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How do I say I love you?

I love you

By UmmePublished 4 months ago 3 min read

It's been a while since we've spoken, and today on 14.2.2024 you replied on Valentine's, I wonder why? why is it that you finally reply? you tell me something happened recently so you couldn't reply?. ''ok'' I replied, my stomach getting butterflies as I blushed uncontrollably, "wanna call?" he said with a question mark? "sure why not" I said without the mark, we're on the call as you greet me by saying those awfully cute nicknames, I chuckle a bit to your comment, he asked if I wanna do something and I said "remember that game?" I said hesitantly as I've not been on a call for a while. he tells me he refunded it...OK! I said awkwardly he then came up with an Idea "How bout we read a novel?" he said deviously "It's called I Love You, Colonel Sanders" I hesitated at that cringy title but he said it had a high quality so I agreed. After a while, I asked if you had a valentine. He said no in a sad tone, I was curious about why. because he had a "girlfriend" "She broke up with me.." I was shocked, laying on my bed as my jaw dropped I didn't know what to say to that reply, I tried to comfort you by saying "Don't worry I also got heartbroken" but I secretly wanted to tell you about how I felt every time you laughed I would join you and laugh too, every time you said "Goodnight" my heart would skip a beat as my cheeks flustered, My pulse getting higher and higher every time I hear that soft and calming voice, "L" I desire you, I want you, I need you, so How do I say "I love you"...

I needed to write this because my paragraph wasn't enough so you don't need to read this bit Cats vs. dogs - which is better? This debate has been going on for ages and everyone has their own opinion. While both dogs and cats are beloved pets and each one has its own perks, let's explore why cats should be considered a more ideal choice.

Firstly, cats are independent creatures. They don't require constant stimulation or attention like dogs do, and can entertain themselves for hours with some toys and a comfy spot to nap. This also makes them ideal for people who work full-time or have busy lifestyles, as they don't need to rely on others to take care of them.

Secondly, cats are flexible and adaptable pets. Dogs need daily walks and exercise, which can be a challenge if you live in a busy city or have a small living space. In contrast, cats are usually content with a litter box, scratching post, and a few toys, taking up a lot less space.

Cats are also generally more calm and low-maintenance than dogs, making them ideal for someone who loves the cuddly aspect of having a pet but doesn't have the energy for constant walks and training. Cats can be very affectionate and playful, but they're also content with their own company, making them ideal for both introverts and extroverts alike.

Another amazing advantage of having a cat is their cleanliness. Dogs need to be bathed regularly and their fur can get matted if not groomed consistently. Cats are much better at grooming themselves, and they don't produce strong odor like dogs do.

In terms of cost, cats can also be more budget-friendly than dogs. They require less food, and vet visits aren't as frequent.

Overall, cats are independent, adaptable, clean, and cost-effective pets. While dogs are undoubtedly sweet and loyal companionships, cats offer a more stress-free and effortless experience for those who want all the perks of having a pet without the extra work and responsibilities.

Teenage yearsSecretsFriendshipEmbarrassmentCONTENT WARNING

About the Creator


. . Yumi ! | 13teen .

# : she/her !! . ♡

⋆ . friends in <3 not bio

Discord: immortal_she4

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