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Why You Definitely Can't Survive a Nuclear Winter

Possible Or Not?

By Amine OubihPublished 13 days ago โ€ข 3 min read
Why You Definitely Can't Survive a Nuclear Winter
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

The world looked totally different after the atomic war - a place, where people just wiped out and where nature reclaimed its rights over the remnants of once proud civilization: ruins were the only trace of the former order of things. A few moments later, Mason became a witness of the catastrophic sight of a radioactive canyon, where the only thing that was left was a ruined world unable to rise from ashes of an atomic bomb.

The nightmare of the nuclear war started unpredictably and vicious, as the war machine had been launched from one side. A lighting bolt pierced the sky and a roar from a beast on a crusade of devastation incited the birth of chaos. The mushroom clouds appeared over the skyline, and their smoky heads hovered on over those who survived. The cloud grew removed from the ground casting a pall of dread among the survivors. Of course, the only option for Mason was to survive the nuclear holocaust in the five-star resort of an underground sanctuary, where nature and past beauty were enshrined in perpetuity.

The sifn that he took a step to have a mine initiated the eventual salvation of the world from complete anarchy. Others perished in the steady rain of fire that disrupted everything, because Mason went into the core of the earth where he was protected from the radiations and deadly fallout. Safety which he so much desired was not free, because his life was wrapped in loneliness and uncertainty.

In gradual time, weeks turned into months passed, and Mason come to terms with life in the new world fall the apocalypse. Frosty fingertips of nuclear winter clutched the land, present in the form of bitter cold which only fell to freezing lows. To step into the world behind the safe habitat was to face the hazardous aftermath of the war which was composed of radioactive particles that had potentially dangerous impacts on one's health.

The arsenal of a gas mask and a hazmat suit was the unexpected ally of Mason during the dangerously thrilling expeditions for supplies and humans. The bare-looking, downcast was a painful announcement of the past, which at one time was taken for granted but now is a mere burnt out. However, in the midst of destruction, a beacon of hope appeared though it was very subtle- a sign of that which gave hope and brought the strength of human spirit to live on.

And yet hope turned out to be a very fragile thing, getting crushed by the severe luckfreeness of life after the nuclear war. As Mason ventured further from his bunker, he faced the ultimate threat: hypothermia - "the cold-blooded murder became the mistress" of the deadly nuke winter. Contrary to his clever precaution, though, he gradually fell ill, eventually dying from frigidity - in the world literally torn to pieces by war.

But all this story is a too sad outcome of the nuclear world war. The fate of these doomed voyagers symbolizes both the stunning vulnerability of humanity and the appeal of courage in the face of unimaginable calamity. Against the backdrop of a world engulfed in the fright of atomic holocaust, his story becomes an eerie disclosure of the ghastly future awaits mankind, when it chooses to put its nuclear power to work.

At the time when the world suffered such losses, Mason's journey is a mirror of the survival attempt in the apocalypse which nuclear bombs may have caused. His story is a painful poem providing a poignant reminder of the devastating destruction war can cause and human spirit having abilities to survive against all odds. What is before us is a challenge of the existence of the humankind. But it should not be taken lightly. In this light, we should not stop working until these barbarities do not repeat. Visiting May Mason's unveiling ceremony serves as a reminder of her noble goal to bring the world to peace and rid it of the shadows of nuclear devastation.

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About the Creator

Amine Oubih

๐ŸŒŸAmine Oubih๐ŸŒŸ

๐Ÿ“ Writer | ๐ŸŽจ Creative | ๐ŸŒ Explorer

Hello,I am a traveler and writer. Whether It's Real Or Fiction, I always find something interesting to write about, and I use this content to spark the desire to learn more in readers.

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