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After a long time, when we meet

Heart Feelings

By HinaPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

After a long time, when we meet

I’m surprised to see him

He looked at me, I looked at him.

After a long time, when we meet

Dhak Dhak Dhak Dhak

It was not a bell, it was my heartbeat

After a long time, when we meet

The Time stopped,

The wind started to blow,

Rain began to start,

But we were still there and looking at each other,

After a long time, when we meet

He is in front of me, I just thought

My feet were froze, and My body began to shiver,

it’s reality? My heart said to me.

After a long time, when we meet

I had lots of words to say,

but I didn’t speak a word

I was afraid, and closed my eyes,

Then I felt, it is a dream,

Was it a dream? Yes, it was a dream

After a long time, I saw him in a dream

I wrote this poem on a love story of real characters.

Please read this and share with me your reviews.

Lets start

In the realm of dreams, where reality and imagination intertwine, a love story unfolded—one that transcended the boundaries of time and space. It began with a longing that had been buried deep within the hearts of two souls who had not seen each other for what felt like an eternity.

Lucy and Alex had once shared a love that burned brightly, but circumstances had pulled them apart. Life took them on different paths, and as years passed, their connection became a distant memory. Yet, their souls never forgot the love they had shared.

One fateful night, as Lucy closed her eyes and slipped into the realm of dreams, she found herself standing in a familiar park—a place where she and Alex had spent countless hours together, their laughter filling the air. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw him walking toward her, a warm smile gracing his face. It was Alex, her lost love, standing before her.

Time seemed to stand still as they locked eyes, a flood of emotions washing over them. The joy of reunion mingled with the pain of separation, creating a bittersweet symphony within their hearts. They embraced, holding onto each other as if trying to capture the essence of the moment.

As they walked through the park, memories came rushing back, whispering secrets of the love they once shared. They laughed, they cried, and they spoke of the years that had passed. In this dreamlike reality, there was no need for explanations or apologies. Their souls recognized each other, and that was enough.

With each passing moment, the dream unfolded like a vibrant painting, depicting the love that had withstood the test of time. They danced under the moonlit sky, twirling and spinning in perfect harmony. The world around them faded away, leaving only their presence and the enchanting melody of their love.

But as the night grew darker, reality began to seep back into the dream. Lucy and Alex felt the dream slipping away, a poignant realization filling their hearts. They held onto each other tighter, cherishing the remaining moments, knowing that soon they would be torn apart once again.

In a tender embrace, they whispered words of love and gratitude, expressing the depth of their feelings. With tear-filled eyes, they kissed goodbye, the taste of love lingering on their lips. And as Lucy's dream world faded into the realm of waking life, the memory of that ethereal encounter remained etched in her soul.

Days turned into weeks, and Lucy couldn't shake the dream from her thoughts. It had been so vivid, so real. The love she had felt in that dream transcended time and distance, leaving an indelible mark on her heart. She couldn't help but wonder if, in some mystical way, her dream had served as a message—a reminder of the love that had never truly left her.

Lucy carried the memory of that dream with her, cherishing it as a precious gift. It reminded her that love had the power to bridge even the widest chasms of time and space. It taught her that the connection she shared with Alex was eternal, whether in dreams or in waking life.

And who knows? Perhaps, in another realm, their souls would meet again, defying the limitations of reality and fulfilling the promise of a love that had endured the test of time. Until then, Lucy held onto the dream, treasuring it as a reminder of the love that had once been and the love that might someday be.

HumanityFamilyEmbarrassmentFriendshipTeenage yearsDatingChildhood

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  • Hina (Author)10 months ago


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