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Dear Joelles: Embrace Your Unique Magic

Owning Your Name Means Owning Your Power

By Joelle EšŸŒ™Published 10 months ago ā€¢ Updated 10 months ago ā€¢ 4 min read
Dear Joelles: Embrace Your Unique Magic
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

I literally never meet people with my name. In 27 years, Iā€™ve met maybe four Joelles. But recently, some Joelles have been cropping up around me ā€“ especially some little Joelles at a prechool Iā€™m working at ā€“ and itā€™s inspiring me to put this message out there.

Growing up with Joelle as a name was interesting. For a long time, I didnā€™t always like it, and I thought the problem was the name itself. (I clung to my middle name, Elizabeth, as a badge of normalcy, proudly signing my name with my middle initial every time I wrote it down). However, as Iā€™ve grown up and found my center (this feels like the only apt way to describe the growing-up process for me), more and more, Iā€™ve identified with it. Now, I love my name. I feel it embodies me perfectly. Iā€™ve also since met people who tell me that my name is beautiful, and I hear that sentiment and receive it. It is a beautiful name. So Iā€™m here to say: why the Joelle shame?

Recently, my boyfriendā€™s sister excitedly let me know that her friend had named her daughter Joelle, only to quickly add that theyā€™re ā€œcalling her Joey.ā€ It was even on all the birth and Instagram announcementsā€“Joey in parentheses right beside Joelle, as if to make sure no one mistakenly thought that Joelle was what she was to be called.

Now, donā€™t get me wrong. I get that this is personal for me and it could be totally innocent. Maybe sheā€™s just excited about the nickname Joey and wants to share both. But still, my reaction was ā€“ really? Youā€™re pegging down a babyā€™s nickname before she can even talk? How do you know sheā€™ll like that nickname? Shouldnā€™t you be a little more comfortable with the name you actually gave her, so you donā€™t have to immediately tell people that youā€™re ā€œcalling her Joeyā€?

The only famous Joelle Iā€™ve ever heard of, JoJo Fletcher of Bachelor(ette?) fame, is just thatā€“JoJo. Same with JoJo Siwa. It seems to be a unique curse among Joelles that we cave to the pressure of wanting to be understood, even if that understanding doesnā€™t encompass our full selves, rather than insisting on being exactly who we are.

I understand some of why this is happening. A lot of people donā€™t intuitively understand the name right away, so thereā€™s a need to preemptively shorten it or make it more palatable. For me, itā€™s always been really clear that itā€™s like any other female given name with a prefix and a suffix. (Like Jo-anne or Mich-elle. Put them together? Jo-elle). However, many people who arenā€™t the English nerds that I am will see it or hear it as a kind of mispelled/mispronounced Joel. (Donā€™t even get me started on being called Joel at Starbucks, LOL!) From that point of initial confusion, it then becomes really difficult to remember. Iā€™ve been called Jolene, Jolie, Joeel (??)ā€“pretty much every variant you could think of. Each time, it feels like a string is pulling on all my memories of feeling weird, different, or even made fun of, bringing them right to the surface. (This is where it stops being about my name).

All that being said, Iā€™m no longer embarrassed of my name. Iā€™m not interested in apologizing for it or introducing myself by a pseudonym to avoid awkwardness. My name is Joelle. How other people respond to that is none of my business. You can mispronounce it as many times as you want (no shade intended, by the way)ā€“Iā€™m still going to be Joelle. Maybe the more itā€™s claimed proudly by people who love their names, the easier it will be to understand, and therefore remember.

For witches, owning your name is a sacred act of owning your power. These days, thatā€™s the kind of energy I want to embody. So when I was told by the lead preschool teacher that there wereā€“lo and beholdā€“TWO Joelles in the class, only to be told that they were both called Jojo, something shifted in me. I wanted something different for these little girls. I wanted them to have the option to be called Joelle, if they chose. Most of all, I donā€™t want them to encounter the telltale scrunched-up face, and then the pause, followed by, ā€œHow about we call you [insert nickname here?]ā€ When I meet them, Iā€™m going to be sure to call them by their names.

The idea that more Joelles are being born in the world now feels exciting to me. Symbolically, it feels like itā€™s a time where itā€™s safer to be unique, and where more people are going to do so unapologetically. Specific to women, it feels like we have some powerful witches rising in the ranks. And thatā€™s also exciting to me. Because I know who I am, and more and more, Iā€™m revealing myself to be the opposite of how I presented as a childā€“someone who canā€™t be shrunk, shortened, or tamed.


About the Creator

Joelle EšŸŒ™

There is gold in every piece of your story āœØ

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Comments (11)

  • Akina Marie 9 months ago

    Such a beautiful piece!

  • Kendall Defoe 9 months ago

    I applaud you and understand you. I have met one other Kendall in my life and then that Jenner lady ruined my life (I'm a guy, and I have to keep explaining why I have this name). Well written and well said...

  • Test9 months ago

    Super!!! Excellent !!!

  • Ariel Joseph10 months ago

    I really like the name Joelle, I don't know that I've met any others but I agree that I think it's pretty simple to understand the pronunciation. Also, super agree with the idea of parents not forcing nicknames before their kids can choose their own. I had so many friends who go now by their full name cause they grew to hate the shortened version we used as kids. Your name is lovely, I'm glad you're embracing it!

  • Like what's wrong with Joelle? I just thought of it like Noelle but with a J. I feel it's a pretty name and I'm so happy that you're no longer embarrassed by it. Also for those naming their kids Joelle and then telling people to address them as Joey or Jojo or whatever, why not just name their kid that? Like why bother with Joelle in the first place right. It's so weird, lol! I used to be so embarrassed by my name as well when I was a kid. The common name is Darshini. So you can see how different in from that mine is. But just like you, I was no longer embarrassed by it after that!

  • Dana Crandell10 months ago

    It is a beautiful and powerful name and I'm happy to be one of those English nerds that wouldn't mispronounce it. Interestingly enough, as a boy named Dana I grew up with a string of nicknames bestowed by people who just couldn't call me my my given name. I worked for two years as "Dan." My sincere congratulations on taking ownership of your name and this inspiring story. Read more

  • Lamar Wiggins10 months ago

    Awesome that you fully embrace your name. And totally agree with not giving a nickname to a child before it is even born. Why not just name them the nickname to start. In her case it wouldn't fit. Kind of confusing, but parents have their reasons, lol. I had a similar issue with my name, Lamar. I didn't like it for the longest time and used to wonder why I was named that. Come to find out, my father was obsessed with L being the first letter of his kids names. Larry, Lavalle and Laurie are some of my sibling's names. Thank you for sharing.

  • I loved this article. You are the one and only Joelle I have metā€¦ and I have to sayā€¦ from the moment I first saw your name I loved it. My exact though was what a brilliant, unique and joyful name to have! The connotations of the name were instantly of Joy, of Christmas, of song, of celebrationā€¦it made me picture a person who others celebrated, who is special and sweet and dear to them. I think my mind relates it a lot to the words, Joyeux Noel (French, Merry Christmas)ā€¦ I love it ā¤ļø

  • The woman who does my wife's hair is named Joelle. They connected when we all lived in the same town. Then Joelle opened her own shop around twelve miles away. Then we moved such that it's now an hour drive. Doesn't matter. Joelle is the one who does her hair. On the flip side of things, our mother decided that all of her kids would have nicknames for given names because she once had a teacher who refused to use anything but a child's given name & one of her classmates had a name that was long & pretentious which he hated & never used. So I became "Randy". It wasn't until I was in college I had a classmate from New Zealand. She asked my name, I told her, & she proceeded to laugh hysterically for five minutes. When she was finally able to pull herself together she said, "No, really your name is Randall or Randolph." I responded, "No my parents were really into the "e" sound so it's Ricky, Stevie, Terry, Randy, Danny, Rodney, Kristi & Heidi." Another five minutes of uncontrollable mirth. Finally she told me, "You have to understand, in New Zealand, 'Randy' isn't a name. It's an adjective." It means "horny". Just like you, Joelle, I've decided to embrace it & laugh right along with everyone else. Thanks, mom!

  • Mother Combs10 months ago

    Love this! Great article

  • Alex H Mittelman 10 months ago

    Stay strong! Great work!

Joelle EšŸŒ™Written by Joelle EšŸŒ™

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