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Five Strange Things About Me

just five fun facts about myself

By MelPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Five Strange Things About Me
Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

Before I even get started with this article, let me just shoutout the original writer who came up with this idea first; Carol Townend; who's stories/articles I definitely do recommend you take the time to go check out - she's a vocal creator I always look forward to whenever I see her new articles appear in my subscriptions.

If you wanted to read her article, here it is:

Personally, I love the Vocal site. This website is just full of other creators/writers who all write to our content, so occasionally... I'll find another article that I read through and go "I like this, I kind of want to make my own version about this". Obviously, with a little [insert credit here] because we aren't about steal content on this page.

Anyways, let's get on with why you probably clicked onto this in the first place...

A human being without "an annoying habit" is just a boring one at that. We all have habits we just never seemed to break; whether they're habits that are important to our daily lives or habits others may look at and think, 'Hmm... that's a little odd'. Either way, they're habits. And they're special to every individual person in their own special ways, even if we don't particularly feel that way towards them in the moment.

10 Strange Things About Me

  1. I'll always become giddy over seeing a cute stuffed animal in the store. Yes, even at just 24 years old. I can't help it. You have got to see my Squishmallow obsession. I'm pretty sure I only like shopping at Costco nowadays just because they sell pretty big-sized Squishmallows at a pretty decent (at times) price. | But if I'm being honest, yes. Although, I am technically "an adult" in serious terms, I'll always obsess over those cute teddies you see in stores every now and then (ESPECIALLY if it's a stuffed animal of an animal I adore, aka a tiger or a dog).
  2. My grocery hauls will always be kid-friendly. Translation: No matter how old I get, I will always fill up my shopping cart at the grocery store to look as if I have a young child at home. People can judge me all I want for purchasing a giant box of dino nuggets with a pack of mikes hard lemonade, but hey... at least I'm living in style. Am I right?
  3. Although I'll never let my mental illness define me, I won't ever deny that it's a part of my very existence. A lot of people have treated my mental illness as a monster. A lot of people; myself included. Once I reached sixteen, I slowly realized just how unique I was. I told myself to stop obsessing over being like everyone else and just appreciate that I was still here, still kicking it on Planet Earth. Having friends who have the same mental illnesses as I really helped me out a lot when it came to embracing who I really am, but eventually I just told myself to do what I love without worrying about what anyone else thinks.
  4. Telling me that I'll never make it in my chosen passions only makes me want to work harder at achieving the success story. I've never really had support at doing the things I loved. I have no clue why that was. Maybe it's because my family are big on practical. You go to school, get a degree, and work your butt off for the next 60 years of your life. Sometimes, you even stay working past that retirement age because nothing comes to you for free. So ever since I could remember, I was always told to always stick with practical. No matter what. Stick to what always "worked" for this family. Maybe that's what made me want to work even harder at proving that the practical lifestyle doesn't always have to be the way things are; I want to show that things can be different for future generations, no matter how long it takes.
  5. I can't handle the loudness of sounds, yet I absolutely have to be blasting music whenever I wear headphones. This, honestly, will always be something about myself I will never understand. Yes. I am aware that too loud of music is bad for your ears (doing that very thing as a teenager is what led to my own father being hard-of-hearing as an adult), but for some reason... blasting my favorite tunes relaxes me. That's what's so strange. The fact that my music relaxes me at loud volumes, but I cannot handle loud volume of any type of sounds in general. Any sound at a louder tone or pitch will always bother me, and I'm not ashamed of it (although so many people have shamed me for it in my life).

That's it. That's me. Five strange facts about me that help shape me into my own person.

Don't be shy. What are five strange facts about yourself? Comment down below, or even go ahead and write your own article writing them down!

Bad habitsHumanity

About the Creator


Ever since I was a kid, I've always wrote for fun. I never saw anything of it; I just wanted to write just to write. That's why I love Vocal.


instagram: stufflestream

tiktok: mercuryandme

youtube: Melon Melon | TheMelonVlogs

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