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Recipe for wonder

Nourishing the Spirit of Curiosity

By Olushola OgunniyiPublished about a year ago 3 min read


1 cup of Imagination

2 tablespoons of Open-mindedness

1 teaspoon of Wonderment

A pinch of Adventure

A sprinkle of Curiosity

A dash of Reflection

Generous doses of Exploration

A dollop of Observation


Start with Imagination:

Take a cup of imagination and let it soar. Let your mind wander freely, without constraints or limitations. Allow yourself to dream, envision new possibilities, and unleash your creative energy. Imagination is the foundation of wonder, sparking curiosity and igniting a sense of awe.

Add Open-mindedness:

In a bowl of open-mindedness, mix in the willingness to embrace different perspectives, ideas, and experiences. Cultivate a mindset that is receptive to the unknown and unafraid of stepping outside of your comfort zone. Open-mindedness opens the door to new wonders and expands the horizons of your understanding.

Sprinkle Wonderment:

Sprinkle a teaspoon of wonderment into the mix. Wonderment is the key ingredient that infuses your senses with fascination and appreciation for the world around you. It encourages you to marvel at the simplest things and find beauty in the ordinary. Embrace a childlike sense of wonder, and let it awaken your curiosity.

Add a pinch of Adventure:

To add excitement to the recipe, sprinkle in a pinch of adventure. Embrace the unknown, take risks, and seek new experiences. Step outside of your comfort zone and explore unfamiliar territories. Adventure fuels the fire of curiosity, leading you to discover hidden wonders and learn valuable lessons along the way.

Sprinkle Curiosity:

Curiosity is the spice that enhances the flavor of wonder. Sprinkle it generously into the mixture. Ask questions, seek answers, and have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Curiosity propels you to explore, discover, and uncover the mysteries that surround you. Let it guide you on a journey of continuous learning and growth.

Add a dash of Reflection:

While the ingredients blend together, take a moment for reflection. Reflect on the wonders you have encountered, the lessons learned, and the impact they have on your perspective. Allow yourself time to process and appreciate the depth of the experiences. Reflection enhances the recipe, adding depth and meaning to your sense of wonder.

Generous doses of Exploration:

Add generous doses of exploration to the mixture. Venture into the world with an open heart and an inquisitive mind. Explore nature, cultures, art, science, and everything in between. Engage in new activities, visit unfamiliar places, and seek out diverse perspectives. Exploration nourishes the spirit of wonder and broadens your understanding of the world.

Dollop of Observation:

Lastly, add a dollop of observation to the mix. Pay attention to the details, nuances, and subtleties of the world around you. Observe with intention and mindfulness. Notice the intricate patterns, the delicate moments, and the interconnectedness of everything. Observation enriches your experience, allowing you to appreciate the wonders that may have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Let it simmer:

Allow the mixture to simmer gently within you. Let the flavors blend and evolve over time. Embrace wonder as a lifelong companion, continuously nourishing and renewing your spirit of curiosity. Share your sense of wonder with others, inspiring them to embark on their own culinary journey of discovery.

Serve and savor:

When ready, serve your recipe for wonder to yourself and others. Embrace the joy, the awe, and the inspiration it brings. Savor each moment, each encounter, and each newfound insight. Let your recipe for wonder become a part of who you are and a guiding force in your journey through life.

Remember, this recipe is not a one-time creation but an ongoing process. Embrace wonder as a daily practice, and let it infuse every aspect of your life. Nourish your spirit of curiosity, and you will continue to uncover a world filled with infinite marvels.

Enjoy the journey of wonder and let it enrich your life in ways beyond imagination. Shola's pen


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    OOWritten by Olushola Ogunniyi

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