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Embarrassing Moments

This story is just about how we all have our embarrassing moments. Here I will be sharing some of mine and how I feel when I get embarrassed.

By SargamPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Embarrassing Moments
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Admit that we all have our embarrasing moments. Whether your a kid or an adult you do get embarrased like everyone else. You might be the popular kid or nerd or just an average person. We know that we all get embarrassed. But the question is what do you do when you get embarrassed?

There are many ways you can get embarrassed but here's an example : You are walking outside with your friend and you trip on something. What do you do? This has happened to me before so I'll explain what I did.

So it was a rainy day and I was outside walking when I tripped on a rock. I almost. Almost. Fell flat on my face. Luckily my superhero friend saved me. She grabbed my arm when I was falling. I did scratch my knee though. I'm so glad I didn't fall on my face. Also this group of girls were staring at me and my friend and laughing.

Me and my friend were about to leave in embarrassment but when the girls were laughing one of the girls almost slipped and she screamed. The way she screamed though..I don't know how to describe the way she screamed but all I can say is she sounded like a mouse. Instant karma. Haha.

There is this one moment that instantly pops up when I think of the topic "Embarrassing Moments". One time my teacher was giving us a lecture and I was super bored just staring at her face pretending to pay attention. So I was swinging on my chair which was fun. It was kind of a habit that I had. I liked to swing on my chair a lot so I was swinging and I let go of the ground with my feet too early which made me fall backwards. The desk behind me got pushed a bit and it was really loud. I fell on the ground but didn't get hurt. My teacher said, "I was just about to tell you to stop swinging on your chair". I was super embarrassed. Surprisingly nobody laughed at me or said a word which was probably cause it was the starting of the school year. The person behind me just straightened their desk. And the teacher asked if I was hurt. I got up and sat back in my seat and my teacher continued her lecture. I still cannot believe no one laughed or said anything. Honestly, I'm just glad I didn't get hurt because if I did that would be even more embarrassing. After that I never swang on my chair again. Also you might not understand what I mean by "swinging on my chair". I mean I tilt my chair and swing on it. You can search it up if you don't understand cause thats going to give you a better understanding and funny pictures.

If anything embarrassing happens to me I usually just act like nothing happened like the examples above. But really it stays in my head. If I was the person witnessing someone's embarrassing moment I wouldn't laugh at them cause that's just not cool. It might be funny but I would help them up and just laugh about it in my head. I have witnessed many embarrassing moments. I remember this one time someone was throwing something in the garbage but they missed completely and it went behind the bin. Which has also happened to me before. Oh well, we all get embarrassed once in a while.

Has anything like this happened to you? Tell me in the comments! I would love to read about your experiences.


About the Creator



Not sure what to write but..

I like writing stories about my experiences or writing about my day. So journal writing.

I like to do journal writing! :)

(I will update my bio soon cause I know this isn't the best)

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