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The Bond of Best Friends

Bella And Sarah

By Maansingh SimonPublished about a year ago 4 min read
The Bond of Best Friends
Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash

Growing up, Bella and Sarah were inseparable. They did everything together, from playing dress-up to exploring the woods behind their houses. They even had a secret handshake that they came up with during a sleepover.

As they got older, they still remained best friends. They went to the same middle school, high school, and even ended up attending the same college. They would always call each other before making any big decisions, and they supported each other through every triumph and setback.

One day, Bella received some devastating news. Her mother had passed away after a long battle with cancer. She was heartbroken and didn't know how she would ever get through it. But Sarah was there for her every step of the way. She would come over to Bella's house and just sit with her, not saying a word, but just being there.

Eventually, Bella started to feel better, and Sarah suggested they take a road trip to clear their heads. They drove for hours, talking and laughing like they used to when they were kids. They ended up at a small beach town and decided to rent a beach house for the week.

During that week, they had the time of their lives. They swam in the ocean, went on bike rides, and even tried parasailing. They also talked about everything under the sun, including Bella's mom, and Sarah even shared some of her own struggles with Bella.

When it was time to go back home, Bella felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She knew she could get through anything as long as she had Sarah by her side. They hugged goodbye and promised to keep in touch, but they both knew that their bond as best friends would never be broken.

From that day on, they continued to be each other's support system. They celebrated each other's accomplishments and held each other up during tough times. They knew that the bond of best friends was something truly special, and they were grateful for each other every single day.

Years went by, and Bella and Sarah remained as close as ever. They both pursued their careers and started their own families, but they always found time for each other.

One day, Sarah called Bella with some exciting news. She had just landed her dream job, but it meant that she would have to move to a different city. Bella was happy for her friend but also sad that she would no longer be just a phone call away.

Despite the distance, they still made an effort to keep in touch. They scheduled weekly video calls and sent each other care packages in the mail. Bella even took her kids to visit Sarah during their summer vacation, and they all had a blast exploring Sarah's new city together.

As the years passed, they faced new challenges and experiences, but they always had each other to rely on. They even started a tradition of taking an annual girls' trip, where they would leave their responsibilities behind and just focus on having fun together.

One year, on their girls' trip, Bella surprised Sarah with a scrapbook she had been secretly working on for months. It was filled with photos and memories from their childhood to the present day. Sarah was touched and overwhelmed by the gesture, and they spent the night reminiscing and laughing until they fell asleep.

They both knew that the bond of their friendship was something rare and special. They had been through so much together, and yet their love and support for each other never wavered.

As they hugged goodbye at the end of their trip, they both knew that no matter where life took them, they would always have a friend in each other. The bond of best friends was unbreakable, and they were both grateful to have found it in each other.

Years turned into decades, and Bella and Sarah continued to be there for each other through thick and thin. They celebrated each other's milestones, from promotions to birthdays to weddings and even the birth of their children.

As they entered their golden years, they remained as close as ever, even though they were both retired and living in different parts of the country. They would still schedule regular phone calls and make plans to visit each other whenever they could.

One day, Bella received a call from Sarah's daughter. She had some heartbreaking news to share. Sarah had passed away peacefully in her sleep. Bella was devastated. Her best friend, her confidante, her rock, was gone.

But even in her grief, Bella knew that Sarah would want her to keep living life to the fullest. She decided to honor her friend's memory by taking a trip to all the places they had always talked about visiting but never got around to. She traveled to Paris, rode a hot air balloon over Napa Valley, and even went on a safari in Africa.

As she stood on the savannah, watching the sun set over the vast landscape, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that Sarah was watching over her, and that their bond as best friends would never truly be broken.

Years went by, and Bella never forgot the lessons she learned from her friendship with Sarah. She continued to cherish the people in her life and live each day to the fullest. She knew that Sarah would want her to keep spreading joy and love, just like they had always done together.

And so, as she sat in her rocking chair on her front porch, watching the sunset over the mountains, she felt a sense of gratitude wash over her. She was grateful for the memories, grateful for the bond of best friends, and grateful for the love that had sustained her throughout her life.

SecretsWorkplaceTeenage yearsSchoolHumanityFriendshipFamilyChildhood

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