various types of olive oils, there is usually a lot of confusion. This is due to the fact that olive oils can be classified. They are typically classified based on procedures and characteristics. We will attempt to cover the majority of olive oil types in this post.

Each olive oil variety has a distinct flavor and physicochemical profile. You can use them to determine the type of olive fruit used, its origin, and how it was processed. The flavor profile of olive oil, for example, changes depending on when it is harvested. Olive oils from various harvest times have different properties.

Varieties of Olive Oils

The extraction method and oil quality are typically used to classify olive oil (with regard to taste and free fatty acidity). The following are the different types of olive oil that we typically produce.

1. Mechanically extracted olive oils

Mechanically produced olive oils are the most natural type of olive oil. They are extracted simply by pressing without the use of any chemical additives. In mills, virgin olive oils are produced in this manner. Virgin olive oils are available in three grades based on their quality.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This is the highest commercial grade olive oil available. This olive oil contains a significant amount of polyphenols, which are known to be beneficial to health, such as lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. With a free fatty acidity level of less than 0.8%, it has a pleasant odor and taste and can be sold directly to consumers. It is best known for its superior taste and flavor, which includes fruity aromas and a slightly bitter and pungent flavor. Extra virgin olive oil is commonly used as a tasty salad dressing, but it has a wide range of applications in all types of cooking.

Virgin Olive Oil

This olive oil is of a lower quality than the extra virgin variety. It has a slightly pleasant flavor and scent and has a free fatty acidity of 0.8% to 2%. It is also sold to consumers directly. It is useful for sautéing and frying.

Lampante Virgin Olive Oil

The lowest grade of virgin olive oil: more than 3.3% free fatty acid content by weight. It is typically derived from poorly preserved olives. It also has an unpleasant rancid odor and taste. As a result, it cannot be sold commercially to consumers and must be further processed at refineries to remove the defects before use. Lampante virgin olive oil is refined using heat, filtration, and/or chemical methods. While refining increases free fatty acid levels, it destroys the majority of the polyphenols that give olive oil it's where the taste and health benefits of olive oil come from.

Pure Olive Oil/Olive Oil

Olive oil/pure olive oil is a blend of refined olive oil and virgin olive oils that has some flavor and is fit for human consumption but lacks the complete health and taste benefits of unrefined virgin olive oil. It has an acidity of less than 1%.

2. Chemically extracted Olive oils

Chemical processes can also be used to extract olive oil. The solid remnants left behind by the process known as olive pomace still contain residual olive oil after the mechanically extracted olive oils have been extracted from the olives. Only chemical solvents can be used to extract the remaining olive oil. Following chemical extraction, raw olive pomace olive oil is obtained. Raw olive pomace oil must be refined before it can be sold to consumers.

Olive Pomace Oil, Refined

Refined olive pomace oil has no taste, odor, or color and is completely safe to consume. Although inferior to extra virgin olive oil and other olive oils, it is versatile; it can be used in cooking as well as to treat hair problems and dry skin, among other things.

Having learned about these 6 various types of olive oil, you are now able to make more informed decisions when shopping for your groceries.


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