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The Taliban's Plan To Rule the World

They're Preparing Is Silence?

By Amine OubihPublished 13 days ago 5 min read
The Taliban's Plan To Rule the World
Photo by Mohammad Rahmani on Unsplash

While the turmoil seems to never end in the Middle East, the idea of ​​the return of Al-Qaeda is getting more and more popular, since such a group has a historical ties with the Taliban that reached power in Afghanist in 2021. The dire situation that spells out the fate of the Afghan citizens in Taliban's regime rule hangs in the air with it bringing to mind the global setting of the day regardless of the distance.

Since so many years, ideological roots that are indebted to the Taliban and Al-Qaeda affiliates are considered to be a well-known fact It is Al-Qaeda, notorious for its 9/11 attacks, that can be traced back to the resistance against Soviet Union's occupation of Afghanistan, where they found the angle from the Taliban regime. A pressing concern despite current quiet of Al-Qaeda is the indication that they might take advantage of the Taliban symbiotic relationship that consequently could result in a resurgence.

The Taliban’s gain of power in the city of Kabul, after the unconditional pullout of the US forces, has prompted fear and distrust around the insurgent group’s support for extremist factions, including Al-Qaeda. Although the Taliban has claimed they won’t let any extremist organization to act inside Afghanistan, their historical relations with al Qaeda show question if they will surely stick to that promise.

On top of that the Taliban's clamping down on poppy cultivation, self-financing of Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups in this region has accelerated a rise in methamphetamine trafficking in Afghanistan and its surrounding areas. This disruptive/influential feature of the drug trafficking business further emphasizes the intricacies of combatting extremism and organized crime in the area.

The Taliban deprivation of the rights and freedoms of women and girls is surfacing again, as it did during the reign of their previous regime, while girls and women brace themselves for additional discrimination and restriction in job opportunities and education. Additionally, fears exist that the Taliban may be secretly harboring the Al-Qaeda terrorists, serving them as a kind of safe heaven where they can rebuild their strongholds and put together further attacks.

Although Taliban is careful of imbuing themselves with legitimacy and nurturing international goodwill which are the main aims of Al-Qaeda too, both being inspired by the similar ideas and goals; the former may thus strengthen the position of the latter. Al-Qaeva's reorganization under the control of al-Zaurihi's aims to create secure operating areas and strengthen the partnerships with the groups that share the same goals with the Taliban.

In relation to the range of Afghan territory, particularly the regions around the Iranian and Iranian borders, the most alarming factor is the announcement of Al-Qaeda fighter groups. It is a huge obstacle for the international strategy on counter-terrorism. The Taliban's overlap with and support for these operatives is also one of the reasons why their networks, which are aimed at disrupting their attack plans, are so difficult to find.

As the Taliban, now having a firm grip on the country, is getting a steady deteriorating support, the world communities should remain cautious and prevent the Al-Qaida formation. Nowadays, as in the past, the revival of terrorism in the region reminds us about the essential matters, such as what aids terrorism threatening stability and security in Afghanistan and neighboring regions.

The complex web of relationships between the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and the Western world around the global Afghanistan issue become more clear whenever there is the fall of the Taliban. Through latest disclosures, the veil is pulled off collaboration networks that these groups are involved in and the role that they play in preserving peace and security in the region and beyond.

Seeing as merciless Zakir, who is thought by many to belong to the Taliban’s elite commando unit - the 313 Badri Battalion, and his links to Al-Qaeda gunmen are too deep to reveal any details, it would be wise to keep such contact confidential. Among the Taliban officials, this combination of people pose a risk for the normalization of the extremist movement that the Taliban is still hinged on.

The media indicates that the Taliban-Al-Qaeda relationship does not end up with nominations between Taliban administration and Al-Qaeda. It is said that giving salary monthly to the al-qaeda people is being supported by the Taliban which could help to made financial supporters of the them and their allye like AQIS (Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent).

Moreover, publications from Al-Qaeda are used in the ministry of defense by the Taliban, and it reflects the deeper approach among the groups. One of the channels through which Al-Qaeda’s documents for registration are claimed to have been facilitated by the Ministry of the Interior led by Sirajuddin Haqqani, that closely cooperates with Al-Qaeda’s extremists in Afghanistan.

While Taliban asks Al-Qaeda to quit Afghanistan that is curious as there are strong reasons for plotting cooperation, less visibility in front of civilized society, which is a shield for the governments of the West. These events demonstrate that over time, the relationship between Al-Qaeda and the Taliban is very similar to the historical friends with one another that originated during the Afghan War against the Russian Union.

Over two decades of the failure of international community to find a solution in the country, the Taliban`s power has grown, becoming stronger by their alliance with Al-Qaeda and the Haqqani Network. This integration is the key problem for counter-terrorism measures and regional stability as Al-Qaeda takes advantage of security vacuum in Afghanistan to rebuild its forces and educational centres.

Parallel the action, the Taliban strives at simultaneously inacting the rebuilding process of Afghanistan with aid from external actors such as the China and Russia. The diplomatic ties with China remain especially auspicious in the context of economic restoration of Afghanistan, as having a bigger pie of the pie is what the Taliban would love the most. Though China is one of the most outspoken adversaries of Talibani rule, its pragmatic policy is driven by the broader agenda of economics and geostrategy, this notwithstanding ideological differences.

At the same time, the Palestinian-Israeli quarrel ties to that of the Taliban as extremist groups like Al-Qaeda and the Taliban express support for Hamas, an Islamist group that assumes power only in the Gaza Strip. It further allows to talk to people face to face and build a humanistic way which stresses the tangled web of global extremism and geopolitical relations.

Given the acute complexity of this case, intelligence services globally continue to track emerging trends in Afghanistan - aware of the still present danger of Al-Qaeda and allies worldwide. The Taliban, as it consolidates its government and negotiates its domestic and international affairs, will have huge implications for the stability of the regional neighborhood and may need to be some watchful monitoring and strategic engagement to ensure security.

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About the Creator

Amine Oubih

🌟Amine Oubih🌟

📝 Writer | 🎨 Creative | 🌍 Explorer

Hello,I am a traveler and writer. Whether It's Real Or Fiction, I always find something interesting to write about, and I use this content to spark the desire to learn more in readers.

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