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Bringing The Sizzle to Your Shopping Cart

My holy grail, or holy grill, if you will

By AryaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Bringing The Sizzle to Your Shopping Cart
Photo by Mary Winchester on Unsplash

I online shop as much as the next person and online window shop maybe a smide more. Mostly, it's for clothes, but recently I've used it to get stuff that I would normally get in a brick-and-mortar store but because of COVID-19 and all that jazz, I browse the web. When I saw this writing prompt, I looked around and the first thing I saw was my LED lights for my plants. Everyone loves indoor plants these days, all the cute little succulents and air plants that speckle any home, becoming the extra member of the family, the little green child. This wacky red and blue light is in use everyday and I thought to myself "YES, this is what I'll talk about!", but then I thought again. Because I have a recently-acquired item that tops that, in my opinion. It's something I never thought I'd have just because it never crossed my mind nor has it crossed my eye at a physical retailer. But it is something that I've enjoyed, that has made it's debut with my COVID social bubble, and that will continue to shine long after COVID is gone.

The Food Party Electric Grill and Hot Pot

This thing was worth every penny and it really didn't cost that much given what you get from it. For $160 on Amazon, I am now able to have Korean barbecue, grill steaks, and make unctuous hot pot broth all from a balcony-less apartment with windows that don't fully open. It is light and compact enough to be brought anywhere I'd like. As someone who used to and is raring to go out to eat with friends on any and every occasion, this little gadget has allowed me to have that social aspect and more importantly, EAT.

Could not wait to try this out!

I am proudly an unpaid product endorser for this wonderful kitchen appliance because I genuinely am hard-pressed to find a better purchase I've made in a good long while. As much as I wish I could say I thought of the genius idea of owning this brilliant product all by myself, I do have to give thanks to my muse, my guide, my resident Internet spy, Google Chrome cookies and second-order proxies or their more commonly known product, targetted ads.

It all started on The Food Channel. As I do more than I'm willing to admit, I was watching cooking videos and restaurant reviews, sitting in my bed, drowning in a metaphorical broth of vicarious living and a touch of envy of all the glorious food they were eating.

Where the Internet found this picture of me, I will never know....those darn cookies got to be it!

I took my visual appetite over to YouTube after watching an episode of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives with barbecuing and started searching through the myriad of culinary videos of all things 'cue. After that, I went to bed, slept a good sleep, and the next day, logged back on and 'lo and behold, there's a barrage of barbecue products being advertised on every webpage I browse.

Who would've thought they made this many of anything?

Although most of the things were standing grills for the backyard and the balcony, there were a few indoors grills options. I click on one, meh, not my type, try the suggested and repeat again and again. Eventually I digress from my grill hunt into the local Reddit plant enthusiast page and there's an Instagram link for a local nursery. Click again, at this point consciously aware that my Internet spy is always peering around the imaginary webpage corner.

A visual representation of my web browser and their impending cookies

That's when it appeared. A sight for sore eyes that were grilled (pardon the pun) with catalogues of various cooking appliances. An advert on Instagram in the midst of succulents, indoor plants, and grow sets. The electric grill and hot pot set from Food Party. I clicked on it, read up on how it works and the reviews and I knew this was the one. I couldn't order it any faster!


Now here we are, in the present day, with me able to grill savoury meats and vegetables in a mess-free, easy-that-a-child-can-use, adorable little kitchen tool. Honestly it's something that good ol' Google has helped scored and hopefully could also be something you decided to "Add to Cart.".

product review

About the Creator


A girl entrenched in the realm of physics and biology who is trying her hand at writing and the creative arts.

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