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The modern mystic

The Revival of Sufism

By Desperate WriterPublished about a year ago 3 min read
O'h My Mystic

As my name indicates, I am a dead soul striving for a shadow, where I can rest my tired soul... Days have passed dry as lifeless, and there was me, waking up every morning struggling... either to live or to give up on the pain that I have been taking on for the past three years. (the passage of past 3 years is yet to be written).

Well, I knew I had two options, either to cut my wrists open and let the burden go in the form of red liquid, taking away all the pain... but there was another option too... I came to know about a modern mystic, a soul wandering somewhere in the skies, fighting with the wars of people... not knowing the reward, not seeking anything just doing anything for the sake of Lord maybe... or to make the correct use of knowledge himself.

Just for a side reference, I chose the second to listen to a big No, but it turned out to be a ‘Chance’ and for someone who has lost yet lived the Pain, chance is everything but it is the only thing that keeps us going...

Let me paint the picture of that Modern Mystic... alike others he wont stick to some boring colours, rather he wears different colours... stunning yellow, appealing orange, daring black and sometimes other shades too... With every breath he says... ‘Ilallah’ meaning (Except Allah) and deciphering the context No one except Allah...

What amazes me most about that modern mystic is, he is not sad… he is not oppressive... he is a vibrant happy being, he smiles... a lot… and makes other smile too... He cracks some lame jokes... but meaningful too...

That modern mystic wears a tasbih (string tied beads) in his hand... He has glaring... wide... hazel eyes… Whenever I look at him... I feel his eyes are speaking... the truths that are untold... the secrets that no one can listen to... and yes, he visits everyone whoever talks to him...

My modern mystic is modern because he never oppress people in the name of religion, he has already defined a boundary of right and wrong... I address him Mine, because I don’t own him but my heart does... My heart talks about him all the time... I see him... I feel him... and I think he actually serves the anthology of ‘being representative of Lord’ as he speaks what that lord conveys...

My modern mystic is in clear resemblance with Shams, yes, the Shams Tabrizi...( Shams al-Din Mohammad, a 13th-century Persian mystic)... I recall his features... wide and appealing eyes... the romanticizing glare... and a massive figure that can never be left unnoticed... My mystic resembles Shams, also in the sense that the both figures know what is unknown to the layman and what not... People say Shams smelled like wine... my Mystic smells like anything in this world and I think Shams smelled like wine because it is the most appealing smell for a believer, pertaining to the fact it is prohibited. My mystic might smell like all the perfumes and scents that people would dream to use...

The mystics has a fulfilling presence, you can’t take your eyes off... watching him from miles away hypnotizes me... the intensity of pitch can give you Goosebumps... he will endure you heart in a slight vision...

The modern mystic is always into something... I perceive mentally... the lens of camera is not sufficient to capture the underlying grace, but your hearts will definitely scream yes, there is something... that mystic can do... Alike Shams he claims to have done nothing, yet does everything that a mind could think... (Continue…)

fact or fictionreligionevolution

About the Creator

Desperate Writer

I am nothing more than a cyclone of words, with gushing feelings, and provocative thoughts that either help me wake up or push me to sleep for countless hours.. Explore me through my words, and help me know who I am..

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