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Are fathers who play favoritism, amongst their kids, truly deserving of being celebrated on Father's Day??

This short story focuses on childhood pain. The confusion as to why "daddy" loves your brothers or sisters, but can't even stand to make eye contact with you. The big question is whether those fathers should be celebrated on Father's Day if they mistreat any of their kids?

By SD DPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

Once upon a time, in a small suburban neighborhood, there lived a group of fathers who seemed to have forgotten the true essence of fatherhood. These men, let’s call them John, David, and Mike, were neighbors and friends, bound together by their shared experiences of raising children. However, a dark truth lurked beneath their seemingly friendly demeanor—they each played favorites with their own offspring, leaving some children feeling neglected and unloved.

John, the first father, was a charismatic and outgoing man. He showered attention and affection upon his eldest son, Jake, who excelled in academics and sports. John attended all of Jake’s games, cheered him on from the sidelines, and celebrated his victories. But when it came to his other children, Sarah and Tim, he rarely showed the same enthusiasm. Sarah, a talented artist, yearned for her father’s praise, but it seemed to always slip through her fingers. Tim, the youngest, felt like a shadow in the presence of his father, yearning for even a fraction of the attention given to his older brother.

Next door, David, a stern and disciplined father, had a similar pattern of favoritism. His daughter, Emily, was a straight-A student and a skilled pianist. David poured his time and energy into nurturing her talents, attending her recitals and tutoring her late into the night. Meanwhile, his son, Daniel, struggled academically and felt invisible in his father’s eyes. No matter how hard he tried, Daniel couldn’t escape the feeling of disappointment that seemed to follow him everywhere.

Finally, there was Mike, the third father in this tale. He was an ambitious man who focused all his attention on his business ventures. His oldest daughter, Olivia, showed a natural aptitude for entrepreneurship, and he invested his resources in cultivating her talents. Olivia basked in her father’s admiration, but her younger brother, Ethan, longed for a connection that seemed forever out of reach. Ethan’s interests in literature and music were brushed aside as his father busied himself with meetings and deals, leaving him feeling invisible and unimportant.

As Father’s Day approached, the children in this neighborhood couldn’t help but question the true meaning of the holiday. They had witnessed firsthand the pain of favoritism and the wounds it left behind. They knew that being a father meant more than just biological connection—it meant nurturing, supporting, and loving all of one’s children unconditionally.

The children decided to take a stand. They gathered together and shared their experiences, realizing that they were not alone in their struggles. United, they decided that they could no longer wish their fathers a happy Father’s Day, for these men had not lived up to the ideals of fatherhood. They believed that true fathers should be present for all their children, nurturing their unique talents, supporting their dreams, and loving them with equal fervor.

On Father’s Day, instead of the usual heartfelt cards and gifts, the children organized a neighborhood celebration. They honored the fathers who had truly embodied the spirit of fatherhood—men who had shown love and support to all their children, regardless of their differences. These fathers were praised for their patience, understanding, and unwavering commitment to their families.

The message was clear: fatherhood is a sacred responsibility, one that should be embraced wholeheartedly, without favoritism or neglect. The fathers who had fallen short were confronted with their actions, and the impact they had on their children’s lives was laid bare for all to see. It was a moment of reflection, a chance for them to reevaluate their priorities and make amends.

In the end, this tale serves as a reminder that being a good father goes beyond mere titles and appearances. It requires genuine love, attention, and care. Don't treat your child as if they are not worthy of your time. Nobody asked to be here. Your actions ended up forming a beautiful new life... so how can you be fine with abandoning the life that adores you and once looked up to you? I really want to know why some of them actually feel proud and accomplished if they receive a compliment by an unsuspecting stranger.

I did find a solution for how to address the bad ones. Let's just add one word after the word "Happy". So here we go... HAPPY BAD FATHER'S DAY! Wait a minute, I got it! How about this? HEY HAPPY FATHERS! IF YOU'RE HAPPY TO BE A FATHER, HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY! IF YOU FORGOT ABOUT YOUR DAUGHTER WHO IS STANDING IN THE ROOM NEXT TO YOU, I HOPE THAT YOUR DAUGHTER HAS A BEAUTIFUL DAY! Too long! I know. Well whatever! This was entirely a rant based on true events involving loved ones.

To the ones who have proudly taken on the responsibility of raising children, who work tirelessly to feed their kids every day, who stay up late cleaning up all the mess that was from dinner, who just know what it truly means to be a father, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY and may your day be filled with laughter and memories involving the little beings who brighten your world!

To the fatherless ones, let your pain motivate you to be a better person that the sperm donor could never be.

valuessiblingspregnancyparentsimmediate familyhumanityhow tograndparentsfosterextended familychildrenadvice

About the Creator


I believe I am going to use this as my way of releasing internal pain. These stories will mostly be based on my life or the life of a loved on. Please be nice. I'm not much of a writer...just someone with tons of pain who needs to vent!

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