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Foods for Insomnia

Mood Foods I

By Ekaspreet KiranPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Foods for Insomnia
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash


The modern world around us has adversely impacted the sleeping patterns of every known individual. If you are here, then you can totally imagine the intensity of the situation. So, Insomnia refers to “chronic complaints of unsatisfactory sleep, despite having an adequate opportunity to sleep.”

People with insomnia can feel dissatisfied with their sleep and usually experience one or more of the following symptoms: fatigue, low energy, difficulty concentrating, mood disturbances, and decreased overall performance. There are various reasons that lead to this situation. Some may argue that work related stress, mindset, lack of peace of mind, disturbing thoughts etc etc.

But, a simple yet totally ignored fact is IMPROPER DIET.


There are four main vitamins and minerals that can be found in food that aid in promoting sleep are tryptophan, magnesium, calcium and B6.

1. Tryptophan

Tryptophan is amino acid that helps in inducing good quality sleep as, it is a precursor to the sleep-inducing compounds serotonin (a neurotransmitter), and melatonin (a hormone which also acts as a neurotransmitter). Thus, for tryptophan to have a sedative effect, it needs to enter the brain by crossing the blood-brain barrier. Major sources of tryptophan rich foods include Sesame seeds, Cashews, Walnuts, Bananas and Potatoes.

2. Magnesium rich foods

This mineral is also known as ‘nature’s relaxant’. The major role of this mineral in body is to nullify the contracting effect of calcium. With growth of dairy based diets and changes in dietary patterns, Calcium intake is increasing, and Magnesium intake is declining. Being a mineral, a certain level of this compound will be beneficial, and excess can pose problems. With magnesium deficiency, sleep is usually agitated with frequent disruptions. On the other hand, a high magnesium diet has been found to be associated with deeper, less interrupted sleep. The major sources are as below of magnesium are Pumpkin seeds, Spinach, Sesame seeds, Cashews, Sunflower seeds, Wheat bran, Almonds, Oats and Peanuts.

3. Calcium rich foods

Calcium helps the stimulating the amino acid tryptophan for producing the sleep-inducing substance melatonin. So, a diet rich in these major nutrients is proven to improve the quality if sleep. The major sources of Calcium for including in diet are dark leafy greens, Low-fat milk, Cheeses, Yogurt, Sardines, Fortified cereals, Soybeans, Green snap peas and Okra.

4. Vitamin B6 rich foods

Vitamin B6 deficiency has been linked with various early symptoms of insomnia and depression. The major role of this vitamin is to enhance the production of 2 major hormones which are serotonin and melatonin. These hormones are associated with happy mood and sound restful sleep. Above this, 75% individuals having depression show symptoms of insomnia. Vitamin B6 has also been associated with lowering the risk of depression.

Major sources of this vitamin are Sunflower seeds, Pistachio nuts, Flaxseed, Fish (tuna, salmon, halibut), Meat (chicken, tuna, lean pork, lean beef,), Dried Prunes, Bananas, Avocado and Spinach .

5. Drinks

Drinks are proven sources of tryptophan and other sleep inducing and mind relaxing hormones. Mostly, the herbal and fruit teas are known to have sedative effects and milk related drinks have higher amounts of already reported minerals. These drinks include Warm milk, Almond milk, Tart cherry juice, Passion fruit tea and Peppermint tea.


Image source: B-Thrifty

Caffeine, through its biochemical actions increase levels of stress and motivation hormones (catecholamines and cortisol). Also, suppressing melatonin production for up to ten hours. People fail to realize that caffeine sensitivity can lead to poor sleep quality. Major role of caffeine in our beverage’s choice is due to its stimulating properties. Hence, consuming caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea or energy drinks at wrong timing is a main lining cause of insomnia. Some of the other things or dietary patterns contributing to lack to sleep include Spicy foods, Alcohol, Foods high in water, fat and protein and, Heavy meals before bedtime.

Related Readings

1. https://www.dairynutrition.ca/facts-fallacies/health-concerns/sleep-and-tryptophan.

2. https://intermountainhealthcare.org/blogs/topics/live-well/2016/08/10-drinks-to-help-you-sleep-at-night/

3. https://thesleepdoctor.com/2019/02/12/5-vitamin-deficiencies-that-can-affect-your-sleep/

4. https://www.foodforthebrain.org/nutrition-solutions/insomnia.aspx.


About the Creator

Ekaspreet Kiran

Belong to class of Dreamers and Poets

Follow Instagram ~ @sayspreet for daily updates and motivational content.

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