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How To Stop Feeling Hungry In A Hurry

Remember that it's important not only for weight loss but also for overall health that you listen to your body.

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Hunger is a normal part of life, but it can also be a source of anxiety. If you're feeling hungry and want to stop it in a hurry, try these tips for managing your cravings:

Stop dieting.

The first step to stopping feeling hungry in a hurry is to stop dieting. Dieting is a temporary solution and not sustainable long term. When your body senses that food is scarce, it will go into survival mode and start burning fat stores instead of muscle tissue, which can lead to weight gain and illness.

Dieting also makes us think about food all day long, which can lead to emotional eating - and that's not good! It's important for us as human beings not only physically but mentally too that we eat wholesome foods but also enjoy ourselves while doing so: find joy in eating healthy foods such as fruits or vegetables instead of focusing on how many calories are being consumed by each meal (or snack).

Manage stress.

Stress, or the feeling of being overwhelmed, can cause you to eat more.

  • Stress causes your body's stress hormone levels to rise. This increase in hormones can make you feel hungry as well as causing you to crave high-calorie foods that are easy and fast to prepare (like pasta or pizza).
  • You also tend to eat more when stressed - even if it's just one extra portion of vegetables at dinner!

Eat the right nutrients.

The first step in getting your hunger under control is eating the right nutrients. A balanced diet will help you feel satisfied for longer and keep cravings at bay, so make sure you're eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, fibre and protein.

Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins (A, C and E), minerals (calcium) as well as fibre that slows down digestion so you don't feel hungry as quickly after eating them. Protein is also an important part of any healthy diet; it helps build muscle mass while providing energy! Whole grains are great sources of fibre too - they're made up mainly from starchy foods like wheat flour or oats but can also include pasta (which is what most people think when they hear "whole grain").

Fish provides omega-3 fatty acids which help reduce inflammation throughout the body while nuts & seeds provide antioxidant properties which may help protect against heart disease & cancer risk factors such as obesity/diabetes type 2 diabetes etc.. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats - these types aren't associated with high cholesterol levels like saturated fats found in animal products like red meat steak burgers poultry wings drumsticks chicken legs thighs thighs breasts pork spare ribs ribs ribs pork belly cheeks cheeks cheeks cheeks cheeks cheeks cheeks cheeks knees knees knees

Change your thoughts about hunger.

If you're like most people, your thoughts about hunger are probably pretty negative. You might think "I'm hungry" or "I don't have time for lunch." This kind of thinking only makes things worse because it encourages you to feel bad about feeling hungry and leads to overeating.

To change this pattern:

  • Think of something other than hunger when you are tempted by the thought that your stomach is growling or rumbling with hunger pains. For example, instead of thinking "I'm hungry," try saying something else like "Wow! I need some coffee!" or "My mind is so active today!" This will help distract yourself from those negative feelings while giving yourself a little boost at the same time!

Stop skipping meals.

Skipping meals can lead to overeating later on.

When you skip a meal, your blood sugar levels drop and you feel hungry. This is because the body needs food in order to function properly, so when there's no nourishment coming from food, it goes into overdrive trying to find something else that will keep your energy up (like caffeine). The result? You end up eating more than usual! If you're not careful about eating regularly throughout the day and night - especially if those meals are large portions - you may end up bingeing later on after skipping too many meals or even just having one big meal at dinner time instead of splitting it with someone else so that they can eat too!

Keep busy when you feel hungry.

You can keep yourself busy when you're feeling hungry. This is a great way to avoid the urge to eat, because it will help you get more done in less time. If you're feeling bored and want something fun to do, go for a walk or jog around the neighborhood - you'll feel better afterward! You can also try talking with friends on social media or doing some household chores such as cleaning up the house or gardening. If those options aren't available (or if they're not enough), consider taking an afternoon drive through town or going out for lunch with friends; these activities will give your mind something else besides food on its mind while also giving both body and spirit a break from hunger pangs

Sort your portion sizes out.

  • Look at the size of your plate. The average American eats about three times more than they need to, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
  • Order smaller plates. Studies have shown that if people eat from smaller plates, they'll eat less food and be less likely to overeat later on.
  • Count calories instead of portions when you're trying to lose weight. For example: instead of saying "I've had enough" when your stomach is full, say "That's enough." Then wait 10 minutes or so before adding any additional food into your belly! This strategy works because it gives our brains time to register that we've already had enough and thus not need any more right now - which means there's no need for us start craving more later on down the road!

Get enough sleep.

One of the best ways to stop feeling hungry in a hurry is by getting enough sleep.

Sleeping helps your body recover from exercise and other physical stressors, so it's important for everyone - even people who don't exercise regularly or have health issues like diabetes or hypothyroidism. Sleep also plays an important role in weight loss by helping you burn calories while you're asleep, which can help prevent overeating and weight gain long term.

Studies suggest that getting enough rest each night can help improve your energy levels and mood throughout the day while reducing cravings for unhealthy food options (like chocolate). In addition to these benefits, research shows that having more than five hours of sleep each night is associated with increased longevity - so why not make those extra hours count?

Eat in social situations.

Eating in social situations is one of the best ways to stop feeling hungry in a hurry.

When you eat with people that you like, it's easier to be mindful and slow down so that you can enjoy each bite. This also helps prevent mindless eating - which could lead to overeating later on. Plus, if someone is offering food around you, there's no need for self-consciousness! Just enjoy!

If socializing happens at night and not during the day (or even during the weekend), consider getting up early on Monday morning and going out for breakfast with friends or family members before work begins again at noon. It will give them an opportunity see how much weight has shifted since last Sunday's weigh-in session; plus they'll get some exercise while doing so!

Write a food journal - or start a blog!

One of the best ways to keep track of what you're eating and how you feel after eating, is to write a food journal. A journal is a place where you can record all of your thoughts, feelings and actions while on this journey towards healthy eating.

A great way to start writing down what you eat is by adding an entry in your calendar each day or week that reads: "I had __________ yesterday." You'll be surprised at how much better it makes you feel when someone else knows exactly what happened during those hours!

Another thing we recommend doing as part of our process is creating an account on Blogger (or another blogging platform) with an appropriate username plus password so we can share information with family members who might not otherwise have access without getting into their email inboxes directly!

If you listen to your body, you'll be healthier and happier too

  • Don't ignore your body's signals. When your stomach is growling for food and the hunger pangs don't go away, it's time to eat something. Listen to what your body needs instead of ignoring it or trying to avoid hunger by dieting.
  • Eat the right nutrients: Eat foods high in fiber (like fruits) and low in fat (like fish). Avoid eating too much salt or sugar because these can make you feel bloated or tired when eaten in excess quantities over time


If what we've covered here sounds like your kind of thing, give it a try! Don't be afraid to experiment with different foods and see what works for you. Remember that it's important not only for weight loss but also for overall health that you listen to your body. The best way to do this is by eating real food, which is delicious and nourishing at all times in every stage of life.


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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    Courtanae HeslopWritten by Courtanae Heslop

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