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Falling Off Track

While working towards your goals

By Emily FormanPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Falling Off Track
Photo by on Unsplash

For the last several months I have been working towards multiple goals and of course, blogging about them. In January I hit my stride and was making huge progress and feeling good about how far I had come. I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel of my Lyme Disease Journey, I was working on being more organized, getting back into a fitness routine, blogging consistently on Medium, and overall working towards a healthier lifestyle.

I carried most of the healthier habits into February and was ready to continue. However, I went away for a quick ski trip, had some social plans, had some dental work done that I had been putting off, and got put on an extra project at work. A combination of all these things and I slowly saw the progress slipping away and old habits edging their way in. Which got me a little panicked and worried that I was back at square one. How do we get ourselves back on track to our goals when we have a slipped-off? During this time I learned a few things that I think will help me in the future.

A Little Bit at a Time

At first, I didn’t see the pattern or old habits coming back into play I knew that the laundry was never quite getting done and there were dishes in the sink but other than that I thought I was still on track. But the farther I fell behind around the house and the more time I missed at the gym I started to see it. But then I slowly came up with a plan and even though it took longer than I wanted I got myself back on track.

Sunday night and still feeling this way I devised a plan for the week ahead to get myself caught up a little at a time. That Monday I got out of work early and came home and finished most of the laundry and dishes and other stuff around the house. With one promise to myself, I would go back to the gym the next day. Taking time to get most of the house stuff done put me in a place where I could do a little every night for the rest of the week to feel caught up. Tuesday I made it to the gym after work, I did a short work out but I got there and got back into the routine.

By the end of the week, I had been back to the gym a second time feeling like I never left. Saturday I got everything done around the house that I had been putting off which wasn’t that bad since I already had most of it done and even had some time to relax. It was two weeks of being off track or scheduled but I got myself back on. Even though I wish that time was less I reminded myself that at least it wasn’t six months or a year.

Self Talk

When I’m working towards a goal or slip off track from my progress self-talk is so important. I would try not to get mad at myself or say negative things. I simply kept my goals in mind and worked towards them slowly. Every time something was checked off the list or I made it back to the gym I patted myself self on the back and took a few minutes to feel the accomplishment.

Replacing the negative self-talk with positive self-talk motivated me to get back on track. When the negative self-talk came up, I was spiraling even further off track. Positivity and being kind to myself allow me to continue the growth and work towards those goals.

It’s Okay to Fall Off Track

Life happens and we’re not always going to be able to solely focus on our goals, but it’s how we deal with them. Everyone has a bad day or week and that’s okay. As long as we get back on track and look towards those goals.

Giving myself this grace and understanding allows me to continue my journey without beating myself up. I can put the days that weren’t my best behind me and move forward working towards my goals and healthier lifestyle.

Yes, I wish I didn’t fall off track for two weeks I wish it was only two days. The most important part is that I got myself back on track and unlike in the past, it won’t be six months or a year of being off track this time but just two weeks. I’m sure it will happen again and next time I will be able to take the skills I’ve learned this time around and apply them to cut down the time.


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