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Childhood memories

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By Brian Wong Published 19 days ago 2 min read

It has been raining heavily these days. Rainy days are the best time to reminisce about the past. I especially enjoy reminiscing about my childhood. My childhood was spent in a village. Those childhood days were wonderful. Now I'm tired of staying in the city all the time. I have only been to my hometown in the past 14 years. I miss those old days so much.

In our village, the first rain of the year usually occurs in spring. Thereafter, it rains frequently from late March until early May, darkening the sky. In mid-March, all ponds, ponds, ditches, and ponds in the village will overflow with water. In the new season, the rains are heavier, causing the water level to rise rapidly. The fish in the pond begin to swim happily, and the water is full of life. The rainy season not only brings the moisture of water, but also brings the joy of children. Fishing tournaments in particular have become a favorite activity.

Fishing is the most fun during the rainy season. Today we’ll share a little about the day. It started raining heavily one morning in early April. We have three ponds. The water splashed completely. By evening, as rain continued throughout the day, the water in the three ponds began to overflow their banks. The three ponds in our village are all in an open field about 300 meters away from the village. There are many plants there. In addition to palm trees, coconut trees and dates, the countryside is filled with other plants. In the center are three large ponds. side by side.

By evening all three ponds were flooded. After a while, my father said to us two brothers that a fish would come out of the pond and walk. Our two brothers looked at each other in disbelief, and my father said: "Let's go, you come with me and see what beautiful fish are walking on stilts in the pond." The two of us brothers followed our father, holding umbrellas on our heads and walking on stilts with bare feet. Walk along the dirt road to the pond.

My father also brought a big umbrella and a flashlight. Also going with us was a black puppy from our family, his nickname was Koehler. When we came to this field, we stood by the pond and started shining the light of our flashlights everywhere. By the light of the flashlight, I saw something floating in the pond, seeming to emerge from the muddy water of the pond, walking through the grass beside the pond, and walking from one side to the other.

The flashlight's light fell into the grass. What did I see that day? It's a different experience. I saw a lot of big fish walking in the grass. This sight made people marvel at the magic of nature. We followed our father's footsteps and explored this magical water area, full of curiosity and excitement.

Recalling childhood times always makes people feel emotional. That time, full of fun and wonder, has now become a cherished memory. Whether it's a rainy night or the fish walking in the pond, they are an indelible part of our childhood. These beautiful memories will remain in our hearts forever and become the most precious treasure in our lives.


About the Creator

Brian Wong

Hello, I'm Brian Wong , a 29-year-old aspiring writer dedicated to weaving captivating stories that resonate with the depths of human experience.

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