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A hand of snow

By Mishal AcostaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

When you think of Yunnan snacks, what comes to mind first? I'm afraid it's cross bridge rice noodles. But for people living in Yunnan, small pot rice noodles are more homely. It is the height of summer, and the cool rice noodles have become the leading role. There are a variety of methods such as cool rice noodles with eels. Assorted cold noodles, boiled water very hot good rice noodle of cold water, drain the water, into the bowl, put the cooked chicken shreds, crisp Fried pork belly, pot stewed chicken eggs, jellyfish shredded Chinese silk, shredded Chinese red, white, leek, black fungus, mint, coriander, add Fried peanut kernels, Fried sesame seeds, salt, soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, chili oil, chili oil, green onion ginger, mix a mix, Sour, spicy, numbing, sweet, fragrant, taste good. Among them, sweet soy sauce is the unique secret of cold rice noodles, WHICH I have never seen in other places. Kunming people buy sweet soy sauce, most of the first choice of Tuodong brand. Although tuodong is now only the name of a road in Kunming, but in the Tang Dynasty, Dali was the capital of Nanzhao, and tuodong City was set up in the present Kunming. The word "tuodong" has a long history. When I was in primary school, the school organized an outing, and the lunch was made by people on the spot. I ate the cold rice noodles, which left a large psychological shadow. It was many years later that I dared to face the challenge and temptation of cold rice noodles again.

Rice noodles, guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi and other places called rice noodles, snail noodles, Guilin rice noodles enjoy a great reputation. Fang-de Xie chivalry rice Noodles has a history of at least 700 years. There are poems to prove it. There is a poem chivalry Xie Fangde in the Southern Song Dynasty to chivalry Rice Noodles: "Jade grain with grain king, man will survive with meritry. Ground for qiong crumbs, flying thunder fell nine. The string is straight and curved. Soup boiling sea, jade dragon pull from each other..." It vividly describes the scene of making and cooking rice noodles. Rice flour, however, is mentioned in a poem by Su Shi in the Northern Song Dynasty (206 bC-220ad) called "Liu Jincang's Family Fried Rice Flour for Cake", but it is not the same as rice flour in modern times.

Hunan rice noodles can be divided into round noodles and flat noodles. In Yunnan, people call the round noodles rice noodles and those similar to flat noodles roll noodles. Roll noodles are steamed rice skins that can be rolled like pancakes or cut into flat strips and boiled. Fried sauce cold roll powder, chicken cold roll powder and other snacks are common.

In Yunnan, there is another dish called miliang shrimp, which is made by grinding rice into pulp, boiling it, and then leaking it into cold water with a colander. It looks a bit like shrimp, hence its name. Remove the shrimp with a slotted spoon and place it in a bowl. Add the brown sugar water, which has been boiled and cooled, and the rose sugar, which is made of rose petals and sugar, which has been thinned and cooled, to make the traditional rose rice shrimp, which is cool and sweet and soft.

In addition to cold rice noodles, cold roll noodles and rice cold shrimp, cold noodles also have a place in the summer snacks to relieve the heat. According to the material, there are rice flour, pea flour, wheat flour and so on. It seems that Sichuan's cold noodles are more famous. In general, Sichuan restaurants will have a snack called "North Sichuan cold noodles". In these years, "sad cold noodles" is more popular across the Country. Yunnan's cold noodles have their own characteristics. For example, the scratching powder is scratched on the broad bean jelly powder with a special iron shovel with holes, so that the jelly powder is drilled out of the holes into the bowl, and the seasoning can be salty or sweet. I like pea flour. Once WHEN I was back in Kunming on a business trip, my father went to a far place to buy it. Yellow pea powder cut into rectangular thin strips into a bowl, add ginger, garlic, coriander, sweet soy sauce, salty soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, sichuan pepper oil, MSG, salt, pepper, oil pepper, etc, delicious. The characteristics of chicken and pea powder in Lijiang are all in the main ingredients. Chicken peas are about the size of mung beans. They are pale green and oblate in shape. When cooked, they turn gray and white. I haven't had much. I don't know how it works.

Now it's time to talk about yunnan summer drinks. Papaya water should be the dominant player in the traditional camp. Papaya water, sichuan called ice powder, its main raw material is produced from ice powder tree, ice powder tree scientific name false acid paste, also known as pearl lotus. Put papaya seeds into gauze pockets, put them in cold boiling water and rub continuously to produce mucus, and then leave them to coaginate into something like jelly. To serve, scoop a piece of papaya into a bowl and crumble it. Add brown sugar, rose sugar juice or honey. Nowadays, papaya water also plays an "addition", small dumpling ice powder cold shrimp, sweet rice wine ice powder cold shrimp, fruit ice powder cold shrimp and so on are quite popular.

Finally, we offer a piece of snow, a unique skill lost in yunnan snacks. Although I was born in Dali, I had no chance to see this local snack, which makes it even more mysterious to me, similar to Yang Guo's "disenchanted Palm" in Jin Yong's novel the Return of the Condor Heroes. It is said that a palm of snow, known as snow, is a natural drink. There are two points of interest in its production method. One is that it is natural and not easy, and the other is that the production process has a sense of "performance art". Dali is famous for wind, flower, snow and moon. Cangshan snow and Erhai Moon are the snow from Cangshan. To climb the lofty Cangshan mountain in the morning, shovel snow into the back basket, compact, covered with straw or cotton quilt. To make it, take a spoonful of snow with a wooden spoon, press it into a palm shape with your hand, and place it on the customer's hand. With one chopstick, put on a special rain made of copper coins, pour tangxi on it, put on the sauce made of bitter plum, and then you can suck and enjoy it.

A palm of snow was held in Dali March Street every year in March of the Lunar calendar. Ordinary things are treasures in my heart. Now is summer, summer is not a palm of snow, because cangshan in the summer has been difficult to see snow. So, or let us recite its name, a palm of snow, cool world.


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    MAWritten by Mishal Acosta

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