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A short-lived romance

A young-old soul

By Desperate WriterPublished about a year ago 3 min read

On this sad day, when nothing excites me, and I am moved by the idea of writing my feelings off. I can sense my heart aching, my eyes tired with tears, my brain drained with thoughts, my home silent with the sound of the keyboard adding life to my lifeless survival. Yet, I can hear children playing outside, people dealing with their businesses, their talks, and nothing satisfies me. My head hurts, and all I need is someone who can read me oceans apart so that my story doesn’t die in the arms of countless excuses, the fear of patriarchy and my feelings to stay alive for my beloved even when we have now turned to strangers. I don’t seek sympathy, but ears to know how Lord, like wanton boys, has played with another soul, who was not easy to defeat, who never gave up who thought she could be more strenuous than the upcoming fate...

Before knowing my story, and diving into the sea of realistic frameworks, I would seek a promise, a promise to keep the words alive in the world of changing emotions, technology, feelings, and dreams.

This section is just a prologue to what I feel, what I seek and what has happened in these twenty-five years... Every word entailed in this writing and others too, are smeared with honesty, emotions, and the eternal need to let the knowers know how life might take turns and twist, even if you want to keep everything smooth and straight.

I think since birth, we all somewhere ask who we are, what we want and what is the struggle of right and wrong? No, I think this question is connected to the stance of life, how man can live a successful life, and how life can be led with a more positive approach. The only question that would make sense to anyone or might be of interest to anyone is, why are we born, what is the purpose of this untiring struggle and how long do we have to suffer to bring an end to this continuous trauma of living...

I might seem negative, but trust me it is not me, it is the voice of unsaid words, the suppressed wishes and the pressure this world and society has created, making life a struggle of everyday.

Since I don’t know a lot, I think many of the people have grown up asking or seeking what is life... This question used to make me curious until the day I was given the religious code of conduct to follow, and the teachings from the holy book to follow. However, on seeking education, and reading a few things, I realised, life is nothing but a JOKE... Since every joke doesn’t make everyone laugh, while some laugh out of innocence and others out of mockery... this is how the definition makes sense.

I used to wonder, this untiring struggle will one day turn out to be a great surprise of better life, but now I think, not everyone is made to see the surprise celebration, rather some are doomed to surrender to the situation...

Call me a coward, but don’t forget everyone tries, no one like tears, and yes, who cares? We all need a shoulder, and when there is none, we seek it. On founding nothing but deception, an individual tries to look for happiness within but if it fails too?

So, the romance of life, a mixture of tears, emotions, joys, and fear tend to segregate, we are left with nothing but PLANS... The story of plans will come ahead... but for now it seems the romance of life was very short-lived... Isn’t it?

Teenage yearsSecretsFamily

About the Creator

Desperate Writer

I am nothing more than a cyclone of words, with gushing feelings, and provocative thoughts that either help me wake up or push me to sleep for countless hours.. Explore me through my words, and help me know who I am..

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