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Brewing the World of Coffee: Unraveling Unique Flavors of Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa Beans

From Smooth Sophistication to Bold Adventure: Exploring the Diverse Tastes of Coffee Beans Across the Globe

By Amresh Kumar Singh Published 9 months ago 3 min read

The capacity of beverages to revive and reset our minds has long been admired. Among them, coffee stands out as a global favorite, being consumed every day by a startling 30–40% of the world's population. That figure rises to an astonishing 65% in the USA. But how well do we actually understand the distinctive qualities of our coffee beans? Let's investigate the four varieties of coffee beans and learn more about each one's unique characteristics.

Arabica Beans or Coffea Arabica

About 60% of the world's coffee is produced using Arabica coffee beans, which are the most widely consumed coffee bean in the world. Arabica beans, so named because they originated in Arabia during the seventh century, have a drawback: they are famously difficult to grow, making them extremely expensive. Arabica is grown at higher altitudes due to its susceptibility to illness and thrives in shaded areas with easy access to water. Arabica plants are not the tallest, growing to a height of 8 to 15 feet when fully mature, but they provide delicious flavors.

Taste of Arabica Coffee Beans

Coffee connoisseurs are widely aware that Arabica beans make the best coffee, which has a smooth taste, complex flavors, and little bitterness. Try single-origin Arabica beans for a unique coffee experience. Make sure they are 100% pure and not combined with Robusta by always reading the label.

Robusta Beans (Coffea canephora)

Robusta beans are the second most popular bean after Arabica. Robusta originated in sub-Saharan Africa and is primarily grown in Indonesia and parts of Africa. Robusta plants are more robust and disease-resistant than other plant species, especially in lower latitude locations, towering between 15 and 20 feet tall.

Taste of Robusta Coffee Beans

Compared to Arabica, Robusta beans have a stronger, more bitter flavor and contain more caffeine. Robusta is a popular option for coffee roasters and instant coffee producers since it is frequently combined with spices to lessen its bitterness.

Liberica Beans (Coffea liberica)

Liberica beans are native to western and central Africa and are named after the country of Liberia. After a coffee rust outbreak decimated Arabica farms in the late 1800s, Liberica coffee began to gain favor in Southern Asia. It has a distinctive floral aroma and a robust, smokey character. Liberica is a climate-tolerant plant that does well in hot, humid climates and is suitable for low latitudes. However, it continues to be less well-liked in markets in Europe and North America.

Taste of Liberica Coffee Beans

Liberica coffee is controversial; connoisseurs either adore its nutty, woody flavor or criticize it as being excessively burnt. If you want an unusual coffee experience, give it a shot.

Excelsa Beans (Coffea Excelsa)

Excelsa beans, which were once categorized independently, are now regarded as a Liberica subvariant. Excelsa plants have a form similar to Liberia beans and grow to a height of 20 to 30 feet. Excelsa is a distinctive coffee with a taste that falls between light and dark roast, fruity undertones, and a reduced caffeine concentration that thrives in Southeast Asia's medium-altitude regions.

Taste of Excelsa Coffee Beans

Excelsa is a perfect option for coffee blending because of its distinctive flavor profile, which adds complexity to the final product. Excelsa beans are hard to come by outside of Asia, however certain specialty roasters might sell them.


Discovering these distinct coffee flavors is a pleasant experience for a coffee connoisseur or lover. Choose 100% Arabica for a refined taste, Robusta for an extra caffeine kick and flavor boost, or explore the world of Liberica and Excelsa for a unique coffee-tasting experience. Although certain unusual variations may be difficult to locate, the experience they provide is unquestionably worthwhile.


About the Creator

Amresh Kumar Singh

I love reading, and I do it a lot. Whenever I encounter something compelling, I share it with others. But I can not do it without doing the due diligence on my end. All the content I share is, therefore, well-researched.

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