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A Book

Always make your ears available to listen to everyone's point of view, because we cannot know the whole story without listening to their side. Maybe we can see the wicked stepmother or the big bad wolf as a good resource for other people's life stories.

By GangPublished about a year ago 3 min read
A Book
Photo by Brandi Redd on Unsplash

7.5 billion people live in the world.

And all of us have a story that is written in a book, and we are our own authors. We are the protagonists of our own stories.

All of us are actors, and at the same time, we are authors.

We wrote our lives.

It is up to us how our lives will end up. We just have to be carefree and spread our wings to fly high.

But unfortunately, some of us were destined to be extras, or another author had written us to be an antagonist in their life story. Or sometimes, we are the instrument that they use to make their story perfect. They'd use us for their story to be the best.

In other words, even though we are the authors of our own lives, there are still struggles that we have to go through while writing. Because we are not just authors but also resources that need to be used in a way to have a good outcome or output for those who use us.

It is just up to us if we want to be used as a resource for a bad deed or a good deed.

Maybe we are written and destined to be a witch, a big bad wolf, or a wicked stepmother in someone else's story. Does that mean we are bad people?

For me, it's no. How you are seen in someone else's story does not define you as an actor in your own written story.

Let me give you an example: what would you expect the content of a book titled "The Baby Dragon's First Love" to be?

Is it how a baby dragon falls in love?

Or is it how a person falls in love with a baby dragon?

But what if the content of the book is just alphabets?

Or what if I wrote a story titled "ABCEDF" Would you assume that the content of the book is alphabets?

But what if the content of the book is a story of how a dragon fell in love?

What would you think about me--- the author?

Will you think that I am not right in the head because the title of my book doesn't correspond to its content?

I'm sure you've already watched the movie, Maleficent.

Maleficent is known as the mistress of evil.

If you haven't watched the movie yet and you heard that Maleficent is a mistress of evil, would you still love her knowing what she is known for?

That is why I'm always telling you not to be a one-sided person.

Do not judge a person without knowing their point of view or do not judge them based on what you hear. Always hear the point of view of both parties before letting yourself be used as a resource to be able to address the conflict between the two parties.

Remember, we don't know the side story of the witch, the big bad wolf, and the wicked stepmother. Maybe they're just doing their role with a reason behind it that the princesses cannot see or understand.

Going back to the story of Maleficent, she was overpowered with hatred because of betrayal. Can you say that Aurora's father is a dumbass without knowing his story?

The king has a dream. And he saw betrayal as the only way to fulfill his dreams.

But we only know that.

We don't know how exactly he wrote his book or how he saw betrayal as the only way to fulfill his dreams.

How about we hear his point of view and know his exact reason for betraying his friend? Maybe we'll find a deeper reason for him to do what he has done.

Again, let's not judge people by their roles in the stories of other people, or based on what you heard about them. Don't be a one-sided person.

Always make your ears available to listen to everyone's point of view, because we cannot know the whole story without listening to their side.

Maybe we can see the wicked stepmother or the big bad wolf as a good resource for other people's life stories.

Teenage yearsHumanityFriendshipFamily

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For the pen is mightier than the sword.

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