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When the War Began

Sept 2016 part 1

By AmandaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
When the War Began
Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

The summer of 2016 was one of a kind, things happen that will never happen again and all though it was a monumental event, it took it's toll on my mental health and still does to this day.

It began on May 10th 2016, when despite my everlasting efforts, I lost my apartment, that is when I learned how to truly survive on a level I never thought I would be on. I was forced into homelessness by liars and my frustration level was at an all time high. My father I couldn't get a hold of and on this day, my grandmother passed away. Talk about when it rains it pours.

On top of my world crumbling around me daily, I no longer had protection against a hateful aunt, who has hated my existence since I began existing. It's like instead of my Grandmother passing, she was told my father passed and her true colors have been shining very ugly, but bright. While she manipulated the person I could reach on my phone when I called my fathers phone, it broke a piece of me every time I called. Why?

Well I was in wonder why as well, it couldn't be any clearer that this deranged aunt was rubbing in my face that this new person who isn't my father, put her first and not his daughter, which couldn't be anymore backwards. While I was down she was kicking me in ways, that she never would, unless she was told my father was forever gone.

Lucky for me, he is not forever gone, but the disowned, deranged aunt believed that and next thing I knew, this person who had that same person who hates me, simply because I was born, in his ear telling him what to do, what to say, sadly he listened to her and this abuse I endured prompted me to finally say enough. However since my father is a dollar sign to her, something he has known for . While she was on her best behavior before she let rumors not only change everything, but to this day, ruin what my father and a couple people he to meet have been building since at least 2011. It took her only 2.5 months to not break, but put a pretty heavy, permanent dent into something that she shouldn't be a part of, because she sees others as dollar signs and not people. Something my father learned about her in 2007.

Well what happen on Sept. 4th 2016? After my life was threaten by who was suppose to be my "father". He stated and I quote, "I'll kill you, before you can press charges." I was in disbelief, for one I didn't even know what he meant. Press charges for what, why, how, when? All the questions I suddenly had. This happen the last week in August 2016.

I went from South Dakota to Colorado that whole summer, while speaking to my doctor every time about the situation in South Dakota. This whole summer, I was beginning to believe my father was also dead, based on how that deranged aunt stole everything from me, even things in Colorado that have nothing to do with her. Taking advantage of this lie I have been force fed since June 2012. She has taken over every place that I could finally heal from the last decade, as well as September 4th.

Scared for my life that day, at my fathers house, I hit this abusive person who threaten my life, with the same shot gun they turned on me. After that action, I spent the day being under evaluation for my mental health and ended up on the wrong side and justice has yet to be served, I spent the next 6 weeks in a mental hospital, based on lies, more lies and when my doctor mentioned planning a funeral, that is all that still makes sense.

Considering no one is effected by my fathers absence the way I am, it has been stagnant since 2012, but I have been dragged around by people who are never who they say they are and in a place, that after this incident, I should of never returned to.

I will go into more depth, this is just part 1.

Thanks for reading!


About the Creator


As a writer who is taking their writing public, it makes me nervous and also excited to share my stories. Whether they are fiction or not, I have an unique writing style, but also so much to still learn. $queenofme. #supportwriters!

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